


Diagnostic Accuracy of Artificial Intelligence for Approximal Caries on Bitewing Radiographs: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Carvalho BKG, Nolden EL, Wenning AS, Kiss-Dala S, Agócs G, Róth I, Kerémi B, Géczi Z, Hegyi P, Kivovics M

J Dent | Abstract


Influence of a structured, 1-year-long dietary intervention regarding body composition and cardiovascular risk (ARCTIC) in coeliac disease: a protocol of a multicentre randomised controlled trial

Vereczkei Z, Szakács Z, Peresztegi MZ, Lemes K, Hagymási K, Dakó S, Dakó E, Lada S, Faluhelyi N, Szekeres G, Pásztor G, Farkas N, Pár G, Mezősi E, Bajor J

BMJ Open | Abstract


Systematic analysis and network mapping of disease associations in autoimmune polyglandular syndrome

Pham-Dobor G, Kaltenecker P, Temesfoi V, Bajnok L, Nemes O, Bodis B, Mezosi E

J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Abstract


Head-to-head comparison of influenza vaccines in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Garai R, Jánosi Á, Krivácsy P, Herczeg V, Kói T, Nagy R, Imrei M, Párniczky A, Garami M, Hegyi P, Szabó AJ

J Transl Med | Abstract


Activity of the hypothalamic neuropeptide Y increases in adult and decreases in old rats

Eitmann S, Füredi N, Gaszner B, Kormos V, Berta G, Pólai F, Kovács DK, Balaskó M, Pétervári E

Sci Rep | Abstract


Ablation and laparoscopic adrenalectomy: Balancing efficacy and safety in the treatment of benign adrenal gland tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Skribek B, Szabó A, Ács J, Hegyi P, Mátrai P, Nyirády P, Ács N, Majoros A, Deák PÁ

Heliyon | Abstract


Elülső koponyabázis-defektusok endoszkópos zárása kizárólag autológ zsírgrafttal – multicentrikus retrospektív esetsorozat

Horváth B, Illés K, Prohászka Z, Erőss L, Nagy G

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Salvage therapies for biochemical recurrence after definitive local treatment: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and network meta-analysis

Matsukawa A, Yanagisawa T, Fazekas T, Miszczyk M, Tsuboi I, Kardoust PM, Laukhtina E, Klemm J, Mancon S, Mori K, Kimura S, Miki J, Gomez RJ, Soeterik TFW, Zilli T, Tilki D, Joniau S, Kimura T, Shariat SF, Rajwa P



Polymorphisms within autophagy-related genes as susceptibility biomarkers for pancreatic cancer: A meta-analysis of three large European cohorts and functional characterization

Gálvez-Montosa F, Peduzzi G, Sanchez-Maldonado JM, Ter Horst R, Cabrera-Serrano AJ, Gentiluomo M, Macauda A, Luque N, Ünal P, García-Verdejo FJ, Li Y, López López JA, Stein A, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Arcidiacono PG, Zanette DL, Kahlert C, Perri F, Soucek P, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Theodoropoulos GE, Izbicki JR, Tamás H, Van Laarhoven H, Nappo G, Petrone MC, Lovecek M, Vermeulen RCH, Adamonis K, Reyes-Zurita FJ, Holleczek B, Sumskiene J, Mohelníková-Duchoňová B, Lawlor RT, Pezzilli R, Aoki MN, Pasquali C, Petrenkiene V, Basso D, Bunduc S, Comandatore A, Brenner H, Ermini S, Vanella G, Goetz MR, Archibugi L, Lucchesi M, Uzunoglu FG, Busch O, Milanetto AC, Puzzono M, Kupcinskas J, Morelli L, Sperti C, Carrara S, Capurso G, van Eijck CHJ, Oliverius M, Roth S, Tavano F, Kaaks R, Szentesi A, Vodickova L, Luchini C, Schöttker B, Landi S, Dohan O, Tacelli M, Greenhalf W, Gazouli M, Neoptolemos JP, Cavestro GM, Boggi U, Latiano A, Hegyi P, Ginocchi L, Netea MG, Sánchez-Rovira P, Canzian F, Campa D, Sainz J

Int J Cancer | Abstract


Diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography in acute lateral ankle ligament injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Kocsis K, Stubnya B, Váncsa S, Kói T, Kovács N, Hergár L, Hetthéssy J, Holnapy G, Hegyi P, Pap K

Injury | Abstract


Assessing the severity of carpal tunnel syndrome during physical examination by measuring two-point discrimination: Post-hoc analysis of prospectively collected data

Hergár L, Agócs G, Váncsa S, Hegyi P, Hetthéssy JR

Injury | Abstract


Accuracy of conventional versus additive cast-fabrication in implant prosthodontics: A systematic review and meta-analysis of in vitro studies

Vánkos B, Qian X, Kelemen K, Mikulás K, Kói T, Tóth R, Agócs G, Varga G, Hegyi P, Hermann P, Kispélyi B

J Prosthodont Res | Abstract


Returned Rate and Changed Patterns of Systemic Antibiotic Use in Ambulatory Care in Hungary after the Pandemic—A Longitudinal Ecological Study

Hambalek H, Matuz M, Ruzsa R, Papfalvi E, Nacsa R, Engi Zs, Csatordai M, Soós Gy, Hajdú E, Csupor D, Benkő R


Spontaneous mentalizing in patients with schizophrenia – a meta-analysis

Csulak T, Herold R, Berke G, Sipos Z, Farkas K, Hegyi P, Tényi T, Hajnal A



The impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on in-hospital cardiac arrest: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Fekete-Győr A, Seckington A, Kiss B, Nagy B, Pál-Jakab Á, Kiss DZs, Fehérvári P, Zima E

Resuscitation Plus | Abstract


Color Comparison Between Intraoral Scanner and Spectrophotometer Shade Matching: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Vitai V, Németh A, Teutsch B, Kelemen K, Fazekas A, Hegyi P, Németh O, Kerémi B, Borbély J

J Esthet Restor Dent | Abstract


Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans: A Case Report

Nudelman H, Lőrincz A, Kassai T, Józsa G

Diagnostics (Basel) | Abstract


Weekend endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography has similar outcomes as weekday procedures-a propensity score match analysis of the Hungarian ERCP Registry

Tajti M, Pécsi D, Mátrai P, Gódi S, Hegyi P, Szentesi A, Altorjay I, Bakucz T, Orbán-Szilágyi Á, Szepes Z, Patai Á, Gyökeres T, Fejes R, Dubravcsik Z, Vincze Á, Czakó L

Therap Adv Gastroenterol | Abstract


Umbilical cord management in newborn resuscitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Major GS, Unger V, Nagy R, Hernádfői M, Veres DS, Zolcsák Á, Szabó M, Garami M, Hegyi P, Varga P, Gasparics Á

Pediatr Res | Abstract


Rates and risk factors for failure of reduction in closed reduction in developmental dysplasia of the hip: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Domos G, Váncsa S, Szeverényi C, Agócs G, Hegyi P, Perge A, Békési K, Varga C, Szőke G

EFORT Open Rev | Abstract


Chemometric analysis of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes of conifers

Bakó E, Böszörményi A, Vargáné Szabó B, Engh MA, Hegyi P, Ványolós A, Csupor D



In Reply: Antibiotic-Impregnated Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts Decrease Bacterial Shunt Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Kovács J, Máté V, Obeidat M, Nagy R, Agócs G, Kiss-Dala S, Hegyi P, Kiss-Miki R, Párniczky A, Müller KE, Garami M

Neurosurgery | Abstract


The PARP inhibitor rucaparib blocks SARS-CoV-2 virus binding to cells and the immune reaction in models of COVID-19

Papp H, Tóth E, Bóvári-Biri J, Bánfai K, Juhász P, Mahdi M, Russo LC, Bajusz D, Sipos A, Petri L, Szalai TV, Kemény Á, Madai M, Kuczmog A, Batta G, Mózner O, Vaskó D, Hirsch E, Bohus P, Méhes G, Tőzsér J, Curtin NJ, Helyes Z, Tóth A, Hoch NC, Jakab F, Keserű GM, Pongrácz JE, Bai P

Br J Pharmacol | Abstract


Anticancer Effects of Secoiridoids-A Scoping Review of the Molecular Mechanisms behind the Chemopreventive Effects of the Olive Tree Components Oleocanthal, Oleacein, and Oleuropein

Kusuma IY, Habibie H, Bahar MA, Budán F, Csupor D

Nutrients | Abstract


Comparison of Titanium versus Resorbable Intramedullary Nailing in Pediatric Forearm Fractures

Dávid ÁL, Mucsina F, Antal E, Lamberti AG, Lőrincz A, Józsa G

Children (Basel) | Abstract


Effect of obesity on postoperative complications in ulcerative colitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tóth LM, Székely H, Rancz A, Zolcsák Á, Sárközi MD, Ábrahám S, Földvári-Nagy L, Erőss B, Hegyi P, Miheller P



Prevalence of autoimmune pancreatitis in pancreatic resection for suspected malignancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Karamya ZA, Kovács A, Illés D, Czakó B, Fazekas A, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Czakó L

BMC Gastroenterol | Abstract


Intraoperative pyloric drainage is unnecessary during esophagectomies: a meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Csontos A, Németh D, Szakó L, Berke G, Sindler DL, Berki D, Papp C, Hegyi P, Vereczkei A, Papp A

Pathol Oncol Res | Abstract


High rate of potentially inappropriate medication use in older people: a case-control study

Érszegi A, Csupor D, Bodó G, Engi Z, Bahar MA, Matuz M, Benkő R, Pető Z, Viola R

Geroscience | Abstract


Molecular genetic investigation of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer patients in the Southern Transdanubian region: widening the mutation spectrum and searching for new pathogenic variants using next-generation methods

Baráti L, Maász A, Mikó A, Bércesi É, Kalbani SA, Bene J, Kovács S, Mangel L, Hadzsiev K

Pathol Oncol Res | Abstract


Panel miRNAs are potential diagnostic markers for chronic kidney diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Garmaa G, Nagy R, Kói T, To UND, Gergő D, Kleiner D, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Kökény G

BMC Nephrol | Abstract


End-to-end anastomosis provides similar quality-of-life, compared with other reconstructive techniques six months following total mesorectal excision: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Kávási SB, Iov DE, Rancz A, Zolcsák Á, Veres DS, Lenti K, Miheller P, Hegyi P, Ábrahám S

Eur J Surg Oncol | Abstract



Intraoperative pyloric drainage is unnecessary during esophagectomies: a meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Csontos A, Németh D, Szakó L, Berke G, Sindler DL, Berki D, Papp Cs, Hegyi P, Vereczkei A, Papp A




Doxycycline prophylaxis for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Szondy I, Meznerics FA, Lőrincz K, Kemény LV, Walter A, Mohammed AA, Hegyi P, Kiss N, Bánvölgyi A

Int J Infect Dis | Abstract


Comparison of bioactive material failure rates in vital pulp treatment of permanent matured teeth - a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Komora P, Vámos O, Gede N, Hegyi P, Kelemen K, Galvács A, Varga G, Kerémi B, Vág J

Sci Rep | Abstract


Emergent role of dynamic optimization in cardiac resynchronization therapy: Systematic review and network meta-analysis

Zsigmond EJ, Masszi R, Ehrenberger R, Turan C, Fehérvári P, Gede N, Hegyi P, Molnár Z, Trásy D, Duray GZ

ESC Heart Fail | Abstract


Infantile and Very Early Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Multicenter Study

Guz-Mark A, Aloi M, Scarallo L, Bramuzzo M, Escher JC, Alvisi P, Henderson P, Hojsak I, Lev-Tzion R, El-Matary W, Schwerd T, Granot M, Sladek M, Strisciuglio C, Müller KE, Olbjørn C, Tzivinikos C, Yerushalmy-Feler A, Huysentruyt K, Norsa L, Viola I, de Ridder L, Shouval DS, Lega S, Lionetti P, Catassi G, Assa A; Porto IBD working group of ESPGHAN

Pediatrics | Abstract


Corrigendum to 'The histologic fetal inflammatory response and neonatal outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis': American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 230/5, (2024), 493-511

Kovács K, Kovács ŐZ, Bajzát D, Imrei M, Nagy R, Németh D, Kói T, Szabó M, Fintha A, Hegyi P, Garami M, Gasparics Á

Am J Obstet Gynecol | Abstract


Strong Early Impact of Letrozole on Ovulation Induction Outperforms Clomiphene Citrate in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Vajna RZ, Géczi AM, Meznerics FA, Ács N, Hegyi P, Feig EZ, Fehérvári P, Kiss-Dala S, Várbíró S, Hetthessy JR, Sára L

Pharmaceuticals (Basel) | Abstract


Snus Use in Adolescents: A Threat to Oral Health

Németh O, Sipos L, Mátrai P, Szathmári-Mészáros N, Iványi D, Simon F, Kivovics M, Pénzes D, Mijiritsky E

J Clin Med | Abstract


Comparison of implant placement and loading protocols for single anterior maxillary implants: A systematic review and network meta-analysis

Qian X, Vánkos B, Kelemen K, Gede N, Varga G, Hegyi P, Gerber G, Hermann P, Joób-Fancsaly Á, Mikulás K

J Prosthet Dent | Abstract


Pediatric Diaphyseal Forearm Fracture Management with Biodegradable Poly-L-Lactide-Co-Glycolide (PLGA) Intramedullary Implants: A Longitudinal Study

Lőrincz A, Lengyel ÁM, Kedves A, Nudelman H, Józsa G

J Clin Med | Abstract


Does concomitant meniscus repair and meniscectomy show different efficacy in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Szőcs GF, Váncsa S, Agócs G, Hegyi P, Matis D, Pánics G, Bejek Z, Hangody GM



Role of Lutetium Radioligand Therapy in Prostate Cancer

Książek I, Ligęza A, Drzymała F, Borek A, Miszczyk M, Francuz MR, Matsukawa A, Yanagisawa T, Fazekas T, Zapała Ł, Rajwa P

CANCERS | Abstract


Targeted Screening and Quantification of Characteristic Sesquiterpene Lactones in Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. at Different Growth Stages

Kovács B, Püski P, Bajtel Á, Ferencz E, Csupor-Löffler B, Csupor D, Kiss T




Chronic liver disease is an important risk factor for worse outcomes in acute pancreatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Hoferica J, Borbély RZ, Aghdam AN, Szalai EÁ, Zolcsák Á, Veres DS, Hagymási K, Erőss B, Hegyi P, Bánovčin P, Hegyi PJ

Sci Rep | Abstract


Association between human papillomavirus and preterm delivery: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Kovács D, Szabó A, Hegyi P, Ács N, Keszthelyi M, Sára L, Csirzó Á, Mátrai P, Munnoch K, Nagy R, Bánhidy F

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand | Abstract


Infantile and Very Early Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Multicenter Study

Guz-Mark A, Aloi M, Scarallo L, Bramuzzo M, Escher JC, Alvisi P, Henderson P, Hojsak I, Lev-Tzion R, El-Matary W, Schwerd T, Granot M, Sladek M, Strisciuglio C, Müller KE, Olbjørn C, Tzivinikos C, Yerushalmy-Feler A, Huysentruyt K, Norsa L, Viola I, de Ridder L, Shouval DS, Lega S, Lionetti P, Catassi G, Assa A; Porto IBD working group of ESPGHAN

Pediatrics | Abstract


High rate of potentially inappropriate medication use in older people: a case-control study

Érszegi A, Csupor D, Bodó G, Engi Z, Bahar MA, Matuz M, Benkő R, Pető Z, Viola R

Geroscience | Abstract


Does Combined Reconstruction of the Medial Collateral and Anterior Cruciate Ligaments Provide Better Knee Function? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Csete K, Baráth B, Sándor L, Holovic H, Mátrai P, Török L, Hartmann P

J Clin Med | Abstract


A kizárólagos enteralis táplálás hazai gyakorlata gyermekkori Crohn-betegségben

Boros KK, Kovács V, Nemes É, Kadenczki O, Veres G, Müller KE

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Comprehensive Assessment of Labiaplasty Techniques and Tools, Satisfaction Rates, and Risk Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Géczi AM, Varga T, Vajna R, Pataki G, Meznerics FA, Ács N, Hegyi P, Nyirády L, Pál P, Farkas N, Fazekas A, Várbíró S, Sára L

Aesthet Surg J | Abstract


Fluid resuscitation with balanced electrolyte solutions results in faster resolution of diabetic ketoacidosis than with 0.9% saline in adults - A systematic review and meta-analysis

Szabó GV, Szigetváry C, Turan C, Engh MA, Terebessy T, Fazekas A, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Molnár Z

Diabetes Metab Res Rev | Abstract


GPR30 is a potential player between islet cells and ductal HCO3- secretion

Venglovecz V, Hegyi P

Cell Calcium | Abstract


Potential association between PSCA rs2976395 functional variant and pancreatic cancer risk

Corradi C, Lencioni G, Felici A, Rizzato C, Gentiluomo M, Ermini S, Archibugi L, Mickevicius A, Lucchesi M, Malecka-Wojciesko E, Basso D, Arcidiacono PG, Petrone MC, Carrara S, Götz M, Bunduc S, Holleczek B, Aoki MN, Uzunoglu FG, Zanette DL, Mambrini A, Jamroziak K, Oliverius M, Lovecek M, Cavestro GM, Milanetto AC, Peduzzi G, Duchonova BM, Izbicki JR, Zalinkevicius R, Hlavac V, van Eijck CHJ, Brenner H, Vanella G, Vokacova K, Soucek P, Tavano F, Perri F, Capurso G, Hussein T, Kiudelis M, Kupcinskas J, Busch OR, Morelli L, Theodoropoulos GE, Testoni SGG, Adamonis K, Neoptolemos JP, Gazouli M, Pasquali C, Kormos Z, Skalicky P, Pezzilli R, Sperti C, Kauffmann E, Büchler MW, Schöttker B, Hegyi P, Capretti G, Lawlor RT, Canzian F, Campa D

Int J Cancer | Abstract


Management of Pediatric Superficial Partial-Thickness Burns with Polyhexamethylene Biguanide: Outcomes and Influencing Factors

Lőrincz A, Nudelman H, Lamberti AG, Garami A, Tiborcz KA, Kovács TZ, Józsa G

J Clin Med | Abstract


Case Report of Suspected Gonadal Mosaicism in FOXP1-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder

Zsigmond A, Till Á, Bene J, Czakó M, Mikó A, Hadzsiev K

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract

Cesarean delivery is associated with lower neonatal mortality among breech pregnancies - a systematic review and meta-analysis of preterm deliveries ≤32 weeks of gestation

Unger V, Gasparics Á, Nagy Z, Hernádfői M, Nagy R, Walter A, Farkas N, Szabó M, Hegyi P, Garami M, Varga P

Am J Obstet Gynecol | Abstract


Incidence of recurrent and chronic pancreatitis after acute pancreatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Gagyi EB, Teutsch B, Veres DS, Pálinkás D, Vörhendi N, Ocskay K, Márta K, Hegyi PJ, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Therap Adv Gastroenterol | Abstract

Excitation/inhibition imbalance in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis of inhibitory and excitatory TMS-EMG paradigms

Lányi O, Koleszár B, Schulze Wenning A, Balogh D, Engh MA, Horváth AA, Fehérvari P, Hegyi P, Molnár Z, Unoka Z, Csukly G

Schizophrenia (Heidelb) | Abstract


Heavy metals in cigarette smoke strongly inhibit pancreatic ductal function and promote development of chronic pancreatitis

Pallagi P, Tóth E, Görög M, Venglovecz V, Madácsy T, Varga Á, Molnár T, Papp N, Szabó V, Kúthy-Sutus E, Molnár R, Ördög A, Borka K, Schnúr A, Kéri A, Kajner G, Csekő K, Ritter E, Csupor D, Helyes Z, Galbács G, Szentesi A, Czakó L, Rakonczay Z, Takács T, Maléth J, Hegyi P

Clin Transl Med | Abstract


Psychological intervention improves quality of life in patients with early-stage cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

Bognár SA, Teutsch B, Bunduc S, Veres DS, Szabó B, Fogarasi B, Zahariev OJ, Vörhendi N, Almog O, Hadani Y, Gergő D, Mihály E, Erőss B, Bunduc S, Márta K, Hegyi P

Sci Rep | Abstract


Impact of insulin sensitization on metabolic and fertility outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and overweight or obesity-A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression

Samarasinghe SNS, Ostarijas E, Long MJ, Erridge S, Purkayastha S, Dimitriadis GK, Miras AD

Obes Rev | Abstract


Investigating the influence of taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCDCA) on pancreatic cancer cell behavior: An RNA Sequencing Approach

Gál E, Parvaneh S, Miklós V, Hegyi P, Kemény L, Veréb Z, Venglovecz V

J Biotechnol | Abstract


Antibiotic-Impregnated Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts Decrease Bacterial Shunt Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Kovács J, Máté V, Obeidat M, Nagy R, Agócs G, Kiss-Dala S, Hegyi P, Kiss-Miki R, Párniczky A, Müller KE, Garami M

Neurosurgery | Abstract


Not first-line antihypertensive agents, but still effective-The efficacy and safety of imidazoline receptor agonists: A network meta-analysis

Érszegi A, Viola R, Bahar MA, Tóth B, Fejes I, Vágvölgyi A, Csupor D

Pharmacol Res Perspect | Abstract


EEG connectivity and network analyses predict outcome in patients with disorders of consciousness – A systematic review and meta-analysis

Szirmai D, Zabihi A, Kói T, Hegyi P, Wenning AS, Engh MA, Molnár Z, Csukly G, Horváth AA

Heliyon | Abstract


Systematic review and meta-analysis: proton pump inhibitors slightly decrease the severity of chronic cough

Floria DE, Obeidat M, Kávási SB, Teutsch B, Veres DS, Hagymási K, Hegyi P, Drug VL, Erőss B

Sci Rep | Abstract


Prediabetes and poorly controlled type-2 diabetes as risk indicators for peri-implant diseases:A systematic review and meta-analysis

Bencze B, Cavalcante BGN, Romandini M, Róna V, Váncsa S, Varga G, Kivovics M, Szabó B, Agócs G, Géczi Z, Hermann P, Hegyi P, Végh D

J Dent | Abstract


Cardiac autonomic responses to transrectal examination and parlor milking of lame and non-lame dairy cows

Kovács L, Kézér FL, Ruff F, Czirok M, Bakony M, Jurkovich V

J Dairy Sci | Abstract


Mirror Hand Disorder's Surgical Management with Metacarpal Wedging

Márton Z, Kassai T, Lőrincz A, Józsa G

Life (Basel) | Abstract


Hyperpure chlorine dioxide versus chlorhexidine in intra-oral halitosis (ODOR trial) – protocol of a double-blinded, double-arm, parallel non-inferiority pilot randomized controlled trial

Szalai EÁ, Teutsch B, Babay V, Galvács A, Hegyi P, Hársfalvi P, Pál R, Varga G, Lohinai ZM, Kerémi B

BDJ Open | Abstract


Estimation of the incidence of urachal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of registry-based studies

Olah C, Kubik A, Mátrai P, Engh MA, Barna V, Hegyi P, Reis H, Nyirády P, Szarvas T

Urol Oncol | Abstract


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment of the ovaries significantly improves fertility parameters and reproductive outcomes in diminished ovarian reserve patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Éliás M, Kónya M, Kekk Z, Turan C, das Virgens IPA, Tóth R, Keszthelyi M, Hegyi P, Várbíró S, Sipos M

J Ovarian Res | Abstract


Very Young and Advanced Maternal Age Strongly Elevates the Occurrence of Non-Chromosomal Congenital Anomalies: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Population-Based Studies

Pethő B, Váncsa S, Váradi A, Agócs G, Mátrai Á, Zászkaliczky-Iker F, Balogh Z, Bánhidy F, Hegyi P, Ács N

Am J Obstet Gynecol | Abstract


No evidence for the superiority of 3 T MRI over 1.5 T MRI for diagnosing wrist ligamentous lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Hergár L, Kovács N, Agócs G, Weninger V, Skaliczki G, Lutz E, Hegyi P, Kovács BK, Hetthéssy JR

Arthroscopy | Abstract


Early nutrition is safe and does not increase complications after upper gastrointestinal bleeding-a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Obeidat M, Teutsch B, Floria DE, Veres DS, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Sci Rep | Abstract


Contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound likely does not improve diagnostic adequacy during endoscopic ultrasound guided tissue acquisition: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Engh MA, Teutsch B, Schulze Wenning A, Hadani Y, Almog O, Veres DS, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Pancreatology | Abstract


Maternal factors in the origin of cleft lip/cleft palate: A population-based case-control study

Ács L, Nemes B, Nagy K, Ács M, Bánhidy F, Rózsa N

Orthod Craniofac Res | Abstract


A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of microRNA Profiling Studies in Chronic Kidney Diseases

Gantsetseg G, Stefania B, Kói T, Hegyi P, Csupor D, Dariimaa G, Dembrovszky F, Meznerics FA, Ailar N, Cristina B, Kökény G



Defining oligometastatic state in uro-oncological cancers

Fazekas T, Miszczyk M, Matsukawa A, Nyirády P, Shariat SF, Rajwa P

Curr Opin Urol | Abstract


Favipiravir does not improve viral clearance in mild to moderate COVID-19 - A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Bahar MA, Kusuma IY, Visnyovszki Á, Matuz M, Benkő R, Ferenci T, Szabó BG, Hajdú E, Pető Z, Csupor D

Heliyon | Abstract


Real-Life Efficacy of Tofacitinib in Various Situations in Ulcerative Colitis: A Retrospective Worldwide Multicenter Collaborative Study

Resál T, Bacsur P, Keresztes C, Bálint A, Bor R, Fábián A, Farkas B, Katsanos K, Michalopoylos G, Ribaldone DG, Attauabi M, Zhao M, Barak HA, Yanai H, Bezzio C, Rispo A, Castiglione F, Bar-Gil Shitrit A, Pugliese D, Armuzzi A, Savarino EV, Kolar M, Lukáš M, Chashkova E, Filip R, Rozieres A, Nancey S, Krznarić Ž, Schäfer E, Szamosi T, Sarlós P, Franko M, Drobne D, Knyazev OV, Kagramanova AV, Limdi J, Wetwittayakhlang P, Lakatos PL, Maharshak N, Bannon L, Nyári T, Szepes Z, Farkas K; TFB Study Group; Molnár T

Inflamm Bowel Dis | Abstract


An international multidisciplinary consensus on pediatric metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease

Zhang L, El-Shabrawi M, Baur LA, Byrne CD, Targher G, Kehar M, Porta G, Lee WS, Lefere S, Turan S, Alisi A, Weiss R, Faienza MF, Ashraf A, Sundaram SS, Srivastava A, De Bruyne R, Kang Y, Bacopoulou F, Zhou YH, Darma A, Lupsor-Platon M, Hamaguchi M, Misra A, Méndez-Sánchez N, Ng NBH, Marcus C, Staiano AE, Waheed N, Alqahtani SA, Giannini C, Ocama P, Nguyen MH, Arias-Loste MT, Ahmed MR, Sebastiani G, Poovorawan Y, Al Mahtab M, Pericàs JM, Reverbel da Silveira T, Hegyi P, Azaz A, Isa HM, Lertudomphonwanit C, Farrag MI, Nugud AAA, Du HW, Qi KM, Mouane N, Cheng XR, Al Lawati T, Fagundes EDT, Ghazinyan H, Hadjipanayis A, Fan JG, Gimiga N, Kamal NM, Ștefănescu G, Hong L, Diaconescu S, Li M, George J, Zheng M

Med | Abstract


Imiquimod Is Effective in Reducing Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Hamar B, Teutsch B, Hoffmann E, Hegyi P, Harnos A, Nyirády P, Hunka Z, Ács N, Bánhidy F, Melczer Z

Cancers (Basel) | Abstract


Estimation of the incidence of urachal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of registry-based studies

Olah C, Kubik A, Mátrai P, Engh MA, Barna V, Hegyi P, Reis H, Nyirády P, Szarvas T

Urol Oncol | Abstract


Effects of neoadjuvant chemotherapy vs chemoradiotherapy in the treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Csontos A, Fazekas A, Szakó L, Farkas N, Papp C, Ferenczi S, Bellyei S, Hegyi P, Papp A

World J Gastroenterol | Abstract


Burden of Childhood Cancer and the Social and Economic Challenges in Adulthood: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Hernádfői MV, Koch DK, Kói T, Imrei M, Nagy R, Máté V, Garai R, Donnet J, Balogh J, Kovács GT, Párniczky A, Hegyi P, Garami M



The effect of nicotine-containing products on peri-implant tissues: A systematic review and network meta-analysis

Vámos O, Komora P, Gede N, Hegyi P, Kelemen K, Varga G, Mikulás K, Kerémi B, Kispélyi B

Nicotine Tob Res | Abstract


Ammonium chloride-induced hypothermia is attenuated by transient receptor potential channel vanilloid-1, but augmented by ankyrin-1 in rodents

Rumbus Z, Fekete K, Kelava L, Gardos B, Klonfar K, Keringer P, Pinter E, Pakai E, Garami A

Life Sci | Abstract


The Effect of Preoperative Administration of Glucocorticoids on the Postoperative Complication Rate in Liver Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Turan C, Kovács EH, Szabó L, Atakan I, Dembrovszky F, Ocskay K, Váncsa S, Hegyi P, Zubek L, Molnár Z

J Clin Med | Abstract


Comparison of Executive Function Skills between Patients with Cerebral Palsy and Typically Developing Populations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Zimonyi N, Kói T, Dombrádi V, Imrei M, Nagy R, Pulay MÁ, Lang Z, Hegyi P, Takacs ZK, Túri I

J Clin Med | Abstract


Risk of conversion to mild cognitive impairment or dementia among subjects with amyloid and tau pathology: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Huszár Z, Engh MA, Pavlekovics M, Sato T, Steenkamp Y, Hanseeuw B, Terebessy T, Molnár Z, Hegyi P, Csukly G

Alzheimers Res Ther | Abstract


A pleiotropy scan to discover new susceptibility loci for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Giaccherini M, Rende M, Gentiluomo M, Corradi C, Archibugi L, Ermini S, Maiello E, Morelli L, van Eijck CHJ, Cavestro GM, Schneider M, Mickevicius A, Adamonis K, Basso D, Hlavac V, Gioffreda D, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Schöttker B, Lovecek M, Vanella G, Gazouli M, Uno M, Malecka-Wojciesko E, Vodicka P, Goetz M, Bijlsma MF, Petrone MC, Bazzocchi F, Kiudelis M, Szentesi A, Carrara S, Nappo G, Brenner H, Milanetto AC, Soucek P, Katzke V, Peduzzi G, Rizzato C, Pasquali C, Chen X, Capurso G, Hackert T, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Uzunoglu FGG, Hegyi P, Greenhalf W, Theodoropoulos GEE, Sperti C, Perri F, Oliverius M, Mambrini A, Tavano F, Farinella R, Arcidiacono PG, Lucchesi M, Bunduc S, Kupcinskas J, Di Franco G, Stocker S, Neoptolemos JP, Bambi F, Jamroziak K, Testoni SGG, Aoki MN, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Izbicki JR, Pezzilli R, Lawlor RT, Kauffmann EF, López de Maturana E, Malats N, Canzian F, Campa D

Mutagenesis | Abstract


Nonoperative Treatment as an Option for Isolated Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

de Jonge R, Máté M, Kovács N, Imrei M, Pap K, Agócs G, Váncsa S, Hegyi P, Pánics G

Orthop J Sports Med | Abstract


Hyaluronate acid plus platelet-rich plasma is superior to steroids for pain relief less than 6 months using injection therapy of partial rotator cuff tears: A systematic review and network meta-analysis

Weninger V, Agócs G, Kovács N, Váncsa S, Hergár L, Baek CJ, Hegyi P, Holnapy G, Skaliczki G

Arthroscopy | Abstract


Evaluating the predictive value of late gadolinium enhancement assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance on sudden cardiac death in patients selected for implantable cardioverter defibrillator and cardiac resynchronization therapy implantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Masszi R, Zsigmond EJ, Ehrenberger R, Turan C, Fehérvári P, Teutsch B, Molnár Z, Drobni Z, Vágó H, Hegyi P, Merkely B, Kosztin A

Clin Res Cardiol | Abstract


Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Prostate Cancer Screening: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Fazekas T, Shim SR, Basile G, Baboudjian M, Kói T, Przydacz M, Abufaraj M, Ploussard G, Kasivisvanathan V, Rivas JG, Gandaglia G, Szarvas T, Schoots IG, van den Bergh RCN, Leapman MS, Nyirády P, Shariat SF, Rajwa P

JAMA Oncol | Abstract


Assessment of the practical impact of adjusting beta-lactam dosages based on therapeutic drug monitoring in critically ill adult patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials and observational studies

Gulyás E, Horváth IL, Engh MA, Bunduc S, Dembrovszky F, Fehérvári P, Bánvölgyi A, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Karvaly GB

Sci Rep | Abstract


Effects of neoadjuvant chemotherapy vs chemoradiotherapy in the treatment of esophageal adenocarcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Csontos A, Fazekas A, Szakó L, Farkas N, Papp C, Ferenczi S, Bellyei S, Hegyi P, Papp A



A Serious Shortfall in Clinical Research in Doctoral Schools: A Detailed Analysis of Ten Doctoral Schools of Medicine

Hegyi J, Nagy R, Kói T, Hegyi P



Impact of insulin sensitization on metabolic and fertility outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and overweight or obesity-A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression

Samarasinghe SNS, Ostarijas E, Long MJ, Erridge S, Purkayastha S, Dimitriadis GK, Miras AD 

Obes Rev | Abstract


Response Letter to Correspondence: Methodological considerations in evaluating sarcopenia and frailty in elderly gastrointestinal cancer patients

Sousa IM, Silva FM, das Virgens IPA, Costa EC, Fayh APT

Support Care Cancer | Abstract


Aromatase Inhibitors and Plasma Lipid Changes in Postmenopausal Women with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Bérczi B, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Tóth B, Csupor D, Németh B, Lukács A, Czumbel LM, Kerémi B, Kiss I, Szabó A, Varga G, Gerber G, Gyöngyi Z

J Clin Med | Abstract


Morphology of the papilla can predict procedural safety and efficacy of ERCP-a systematic review and meta-analysis

Tari E, Gagyi EB, Rancz A, Veres DS, Váncsa S, Hegyi PJ, Hagymási K, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Sci Rep | Abstract


The influence of triglyceride and low-density-lipoprotein target levels on microcirculation: Is there a difference?

Galos G, Rabai M, Szabo R, Szalai R, Toth K, Hegyi P, Sandor B

Heliyon | Abstract


Diagnostic Accuracy of Transvaginal Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Detection of Myometrial Infiltration in Endometrial Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Madár I, Szabó A, Vleskó G, Hegyi P, Ács N, Fehérvári P, Kói T, Kálovics E, Szabó G

Cancers (Basel) | Abstract


Early onset of abnormal glucose tolerance in patients with cystic fibrosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Kéri AF, Bajzát D, Andrásdi Z, Juhász MF, Nagy R, Kói T, Kovács G, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

J Cyst Fibros | Abstract


Storage Conditions Influence the Quality of Ginger – A Stability Study Inspired by Clinical Trials

Tóth B, Horváth A, Jójártné Laczkovich O, Biró D, Matuz M, Csupor D

Planta Med | Abstract


Effects of pharmacological interventions on mortality in patients with Takotsubo syndrome : a report from the SWEDEHEART registry

Petursson P, Oštarijaš E, Redfors B, Råmunddal T, Angerås O, Völz S, Rawshani A, Hambraeus K, Koul S, Alfredsson J, Hagström H, Loghman H, Hofmann R, Fröbert O, Jernberg T, James S, Erlinge D, Omerovic E

ESC Heart Fail | Abstract


Reducing cardiovascular risk in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors compared to conventional therapies-A systematic review and meta-analysis

Galajda NÁ, Meznerics FA, Mátrai P, Fehérvári P, Lengyel AS, Kolonics MV, Sipos Z, Kemény LV, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Bánvölgyi A, Holló P

J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol | Abstract


Investigating the role of ultrasound-based shear wave elastography in kidney transplanted patients: correlation between non-invasive fibrosis detection, kidney dysfunction and biopsy results-a systematic review and meta-analysis

Filipov T, Teutsch B, Szabó A, Forintos A, Ács J, Váradi A, Hegyi P, Szarvas T, Ács N, Nyirády P, Deák PÁ

J Nephrol | Abstract


PARP inhibitor era in ovarian cancer treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Baradács I, Teutsch B, Váradi A, Bilá A, Vincze Á, Hegyi P, Fazekas T, Komoróczy B, Nyirády P, Ács N, Bánhidy F, Lintner B

J Ovarian Res | Abstract


Role of CFTR in diabetes-induced pancreatic ductal fluid and HCO3 - secretion

Ébert A, Gál E, Tóth E, Szögi T, Hegyi P, Venglovecz V

J Physiol | Abstract


The risk of developing splanchnic vein thrombosis in acute pancreatitis increases 3 days after symptom onset: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Borbély RZ, Szalai EÁ, Philip BM, Dobszai D, Teutsch B, Zolcsák Á, Veres DS, Erőss B, Gellért B, Hegyi PJ, Hegyi P, Faluhelyi N

United European Gastroenterol J | Abstract


Ranking the dietary interventions by their effectiveness in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Juhász AE, Stubnya MP, Teutsch B, Gede N, Hegyi P, Nyirády P, Bánhidy F, Ács N, Juhász R

Reprod Health | Abstract


Combined Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate and Fluoride Is Not Superior to Fluoride Alone in Early Carious Lesions: A Meta-Analysis

Golzio Navarro Cavalcante B, Schulze Wenning A, Szabó B, László Márk C, Hegyi P, Borbély J, Németh O, Bartha K, Gerber G, Varga G

Caries Res | Abstract


ChatGPT for scientific writing — The coexistence of opportunities and challenges

Zhou L, Wu AC, Hegyi P, Wen C, Qin L



Predicting residual cholesteatoma with the Potsic staging system still lacks evidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Körmendy KB, Shenker-Horváth K, Shulze Wenning A, Fehérvári P, Harnos A, Hegyi P, Molnár Z, Illés K, Horváth T

Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol | Abstract


Supplementary Respiratory Therapy Improves Pulmonary Function in Pediatric Patients with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Kolumbán E, Szabados M, Hernádfői M, Nguyen Do To U, Nagy R, Zolcsák Á, Müller KE, Sipos Z, Veres DS, Szőllősi A, Hegyi P, Garami M, Túri I

J Clin Med | Abstract


Polymorphisms in transcription factor binding sites and enhancer regions and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma risk

Ünal P, Lu Y, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, van Eijck CHJ, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Szentesi A, Gazouli M, Kreivenaite E, Tavano F, Małecka-Wojciesko E, Erőss B, Oliverius M, Bunduc S, Nóbrega Aoki M, Vodickova L, Boggi U, Giaccherini M, Kondrackiene J, Chammas R, Palmieri O, Theodoropoulos GE, Bijlsma MF, Basso D, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Soucek P, Izbicki JR, Kiudelis V, Vanella G, Arcidiacono PG, Włodarczyk B, Hackert T, Schöttker B, Uzunoglu FG, Bambi F, Goetz M, Hlavac V, Brenner H, Perri F, Carrara S, Landi S, Hegyi P, Dijk F, Maiello E, Capretti G, Testoni SGG, Petrone MC, Stocker H, Ermini S, Archibugi L, Gentiluomo M, Cavestro GM, Pezzilli R, Di Franco G, Milanetto AC, Sperti C, Neoptolemos JP, Morelli L, Vokacova K, Pasquali C, Lawlor RT, Bazzocchi F, Kupcinskas J, Capurso G, Campa D, Canzian F

Hum Genomics | Abstract


Prediction performance of scoring systems after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Kiss B, Nagy R, Kói T, Harnos A, Édes IF, Ábrahám P, Mészáros H, Hegyi P, Zima E

PLoS One | Abstract


Robot-assisted laparoscopy does not have demonstrable advantages over conventional laparoscopy in endometriosis surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Csirzó Á, Kovács DP, Szabó A, Fehérvári P, Jankó Á, Hegyi P, Nyirády P, Sipos Z, Sára L, Ács N, Szabó I, Valent S

Surg Endosc | Abstract


Persistently High Procalcitonin and C-Reactive Protein Are Good Predictors of Infection in Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Tarján D, Szalai E, Lipp M, Verbói M, Kói T, Erőss B, Teutsch B, Faluhelyi N, Hegyi P, Mikó A

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Comparison of Combined Parenteral and Oral Hormonal Contraceptives: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials

Vleskó G, Meznerics FA, Hegyi P, Teutsch B, Unicsovics M, Sipos Z, Fehérvári P, Ács N, Várbíró S, Keszthelyi M

J Clin Med | Abstract


Hospital Antibiotic Consumption before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hungary

Ruzsa R, Benkő R, Hambalek H, Papfalvi E, Csupor D, Nacsa R, Csatordai M, Soós G, Hajdú E, Matuz M

Antibiotics (Basel) | Abstract


Risk factors for diabetes mellitus after acute pancreatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Zahariev OJ, Bunduc S, Kovács A, Demeter D, Havelda L, Budai BC, Veres DS, Hosszúfalusi N, Erőss BM, Teutsch B, Juhász MF, Hegyi P

Front Med (Lausanne) | Abstract


Management of Juvenile Osteochondral Fractures Utilising Absorbable PLGA Implants

Nudelman H, Lőrincz A, Lamberti AG, Varga M, Kassai T, Józsa G

J Clin Med | Abstract


Co-Administration of Proton Pump Inhibitors May Negatively Affect the Outcome in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated with Vedolizumab

Szemes K, Farkas N, Sipos Z, Bor R, Fabian A, Szepes Z, Farkas K, Molnar T, Schafer E, Szamosi T, Salamon A, Vincze A, Sarlos P

Biomedicines | Abstract


Domain-specific cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Lugosi K, Engh MA, Huszár Z, Hegyi P, Mátrai P, Csukly G, Molnár Z, Horváth K, Mátis D, Mezei Z

Ann Clin Transl Neurol | Abstract


Beyond the Gut: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Advanced Therapies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease-associated Extraintestinal Manifestations

Tímár ÁE, Párniczky A, Budai KA, Hernádfői MV, Kasznár E, Varga P, Hegyi P, Váncsa S, Tóth R, Veres DS, Garami M, Müller KE

J Crohns Colitis | Abstract


Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antiproliferative activity of the essential oil from Ambrosia artemisiifolia L

Kovács B, Szemerédi N, Csikós O, Kiss T, Veres K, Spengler G, Csupor-Löffler B, Csupor D



The metabolic effect of Momordica charantia cannot be determined based on the available clinical evidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

Laczkó-Zöld E, Csupor-Löffler B, Kolcsár EB, Ferenci T, Nan M, Tóth B, Csupor D



Impaired Neurovascular Coupling and Increased Functional Connectivity in the Frontal Cortex Predict Age-Related Cognitive Dysfunction

Mukli P, Pinto CB, Owens CD, Csipo T, Lipecz A, Szarvas Z, Peterfi A, Langley ACDCP, Hoffmeister J, Racz FS, Perry JW, Tarantini S, Nyúl-Tóth Á, Sorond FA, Yang Y, James JA, Kirkpatrick AC, Prodan CI, Toth P, Galindo J, Gardner AW, Sonntag WE, Csiszar A, Ungvari Z, Yabluchanskiy A

Adv Sci (Weinh). | Abstract

Type 1 Autoimmune Pancreatitis in Europe: Clinical Profile and Response to Treatment

Overbeek KA, Poulsen JL, Lanzillotta M, Vinge-Holmquist O, Macinga P, Demirci AF, Sindhunata DP, Backhus J, Algül H, Buijs J, Levy P, Kiriukova M, Goni E, Hollenbach M, Miksch RC, Kunovsky L, Vujasinovic M, Nikolic S, Dickerson L, Hirth M, Neurath MF, Zumblick M, Vila J, Jalal M, Beyer G, Frost F, Carrara S, Kala Z, Jabandziev P, Sisman G, Akyuz F, Capurso G, Falconi M, Arlt A, Vleggaar FP, Barresi L, Greenhalf B, Czakó L, Hegyi P, Hopper A, Nayar MK, Gress TM, Vitali F, Schneider A, Halloran CM, Trna J, Okhlobystin AV, Dagna L, Cahen DL, Bordin D, Rebours V, Mayerle J, Kahraman A, Rasch S, Culver E, Kleger A, Martínez-Moneo E, Røkke O, Hucl T, Olesen SS, Bruno MJ, Della-Torre E, Beuers U, Lo Hr JM, Rosendahl J; of the PrescrAIP Study Group

Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol | Abstract


Hemoadsorption Therapy for Critically Ill Patients with Acute Liver Dysfunction: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

Turan C, Szigetváry CE, Kói T, Engh MA, Atakan I, Zubek L, Terebessy T, Hegyi P, Molnár Z

Biomedicines | Abstract




Plasma Exchange versus Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Worsening Myasthenia Gravis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with Special Attention to Faster Relapse Control

Pavlekovics M, Engh MA, Lugosi K, Szabo L, Hegyi P, Terebessy T, Csukly G, Molnar Z, Illes Z, Lovas G

Biomedicines | Abstract


Anisotropy, Anatomical Region, and Additional Variables Influence Young's Modulus of Bone: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Kovács K, Váncsa S, Agócs G, Harnos A, Hegyi P, Weninger V, Baross K, Kovács B, Soós G, Kocsis G

JBMR Plus | Abstract


Comparative analysis of surgical and prosthetic rehabilitation in maxillectomy: A systematic review and meta-analysis on quality-of-life scores and objective speech and masticatory measurements

König J, Kelemen K, Váncsa S, Szabó B, Varga G, Mikulás K, Borbély J, Hegyi P, Hermann P

J Prosthet Dent | Abstract


Obesity paradox in older sarcopenic adults - a delay in aging: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Eitmann Sz, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Balaskó M, Erőss B, Dorogi K, Pétervári E

Ageing Res Rev | Abstract


Safety and risks of CBD oils purchased online: unveiling uncertain quality and vague health claims

Vida RGy, Strauss LV, Bajtel Á, Kiss T, Csupor D, Fittler A



Discharge protocol in acute pancreatitis: an international survey and cohort analysis

Rita Nagy, Klementina Ocskay, Zoltán Sipos, Andrea Szentesi, Áron Vincze, László Czakó, Ferenc Izbéki, Natalia V. Shirinskaya, Vladimir L. Poluektov, Alexandr N. Zolotov, Yin Zhu, Liang Xia, Wenhua He, Robert Sutton, Peter Szatmary, Rajarshi Mukherjee, Isobel Saffron Burridge, Emma Wauchope, Elsa Francisco, David Aparicio, Bruno Pinto, António Gomes, Vitor Nunes, Vasile Marcel Tantau, Emanuela Denisa Sagau, Alina Ioana Tantau, Andra Iulia Suceveanu, Cristina Tocia, Andrei Dumitru, Elizabeth Pando, Piero Alberti, Arturo Cirera, Xavier Molero, Hong Sik Lee, Min Kyu Jung, Eui Joo Kim, Sanghyub Lee, María Lourdes Ruiz Rebollo, Reyes Busta Nistal, Sandra Izquierdo Santervas, Dusan Lesko, Marek Soltes, Jozef Radonak, Hubert Zatorski, Ewa Małecka-Panas, Adam Fabisiak, M. Susak Yaroslav, V. Maksymenko Mykhailo, A. Tkachenko Olekcandr, Giedrius Barauskas, Vytautas Simanaitis, Povilas Ignatavicius, Mariana Jinga, Vasile-Daniel Balaban, Cristina Patoni, Liang Gong, Kai Song, Yunlong Li, T. Cúrdia Gonçalves, Marta Freitas, Vítor Macedo, Marlies Vornhuelz, Sarah Klauss, Georg Beyer, Aydin Seref Koksal, Mukaddes Tozlu, Ahmet Tarik Eminler, Nuria Torres Monclús, Eva Pijoan Comas, Juan Armando Rodriguez Oballe, Łukasz Nawacki, Stanisław Głuszek, Alberto Rama-Fernández, Marco Galego, Daniel de la Iglesia, Umut Emre Aykut, Deniz Güney Duman, Rahmi Aslan, Adriana Gherbon, Lihui Deng, Wei Huang, Qing Xia, Goran Poropat, Anja Radovan, Luka Vranić, Claudio Ricci, Carlo Ingaldi, Riccardo Casadei, Ionut Negoi, Cezar Ciubotaru, Florin Mihail Iordache, Gabriel Constantinescu, Vasile Sandru, Engin Altintas, Hatice Rizaoglu Balci, Júlio Constantino, Débora Aveiro, Jorge Pereira, Suleyman Gunay, Seda Misirlioglu Sucan, Oleksiy Dronov, Inna Kovalska, Nikhil Bush, Surinder Singh Rana, Serge Chooklin, Serhii Chuklin, Ionut Adrian Saizu, Cristian Gheorghe, Philipp Göltl, Michael Hirth, Radu Bogdan Mateescu, Geanina Papuc, Georgi Angelov Minkov, Emil Tihomirov Enchev, Laura Mastrangelo, Elio Jovine, Weiwei Chen, Quping Zhu, Anita Gąsiorowska, Natalia Fabisiak, Mihailo Bezmarevic, Andrey Litvin, Martina Cattani Mottes, Eun Kwang Choi, Peter Bánovčin, Lenka Nosáková, Mila Dimitrova Kovacheva-Slavova, Ali Kchaou, Ahmed Tlili, Marco V. Marino, Katarzyna Kusnierz, Artautas Mickevicius, Marcus Hollenbach, Pavol Molcan, Orestis Ioannidis, Mark Valerievich Tokarev, Ali Tüzün Ince, Ivan Albertovich Semenenko, Shamil Galeev, Elena Ramírez-Maldonado, Ville Sallinen, Petr Pencik, Judit Bajor, Patricia Sarlós, Roland Hágendorn, Szilárd Gódi, Imre Szabó, József Czimmer, Gabriella Pár, Anita Illés, Nándor Faluhelyi, Péter Kanizsai, Tamás Nagy, Alexandra Mikó, Balázs Németh, József Hamvas, Barnabás Bod, Márta Varga, Imola Török, János Novák, Árpád Patai, János Sümegi, Csaba Góg, Mária Papp, Bálint Erőss, Szilárd Váncsa, Brigitta Teutsch, Katalin Márta, Péter Jenő Hegyi, Tamás Tornai, Balázs Lázár, Tamás Hussein, Dorottya Tarján, Mónika Lipp, Beáta Kovács, Orsolya Urbán, Emese Fürst, Edina Tari, Ibolya Kocsis, Pál Maurovich-Horvát, Balázs Tihanyi, Orsolya Eperjesi, Zita Kormos, Pál Ákos Deák, Andrea Párniczky, Péter Hegyi

Sci Rep | Abstract


Robot-assisted laparoscopy does not have demonstrable advantages over conventional laparoscopy in endometriosis surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Csirzó Á, Kovács DP, Szabó A, Fehérvári P, Jankó Á, Hegyi P, Nyirády P, Sipos Z, Sára L, Ács N, Szabó I, Valent S

Surg Endosc | Abstract


Nafamostat reduces the incidence of post-ERCP pancreatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Horváth IL, Kleiner D, Nagy R, Fehérvári P, Hankó B, Hegyi P, Csupor D

Clin Pharmacol Ther | Abstract


Independent and joint association of sarcopenia and frailty with mortality in older patients with gastrointestinal cancer: a cohort study with prospective data collection

Sousa IM, Silva FM, das Virgens IPA, Costa EC, Fayh APT

Support Care Cancer | Abstract


Hemoadsorption as Adjuvant Therapy in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Szigetváry CE, Turan C, Kovács EH, Kói T, Engh MA, Hegyi P, Csukly G, Ruszkai Z, Molnár Z

Biomedicines | Abstract


Safety and Efficacy of Vaginal Implants in Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery: A Meta-analysis of 161 536 Patients

Ács J, Szabó A, Fehérvári P, Harnos A, Skribek B, Tenke M, Szarvas T, Nyirády P, Ács N, Hegyi P, Majoros A

Eur Urol Focus | Abstract


Low molecular weight heparin decreases mortality and major complication rates in moderately severe and severe acute pancreatitis–a systematic review and meta-analysis

Patoni C, Bunduc S, Frim L, Veres DS, Dembrovszky F, Éliás AJ, Pálinkás D, Hegyi P, Erőss B, Hegyi PJ



The histologic fetal inflammatory response and neonatal outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis

Kovács K, Kovács ŐZ, Bajzát D, Imrei M, Nagy R, Németh D, Kói T, Szabó M, Fintha A, Hegyi P, Garami M, Gasparics Á

Am J Obstet Gynecol | Abstract


Long-Term Prognosis in Relation to Vitamin D Status in Pediatric Solid Tumor Patients

Kárász N, Juhász O, Imrei M, Garami M

Nutrients | Abstract


Pioglitazone Protects Tubular Epithelial Cells during Kidney Fibrosis by Attenuating miRNA Dysregulation and Autophagy Dysfunction Induced by TGF-β

Manzéger A, Garmaa G, Mózes MM, Hansmann G, Kökény G

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Reducing the Risk of Birth Defects Associated with Maternal Influenza: Insights from a Hungarian Case-Control Study

Mátrai Á, Teutsch B, Pethő B, Kaposi AD, Hegyi P, Ács N

J Clin Med | Abstract


Extended infusion of β-lactams significantly reduces mortality and enhances microbiological eradication in paediatric patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Budai KA, Tímár ÁE, Obeidat M, Máté V, Nagy R, Harnos A, Kiss-Dala Sz, Hegyi P, Garami M, Hankó B, Lódi Cs



Outcomes of Exeter cemented total hip arthroplasty in a county hospital: survivorship of eight hundred and ninety four hips with a minimum ten-year follow up

Jánvári K, Gupta D, Szabó L, Bucsi L, Zahár Á



Anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha versus corticosteroids: a threefold difference in the occurence of venous thromboembolism in Inflammatory Bowel Disease - a systematic review and meta-analysis

Székely H, Tóth LM, Rancz A, Walter A, Farkas N, Sárközi MD, Váncsa S, Erőss B, Hegyi P, Miheller P

J Crohns Colitis | Abstract


Health related quality of life is associated with gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in overweight children

Andrásdi Z, Müller KE, Gaál Z, Nemes É, Felszeghy E

J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab | Abstract


Obesity and Ankle Prosthesis Revision: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Varga C, Váncsa S, Agócs G, Hegyi P, Gidró BT, Szőke G, Domos G, Rodler E, Kocsis G, Holnapy G

Foot Ankle Int | Abstract


Anisotropy, Anatomical Region, and Additional Variables Influence Young's Modulus of Bone: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Kovács K, Váncsa S, Agócs G, Harnos A, Hegyi P, Weninger V, Baross K, Kovács B, Soós G, Kocsis G

JBMR PLUS | Abstract


Effect of Chitosan on the Number of Streptococcus mutans in Saliva: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

Róna V, Bencze B, Kelemen K, Végh D, Tóth R, Kói T, Hegyi P, Varga G, Rózsa NK, Géczi Z

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


The effect of additional whole-body vibration on musculoskeletal system in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trial

Pulay MÁ, Nagy R, Kói T, Harnos A, Zimonyi N, Garami M, Gasparics Á, Hegyi P, Túri I, Feketéné Szabó É



Combined CPP-ACP and fluoride is not superior to fluoride alone in early carious lesions - a meta-analysis.

Golzio Navarro Cavalcante B, Schulze Wenning A, Szabó B, Czumbel LM, Hegyi P, Borbély J, Németh O, Bartha K, Gerber G, Varga G



Association of tumor location with anxiety and depression in childhood brain cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Szabados M, Kolumbán E, Agócs G, Kiss-Dala S, Engh MA, Hernádfői M, Takács K, Tuboly E, Párniczky A, Hegyi P, Garami M

Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health | Abstract


One third of cases of new-onset diabetic ketosis in adults are associated with ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes-A systematic review and meta-analysis

Kovacs A, Bunduc S, Veres DS, Palinkas D, Gagyi EB, Hegyi PJ, Eross B, Mihaly E, Hegyi P, Hosszufalusi N

Diabetes Metab Res Rev | Abstract


Advancing Accuracy in Guided Implant Placement: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis: Meta-Analysis evaluation of the accuracy of available implant placement Methods

Takács A, Hardi E, Cavalcante BGN, Szabó B, Kispélyi B, Joób-Fancsaly Á, Mikulás K, Varga G, Hegyi P, Kivovics M

J Dent | Abstract


Myoinositols Prevent Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Related Complications : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Greff D, Váncsa Sz, Váradi A, Szinte J, Park S, Hegyi P, Nyirády P, Ács N, Horváth EM, Várbíró Sz

Nutrients | Abstract


Procalcitonin-guided antibiotic therapy may shorten length of treatment and may improve survival-a systematic review and meta-analysis

Papp M, Kiss N, Baka M, Trásy D, Zubek L, Fehérvári P, Harnos A, Turan C, Hegyi P, Molnár Z

Crit Care | Abstract


Immunization of children with inflammatory bowel disease against SARS-CoV-19 infection: A prospective single centre cohort study

Dohos D, Karoliny A, Gombos E, Rimanóczy É, Müller KE

Vaccine X | Abstract


Fatty Pancreas Is a Risk Factor for Pancreatic Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 2956 Patients

Lipp M, Tarján D, Lee J, Zolcsák Á, Szalai E, Teutsch B, Faluhelyi N, Erőss B, Hegyi P, Mikó A

Cancers (Basel) | Abstract


Potential benefits of restrictive transfusion in upper gastrointestinal bleeding : a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Teutsch B, Veres DS, Pálinkás D, Simon OA, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Sci Rep | Abstract


CFTR p.F508del Mutation Carrier Status Is Not Associated With Biliary Acute Pancreatitis

Martonosi ÁR, Németh BCs, Párniczky A, Vincze Á, Szentesi A, Erőss B, Sahin-Tóth M, Hegyi P, Hegyi E

Pancreas | Abstract


The impact of bariatric surgery on drug and supplement absorption: A meta-analysis

Lajeunesse-Trempe F, Okroj D, Llewellyn D, Harlow C, Chandhyoke N, Ramalho A, Tremblay E-J, Ostarijas E, Tchernof A, Copeland C, Dimitriadis GK

Obesity Surgery | Abstract


Reply to Zurbau et al.

Juhász AE, Juhász R



Less marginal bone loss around bone-level implants restored with long abutments: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tajti P, Solyom E, Váncsa S, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Varga G, Hermann P, Borbély J, Sculean A, Mikulás K 

Periodontol 2000 | Abstract


A Complex Case of Clino-Syndactyly with Fourth Metacarpal Aplasia

Nudelman H, Lőrincz A, Lamberti AG, Kassai T, Józsa G

Life (Basel) | Abstract


Time-trend treatment effect of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy with or without Defibrillator on Mortality -A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis

Veres B, Fehérvari P, Engh MA, Hegyi P, Gharehdaghi S, Zima E, Duray G, Merkely B, Kosztin A

Europace | Abstract


Thromboelastometry-Guided Individualized Fibrinolytic Treatment for COVID-19-Associated Severe Coagulopathy Complicated by Portal Vein Thrombosis: A Case Report

Forgács R, Bokrétás GP, Monori Z, Molnár Z, Ruszkai Z

Biomedicines | Abstract

Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitors Have Comparable Efficacy with Platinum Chemotherapy in Patients with BRCA-positive Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Fazekas T, Széles ÁD, Teutsch B, Csizmarik A, Vékony B, Kói T, Ács N, Hegyi P, Hadaschik B, Nyirády P, Szarvas T

Eur Urol Oncol. | Abstract


Cardiovascular risk factors in coeliac disease (ARCTIC): a protocol of multicentre series of studies

Vereczkei Z, Imrei M, Szakács Z, Kővári B, Papp V, Lénárt Z, Berki T, Szirmay B, Farkas N, Balaskó M, Habon T, Hegyi P, Bajor J

BMJ Open | Abstract


Evidence for gait improvement with robotic-assisted gait training of children with cerebral palsy remains uncertain

Vezér M, Gresits O, Engh MA, Szabó L, Molnar Z, Hegyi P, Terebessy T

Gait Posture | Abstract


Assessment of body composition in adults hospitalized with acute COVID-19: a scoping review

das Virgens Isabel Pinto Amorim, Sousa Iasmin Matias, Bezerra Agnes Denise Lima, Fayh Ana Paula Trussardi



At admission hemodynamic instability is associated with increased mortality and rebleeding rate in acute gastrointestinal bleeding: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Tari E, Frim L, Stolcz T, Teutsch B, Veres DS, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Therap Adv Gastroenterol | Abstract



Szalai E, Tajti P, Szabó B, Kói T, Hegyi P, Czumbel LM, Varga G, Kerémi B

J Evid Based Dent Pract. | Abstract


A scan of all coding region variants of the human genome, identifies 13q12.2-rs9579139 and 15q24.1-rs2277598 as novel risk loci for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Giaccherini M, Gori L, Gentiluomo M, Farinella R, Cervena K, Skieceviciene J, Dijk F, Capurso G, Vezakis A, Archibugi L, Chammas R, Hussein T, Tavano F, Hegyi P, Lovecek M, Izbicki J, Brenner H, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Dell'Anna G, Kupcinskas J, Ermini S, Aoki MN, Neoptolemos JP, Gazouli M, Pasquali C, Pezzilli R, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Oliverius M, Al-Saeedi M, Lucchesi M, Furbetta N, Carrara S, van Eijck CHJ, Maleckas A, Milanetto AC, Lawlor RT, Schöttker B, Boggi U, Morelli L, Ginocchi L, Ponz de Leon R, Sperti C, Zerbi A, Arcidiacono PG, Uzunoglu FG, Bunduc S, Holleczek B, Gioffreda D, Małecka-Wojciesko E, Kiudelis M, Szentesi A, van Laarhoven HWM, Soucek P, Götz M, Erőss B, Cavestro GM, Basso D, Perri F, Landi S, Canzian F, Campa D

Carcinogenesis | Abstract


MiRNAs in Lung Adenocarcinoma: Role, Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Therapy

Song Y, Kelava L, Kiss I

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


A sepsis - közös ügyünk

Trásy D, Molnár Zs

Magyar Belorvosi Archivum | Abstract


The effect of adaptogenic plants on stress: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tóth-Mészáros A, Gantsetseg G, Hegyi P, Bánvölgyi A, Fenyves B, Fehérvári P, Harnos A, Gergő D, Do Tu UN, Csupor D

Journal of Functional Foods | Abstract


Routine screening of abnormal vaginal flora during pregnancy reduces the odds of preterm birth : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Hoffmann E, Váncsa S, Váradi A, Hegyi P, Nagy R, Hamar B, Futács V, Kepkep B, Nyirády P, Demendi C, Ács N

Sci Rep. | Abstract

Substrate specificity of human chymotrypsin-like protease (CTRL) characterized by phage display-selected small-protein inhibitors

Németh BZ, Nagy ZA, Kiss B, Gellén G, Schlosser G, Demcsák A, Geisz A, Hegyi E, Sahin-Tóth M, Pál G

Pancreatology | Abstract


Reply to Mastoid Obliteration Decreases the Recurrent and Residual Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Illés K, Horváth T

Laryngoscope | Abstract


Body Mass Index during Gluten-Free Diet in Patients with Celiac Disease

Vereczkei Zs, Dergez T, Fodor Zs, Szakács Zs, Bajor J

Nutrients | Abstract


Exploring the Neandertal legacy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma risk in Eurasians

Piccardi M, Gentiluomo M, Bertoncini S, Pezzilli R, Erőss B, Bunduc S, Uzunoglu FG, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Vanagas T, Sperti C, Oliverius M, Aoki MN, Ermini S, Hussein T, Boggi U, Jamroziak K, Maiello E, Morelli L, Vodickova L, Di Franco G, Landi S, Szentesi A, Lovecek M, Puzzono M, Tavano F, van Laarhoven HWM, Zerbi A, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Stocker H, Costello E, Capurso G, Ginocchi L, Lawlor RT, Vanella G, Bazzocchi F, Izbicki JR, Latiano A, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Ponz de Leon Pisani R, Schöttker B, Soucek P, Hegyi P, Gazouli M, Hackert T, Kupcinskas J, Poskiene L, Tacelli M, Roth S, Carrara S, Perri F, Hlavac V, Theodoropoulos GE, Busch OR, Mambrini A, van Eijck CHJ, Arcidiacono P, Scarpa A, Pasquali C, Basso D, Lucchesi M, Milanetto AC, Neoptolemos JP, Cavestro GM, Janciauskas D, Chen X, Chammas R, Goetz M, Brenner H, Archibugi L, Dannemann M, Canzian F, Tofanelli S, Campa D

Biol Res | Abstract


One in four patients with gastrointestinal bleeding develops shock or hemodynamic instability: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Obeidat M, Teutsch B, Rancz A, Tari E, Márta K, Veres DS, Hosszúfalusi N, Mihály E, Hegyi P, Erőss B

World J Gastroenterol | Abstract


Real-Life Efficacy of Tofacitinib in Various Situations in Ulcerative Colitis: A Retrospective Worldwide Multicenter Collaborative Study

Resál T, Bacsur P, Keresztes C, Bálint A, Bor R, Fábián A, Farkas B, Katsanos K, Michalopoylos G, Ribaldone DG, Attauabi M, Zhao M, Barak HA, Yanai H, Bezzio C, Rispo A, Castiglione F, Bar-Gil SA, Pugliese D, Armuzzi A, Savarino EV, Kolar M, Lukáš M, Chashkova E, Filip R, Rozieres A, Nancey S, Krznarić Ž, Schäfer E, Szamosi, Sarlós P, Franko M, Drobne D, Knyazev OV, Kagramanova AV, Limdi J, Wetwittayakhlang P, Lakatos PL, Maharshak N, Bannon L, Nyári T, Szepes Z, Farkas K, TFB Study Group [Kollaborációs szervezet] (Kollaborációs szervezet), Molnár T

Inflamm Bowel Dis | Abstract


The incidence of acute pancreatitis progression into recurrent acute and chronic pancreatitis. A systematic review and meta-analysis

Gagyi E


The risk factors of acute pancreatitis progression into recurrent acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis

Gagyi E


One Episode of Acute Pancreatitis is Just the Beginning: the Incidence of Recurrent Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Gagyi E


Nabiximols is Efficient as Add-On Treatment for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity Refractory to Standard Treatment

Kleiner D, Horváth IL, Bunduc S, Gergő D, Lugosi K, Fehérvári P, Hegyi P, Csupor D

Curr Neuropharmacol | Abstract


HK-2 cell response to TGF-β highly depends on cell culture medium formulations

Garmaa G, Manzéger A, Haghighi S, Kokeny G



Időfüggőség és kockázati tényezők vizsgálata a szplanchnikus vénás trombózis kialakulásában az acut pancreatitis korai szakaszában: szisztematikus áttekintés és metaanalízis

Borbély RZ, Gellért B, Philip BM, Dobszai D, Teutsch B, Zolcsák Á, Veres DS, Erőss B, Hegyi PJ, Szalai EÁ, Hegyi P, Faluhelyi N

MedPECS - Medical Conference for PhD Students and Experts of Clinical Science : Book of Abstracts


Extracorporeal hemoadsorption in critically ill COVID-19 patients on VV ECMO: the CytoSorb therapy in COVID-19 (CTC) registry

Hayanga JWA, Song T, Durham L, Garrison L, Smith D, Molnar Z, Scheier J, Deliargyris EN, Moazami N



Thyroid disturbances after COVID-19 and the effect of vaccination in children: a prospective tri-center registry analysis

Herczeg V, Garai R, Takács J, Kovács F, Luczay A, Hrapka E, Krivácsy P, Hosszú É, Beniczky NJ, Németh Á, Szilágyi ES, Pécsi A, Szabó Z, Szabó AJ, Tóth-Heyn P



Increased risk of adverse events in patients with low-on clopidogrel platelet reactivity after percutaneous coronary intervention : A systematic review and meta-analysis

Bálint A, Hanák L, Hegyi P, Szakács Z, Eitmann S, Garami A, Solymár M, Márta K, Rumbus Z, Komócsi A

Cardiol J | Abstract


Smell and taste disturbances in children with long COVID: A prospective, single center registry analysis

Garai R, Máthé A, Herczeg V, Krivácsy P, Szabó JA

31st Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Clinical Research (ESPCR 2023)


Conventional and targeted therapies in pediatric oncology: Efficacy and adverse events

Máté V, Hernádfői M, Lee BY, Bishwakarma J, Matis D, Kobeissi F, Kói T, Kepkep B, Dembrovszky F, Nasirzadeh A, Garami M

31st Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Clinical Research (ESPCR 2023)


MiRNA biomarkers in chronic kidney diseases: a meta-analysis of human and murine profiling studies

Garmaa G, Bunduc S, Hegyi P, Csupor D, Kói T, Ganbat D, Dembrovszky F, Meznerics FA, Nasirzadeh A, Barbagallo C, Kökény G



Summary of experience gained from a pilot research on the potential application of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for cerebral palsy (CP) in children

Pulay MÁ, Feketéné Szabó É, Túri I

Science and Vocation Yearbook 2023 : Tudomány és Hivatás Évkönyv 2023


Drug-coated balloon therapy is more effective in treating late drug-eluting stent in-stent restenosis than the early occurring one-a systematic review and meta-analysis

Kulyassa P, Engh MA, Vámosi P, Fehérvári P, Hegyi P, Merkely B, Édes IF

Front Cardiovasc Med | Abstract


Invalidity of Tokyo guidelines in acute biliary pancreatitis : A multicenter cohort analysis of 944 pancreatitis cases

Juhász MF, Tóháti R, Jászai VA, Molnár R, Farkas N, Czakó L, Vincze Á, Erőss B, Szentesi A, Izbéki F, Papp M, Hegyi P, Párniczky A; Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group

United European Gastroenterol J | Abstract


Synephrine: useful tool to promote weight loss or a possible source of cardiovascular risk? (2023)

Barbara Tóth, Dorottya Koncz, Muh. Akbar Bahar, Orsolya Roza, Dezső Csupor


Evaluation of the accuracy of intraoral scanners for complete-arch scanning : A systematic review and network meta-analysis

Vitai V, Németh A, Sólyom E, Czumbel LM, Szabó B, Fazekas R, Gerber G, Hegyi P, Hermann P, Borbély J

J Dent | Abstract


Mastoid oblliterációs technikával elért rövid távú eredményeink a cholesteatoma sebészetben

Bajor B, Kálmán J, Mészáros M, Illés K, Horváth T



Antimicrobial Prescribing Preparedness of Croatian Medical Students-Did It Change between 2015 and 2019?

Palčevski D, Belančić A, Mikuličić I, Oštarijaš E, Likić R, Dyar O, Vlahović-Palčevski V

Medicines (Basel) | Abstract


Clinical assessment of children with long COVID syndrome

Garai R, Krivácsy P, Herczeg V, Kovács F, Tél B, Kelemen J, Máthé A, Zsáry E, Takács J, Veres DS, Szabó AJ

Pediatr Res | Abstract


Characterization of Electrospun Polysuccinimide-dopamine Conjugates and Effect on Cell Viability and Uptake

Tóth K, S Nagy K, Güler Z, Juhász ÁG, Pállinger É, Varga G, Sarac AS, Zrínyi M, Jedlovszky-Hajdú A, Juriga D

Macromol Biosci. | Abstract


Faster recovery and bowel movement after early oral feeding compared to late oral feeding after upper GI tumor resections: a meta-analysis

Sindler DL, Mátrai P, Szakó L, Berki D, Berke G, Csontos A, Papp C, Hegyi P, Papp A

Front Surg | Abstract


Risk of chronic pancreatitis in carriers of the c.180C>T (p.Gly60=) CTRC variant: Case-control studies and meta-analysis

Berke G, Beer S, Gede N, Takáts A, Szentesi A, Hegyi P, Rosendahl J, Sahin-Tóth M, Németh BC, Hegyi E

Pancreatology | Abstract


Monolithic zirconia as a valid alternative to metal-ceramic for implant-supported single crowns in the posterior region : A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Tajti P, Solyom E, Czumbel LM, Szabó B, Fazekas R, Németh O, Hermann P, Gerber G, Hegyi P, Mikulás K

J Prosthet Dent | Abstract


Microscopic colitis is a risk factor for low bone density: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Rancz A, Teutsch B, Engh MA, Veres DS, Földvári-Nagy L, Erőss B, Hosszúfalusi N, Juhász MF, Hegyi P, Mihály E

Therap Adv Gastroenterol | Abstract


Subvastus approach supporting fast-track total knee arthroplasty over the medial parapatellar approach : A systematic review and network meta-analysis

Stubnya BG, Kocsis K, Váncsa S, Kovács K, Agócs G, Stubnya MP, Suskó E, Hegyi P, Bejek Z

J Arthroplasty | Abstract


Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Ambulatory Care Antibiotic Use in Hungary: A Population-Based Observational Study

Hambalek H, Matuz M, Ruzsa R, Engi Z, Visnyovszki Á, Papfalvi E, Hajdú E, Doró P, Viola R, Soós G, Csupor D, Benko R

Antibiotics (Basel) | Abstract


Probiotic supplementation during antibiotic treatment is unjustified in maintaining the gut microbiome diversity: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Éliás AJ, Barna V, Patoni C, Demeter D, Veres DS, Bunduc S, Erőss B, Hegyi P, Földvári-Nagy L, Lenti K

BMC Med | Abstract


Additional splint therapy has no superiority in myogenic temporomandibular disorders : A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Kelemen K, König J, Czumbel M, Szabó B, Hegyi P, Gerber G, Borbély J, Mikulás K, Schmidt P, Hermann P

J Prosthodont Res | Abstract


The PANcreatic Disease ReseArch (PANDoRA) consortium : ten years' experience of association studies to understand the genetic architecture of pancreatic cancer

Campa D, Gentiluomo M, Stein A, Aoki MN, Oliverius M, Vodičková L, Jamroziak K, Theodoropoulos G, Pasquali C, Greenhalf W, Arcidiacono PG, Uzunoglu F, Pezzilli R, Luchini C, Puzzono M, Loos M, Giaccherini M, Katzke V, Mambrini A, Kiudeliene E, Federico KE, Johansen J, Hussein T, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, van Eijck CHJ, Brenner H, Farinella R, Pérez JS, Lovecek M, Büchler MW, Hlavac V, Izbicki JR, Hackert T, Chammas R, Zerbi A, Lawlor R, Felici A, Götz M, Capurso G, Ginocchi L, Gazouli M, Kupcinskas J, Cavestro GM, Vodicka P, Moz S, Neoptolemos JP, Kunovsky L, Bojesen SE, Carrara S, Gioffreda D, Morkunas E, Abian O, Bunduc S, Basso D, Boggi U, Wlodarczyk B, Szentesi A, Vanella G, Chen I, Bijlsma MF, Kiudelis V, Landi S, Schöttker B, Corradi C, Giese N, Kaaks R, Peduzzi G, Hegyi P, Morelli L, Furbetta N, Soucek P, Latiano A, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Lindgaard SC, Dijk F, Milanetto AC, Tavano F, Cervena K, Erőss B, Testoni SG, Verhagen-Oldenampsen JHE, Małecka-Wojciesko E, Costello E, Salvia R, Maiello E, Ermini S, Sperti C, Holleczek B, Perri F, Skieceviciene J, Archibugi L, Lucchesi M, Rizzato C, Canzian F

Crit Rev Oncol Hematol | Abstract


Self-reported efficacy and safety of infliximab and adalimumab biosimilars after non-medical switch in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: results of a multicenter survey

Sarlós P, Bikar A, Farkas N, Resál T, Szepes Z, Farkas K, Nagy F, Vincze Á, Miheller P, Molnár T

Expert Opin Biol Ther | Abstract


Detailed characteristics of post-discharge mortality in acute pancreatitis

Czapári D, Váradi A, Farkas N, Nyári G, Márta K, Váncsa S, Nagy R, Teutsch B, Bunduc S, Erőss B, Czakó L, Vincze Á, Izbéki F, Papp M, Merkely B, Szentesi A, Hegyi P; Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group

Gastroenterology | Abstract


Improved body composition decreases the fat content in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a meta-analysis and systematic review of longitudinal studies.

Mátis D, Hegyi P, Teutsch B, Tornai T, Erőss B, Pár G, Váncsa S

Front Med (Lausanne) | Abstract


From capsaicin to TRPV1: The “hot” legacy of János Szolcsányi

Pintér E, Garami A, Szallasi A



Aging Changes the Efficacy of Central Urocortin 2 to Induce Weight Loss in Rats

Kovács DK, Eitmann S, Berta G, Kormos V, Gaszner B, Pétervári E, Balaskó M

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract

Clinical Presentation Is Dependent on Age and Calendar Year of Diagnosis in Celiac Disease : A Hungarian Cross-Sectional Study

Szakács Z, Farkas N, Nagy E, Bencs R, Vereczkei Z, Bajor J

J Pers Med | Abstract


Current status of optical scanning in facial prosthetics : A systematic review and meta-analysis

König J, Kelemen K, Czumbel LM, Szabó B, Varga G, Borbély J, Németh O, Hegyi P, Hermann P

J Prosthodont Res | Abstract


Elektromos defibrillálás, cardioversio – történeti áttekintés

Rostás L, Tenczer J, Rostás I, Horváth-Szalai Z, Nagy B, Kiss B, Zima E

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Gastroesophageal reflux disease and health related quality of life in obese and overweight children

Toth B., Andrasdi Z., Gaal Z. S., Nemes E., Felszeghy E., Muller K. E.



Isolation of compounds from the roots of Ambrosia artemisiifolia and their effects on human cancer cell lines

Ferencz E, Spengler G, Zupkó I, Vollár M, Zomborszki ZP, Kúsz N, Hohmann J, Kovács B, Csupor D, Laczkó-Zöld E, Csupor-Löffler B

Z Naturforsch C J Biosci | Abstract


Maternal age is highly associated with non-chromosomal congenital anomalies : Analysis of a population-based case-control database

Pethő B, Mátrai Á, Agócs G, Veres DS, Harnos A, Váncsa S, Bánhidy F, Hegyi P, Ács N

BJOG | Abstract


Trichomonas vaginalis infection is associated with increased risk of cervical carcinogenesis : A systematic review and meta-analysis of 470 000 patients

Hamar B, Teutsch B, Hoffmann E, Hegyi P, Váradi A, Nyirády P, Hunka Z, Ács N, Lintner B, Hermánné RJ, Melczer Z

Int J Gynaecol Obstet | Abstract


Organoleptic and halitometric assessments do not correlate well in intra-oral halitosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Szalai E, Tajti P, Szabó B, Kói T, Hegyi P, Czumbel LM, Varga G, Kerémi B



Hungarian Linguistic, Cross-Cultural and Age Adaptation of Transition Specific Questionnaires in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Dohos D, Váradi A, Farkas N, Erős A, Müller KE, Karoliny A, Gombos E, Nemes É, Vass N, Tárnok A, Hegyi P, Sarlós P

Children (Basel) | Abstract


The neural pathway of the hyperthermic response to antagonists of the transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 channel

Garami A, Steiner AA, Pakai E, Wanner SP, Almeida MC, Keringer P, Oliveira DL, Nakamura K, Morrison SF, Romanovsky AA



The use of autogenous tooth bone graft is an efficient method of alveolar ridge preservation – meta-analysis and systematic review

Solyom E, Szalai E, Czumbel ML, Szabo B, Váncsa S, Mikulas K, Radoczy-Drajko Z, Varga G, Hegyi P, Molnar B, Fazekas R

BMC Oral Health | Abstract


Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease is associated with acute pancreatitis with more severe course : Post hoc analysis of a prospectively collected international registry

Váncsa S, Sipos Z, Váradi A, Nagy R, Ocskay K, Juhász FM, Márta K, Teutsch B, Mikó A, Hegyi PJ, Vincze Á, Izbéki F, Czakó L, Papp M, Hamvas J, Varga M, Török I, Mickevicius A, Erőss B, Párniczky A, Szentesi A, Pár G, Hegyi P; Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group

United European Gastroenterol J | Abstract


Comprehensive Analysis of the Prognostic Value of Circulating MMP-7 Levels in Urothelial Carcinoma: A Combined Cohort Analysis, Systematic Review, and Meta-Analysis

Kubik A, das Virgens IPA, Szabó A, Váradi M, Csizmarik A, Keszthelyi A, Majoros A, Fehérvári P, Hegyi P, Ács N, Nyirády P, Szarvas T

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Clear guidance to select the most accurate technologies for 3D printing dental models - A network meta-analysis

Németh A, Vitai V, Czumbel ML, Szabó B, Varga G, Kerémi B, Hegyi P, Hermann P, Borbély J

J Dent | Abstract

Polymorphic variants involved in methylation regulation : a strategy to discover risk loci for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Corradi C, Lencioni G, Gentiluomo M, Felici A, Latiano A, Kiudelis G, van Eijck CHJ, Marta K, Lawlor RT, Tavano F, Boggi U, Dijk F, Cavestro GM, Vermeulen RCH, Hackert T, Petrone MC, Uzunoğlu FG, Archibugi L, Izbicki JR, Morelli L, Zerbi A, Landi S, Stocker H, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Di Franco G, Hegyi P, Sperti C, Carrara S, Capurso G, Gazouli M, Brenner H, Bunduc S, Busch O, Perri F, Oliverius M, Hegyi PJ, Goetz M, Scognamiglio P, Mambrini A, Arcidiacono PG, Kreivenaite E, Kupcinskas J, Hussein T, Ermini S, Milanetto AC, Vodicka P, Kiudelis V, Hlaváč V, Soucek P, Theodoropoulos GE, Basso D, Neoptolemos JP, Nóbrega Aoki M, Pezzilli R, Pasquali C, Chammas R, Testoni SGG, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Lucchesi M, Rizzato C, Canzian F, Campa D

J Med Genet | Abstract


Precision Medicine in Pancreatitis : The Future of Acute Pancreatitis Care

Garami A, Hegyi P

Function (Oxf) | Abstract


Results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of early studies on ivermectin in SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Ragó Z, Tóth B, Szalenko-Tőkés Á, Bella Z, Dembrovszky F, Farkas N, Kiss S, Hegyi P, Matuz M, Tóth N, Hegedüs I, Máthé D, Csupor D

Geroscience | Abstract


Intravenous ferric carboxymaltose versus oral ferrous sulfate replacement in elderly patients after acute non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding (FIERCE) : protocol of a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial

Teutsch B, Váncsa S, Farkas N, Szakács Z, Vörhendi N, Boros E, Szabó I, Hágendorn R, Alizadeh H, Hegyi P, Erőss B

BMJ Open | Abstract


Teledentistry: A Future Solution in the Diagnosis of Oral Lesions: Diagnostic Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

Uhrin E, Domokos Z, Czumbel LM, Kói T, Hegyi P, Hermann P, Borbély J, Cavalcante BGN, Németh O

Telemed J E Health | Abstract


Genetic and non-genetic risk factors for early-onset pancreatic cancer

Nodari Y, Gentiluomo M, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Kreivenaite E, Milanetto AC, Skieceviciene J, Landi S, Lawlor RT, Petrone MC, Arcidiacono PG, Lovecek M, Gazouli M, Bijlsma MF, Morelli L, Kiudelis V, Tacelli M, Zanette DL, Soucek P, Uzunoglu F, Kaaks R, Izbicki J, Boggi U, Pezzilli R, Mambrini A, Pasquali C, van Laarhoven HW, Katzke V, Cavestro GM, Sperti C, Loos M, Latiano A, Erőss B, Oliverius M, Johnson T, Basso D, Neoptolemos JP, Aoki MN, Greenhalf W, Vodicka P, Archibugi L, Vanella G, Lucchesi M, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Jamroziak K, Saeedi MA, van Eijck CHJ, Kupcinskas J, Hussein T, Puzzono M, Bunduc S, Götz M, Carrara S, Szentesi A, Tavano F, Moz S, Hegyi P, Luchini C, Capurso G, Perri F, Ermini S, Theodoropoulos G, Capretti G, Palmieri O, Ginocchi L, Furbetta N, Canzian F, Campa D

Dig Liver Dis | Abstract


Mid-Term Follow-Up Study of Children Undergoing Autologous Skin Transplantation for Burns

Válik A, Harangozó K, Garami A, Juhász Z, Józsa G, Lőrincz A

Life (Basel) | Abstract


Inositol is an effective and safe treatment in polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Greff D, Juhász AE, Váncsa S, Váradi A, Sipos Z, Szinte J, Park S, Hegyi P, Nyirády P, Ács N, Várbíró S, Horváth EM

Reprod Biol Endocrinol | Abstract


Position statement on the definition, incidence, diagnosis and outcome of acute on chronic pancreatitis

Bouça-Machado T, Bouwense SAW, Brand M, Demir IE, Frøkjær JB, Garg P, Hegyi P, Löhr JM, de-Madaria E, Olesen SS, Pandanaboyana S, Pedersen JB, Rebours V, Sheel A, Singh V, Smith M, Windsor JA, Yadav D, Drewes AM

Pancreatology | Abstract


Suprapapillary Biliary Stents Have Longer Patency Times than Transpapillary Stents-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Kovács N, Pécsi D, Sipos Z, Farkas N, Földi M, Hegyi P, Bajor J, Erőss B, Márta K, Mikó A, Rakonczay Z Jr, Sarlós P, Ábrahám S, Vincze Á

J Clin Med | Abstract


No evidence for the benefit of PPIs in the treatment of acute pancreatitis : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Horváth IL, Bunduc S, Hankó B, Kleiner D, Demcsák A, Szabó B, Hegyi P, Csupor D

Sci Rep | Abstract


Safety Analysis of Preoperative Anti-TNF-α Therapy in Pediatric IBD After Intestinal Resection : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Bajzát D, Kéri AF, Imrei M, Kói T, Párniczky A, Hegyi P, Kovács K, Váncsa S, Müller KE

Inflamm Bowel Dis | Abstract


Factors influencing successful reconstruction of tympanic membrane perforations : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Illés K, Gergő D, Keresztély Z, Dembrovszky F, Fehérvári P, Bánvölgyi A, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Horváth T

Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol | Abstract


No Association between Gastrointestinal Rebleeding and DOAC Therapy Resumption : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Pálinkás D, Teutsch B, Gagyi EB, Engh MA, Kalló P, Veres DS, Földvári-Nagy L, Hosszúfalusi N, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Biomedicines | Abstract


Lactated Ringer's Solution Reduces Severity, Mortality, Systemic and Local Complications in Acute Pancreatitis : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Ocskay K, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

Biomedicines | Abstract


Direct Oral Anticoagulants as the First Choice of Anticoagulation for Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease to Prevent Adverse Vascular Events : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Pomozi E, Nagy R, Fehérvári P, Hegyi P, Kiss B, Dembrovszky F, Kosztin A, Nardai S, Zima E, Szeberin Z

J Cardiovasc Dev Dis | Abstract


Cardiac electrophysiological remodeling associated with enhanced arrhythmia susceptibility in a canine model of elite exercise

Polyák A, Topal L, Zombori-Tóth N, Tóth N, Prorok J, Kohajda Z, Déri S, Demeter-Haludka V, Hegyi P, Venglovecz V, Ágoston G, Husti Z, Gazdag P, Szlovák J, Árpádffy-Lovas T, Naveed M, Sarusi A, Jost N, Virág L, Nagy N, Baczkó I, Farkas AS, Varró A

Elife | Abstract


CFTR-beyond the airways : Recent findings on the role of the CFTR channel in the pancreas, the intestine and the kidneys

Hegyi P, Seidler U, Kunzelmann K

J Cyst Fibros | Abstract


Distinct patterns of serum and urine macrophage migration inhibitory factor kinetics predict death in sepsis : a prospective, observational clinical study

Toldi J, Kelava L, Marton S, Muhl D, Kustan P, Feher Z, Maar K, Garai J, Pakai E, Garami A

Sci Rep | Abstract


Efficacy of Topical Essential Oils in Musculoskeletal Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Bakó E, Fehérvári P, Garami A, Dembrovszky F, Gunther EE, Hegyi P, Csupor D, Böszörményi A

Pharmaceuticals (Basel) | Abstract


Lifestyle-, environmental-, and additional health factors associated with an increased sperm DNA fragmentation : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Szabó A, Váncsa S, Hegyi P, Váradi A, Forintos A, Filipov T, Ács J, Ács N, Szarvas T, Nyirády P, Kopa Z

Reprod Biol Endocrinol | Abstract


Galactomannans are the most effective soluble dietary fibers in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Juhász AE, Greff D, Teutsch B, Gede N, Hegyi P, Horváth EM, Deák PÁ, Nyirády P, Ács N, Juhász R

Am J Clin Nutr | Abstract


Urine flow acceleration in healthy children : A retrospective cohort study

Martonosi ÁR, Pázmány P, Kiss S, Földi M, Zsákai A, Szabó L

Neurourol Urodyn | Abstract


Synthesis and evaluation of a new class of MIF-inhibitors in activated macrophage cells and in experimental septic shock in mice

Garai J, Radnai B, Vámos E, Kovács D, Vántus VB, Rumbus Z, Pákai E, Garami A, Gulyás-Fekete G, Agócs A, Krekó M, Zaman K, Prókai L, Őrfi L, Jakus PB, Lóránd T

Eur J Med Chem | Abstract


Thiopurines impair the apical plasma membrane expression of CFTR in pancreatic ductal cells via RAC1 inhibition

Tél B, Papp N, Varga Á, Szabó V, Görög M, Susánszki P, Crul T, Kis A, Sendstad IH, Bagyánszki M, Bódi N, Hegyi P, Maléth J, Pallagi P

Cell Mol Life Sci | Abstract


Daily use of chlorine dioxide effectively treats halitosis: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Szalai E, Tajti P, Szabó B, Hegyi P, Czumbel LM, Shojazadeh S, Varga G, Németh O, Keremi B

PLoS One | Abstract


Acute Pancreatitis Severity Prediction: It Is Time to Use Artificial Intelligence

Tarján D, Hegyi P

J Clin Med | Abstract


Pre-treatment soluble PD-L1 as a predictor of overall survival for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Széles Á, Fazekas T, Váncsa S, Váradi M, Kovács PT, Krafft U, Grünwald V, Hadaschik B, Csizmarik A, Hegyi P, Váradi A, Nyirády P, Szarvas T

Cancer Immunol Immunother | Abstract


Association between a polymorphic variant in the CDKN2B-AS1/ANRIL gene and pancreatic cancer risk

Giaccherini M, Farinella R, Gentiluomo M, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Kauffmann EF, Palmeri M, Uzunoglu F, Soucek P, Petrauskas D, Cavestro GM, Zykus R, Carrara S, Pezzilli R, Puzzono M, Szentesi A, Neoptolemos J, Archibugi L, Palmieri O, Milanetto AC, Capurso G, van Eijck CHJ, Stocker H, Lawlor RT, Vodicka P, Lovecek M, Izbicki JR, Perri F, Kupcinskaite-Noreikiene R, Götz M, Kupcinskas J, Hussein T, Hegyi P, Busch OR, Hackert T, Mambrini A, Brenner H, Lucchesi M, Basso D, Tavano F, Schöttker B, Vanella G, Bunduc S, Petrányi Á, Landi S, Morelli L, Canzian F, Campa D

Int J Cancer | Abstract


Body composition, physical activity, and quality of life in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease on anti-TNF therapy—an observational follow-up study

Boros KK, Veres G, Cseprekál O, Pintér HK, Richter É, Cseh Á, Dezsőfi-Gottl A, Arató A, Reusz G, Dohos D, Müller KE

Eur J Clin Nutr | Abstract


Acupuncture increases parasympathetic tone, modulating HRV − Systematic review and meta-analysis

Hamvas S, Hegyi P, Kiss S, Lohner S, McQueen D, Havasi M

Complement Ther Med | Abstract


Therapeutic sensitivity to standard treatments in BRCA positive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients — a systematic review and meta-analysis

Fazekas T, Széles ÁD, Teutsch B, Csizmarik A, Vékony B, Váradi A, Kói T, Lang Z, Ács N, Kopa Z, Hegyi P, Hadaschik B, Grünwald V, Nyirády P, Szarvas T

Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis | Abstract


The efficacy of GLP-1RAs for the management of postprandial hypoglycemia following bariatric surgery : a systematic review

Llewellyn DC, Logan Ellis H, Aylwin SJB, Oštarijaš E, Green S, Sheridan W, Chew NWS, le Roux CW, Miras AD, Patel AG, Vincent RP, Dimitriadis GK

Obesity (Silver Spring) | Abstract


Multibiomarker disease activity score: an objective tool for monitoring rheumatoid arthritis? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Meznerics FA, Kemény LV, Gunther E, Bakó E, Dembrovszky F, Szabó B, Ascsillán A, Lutz E, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Bánvölgyi A, Nagy G

Rheumatology (Oxford) | Abstract


Point-of-care ultrasound improves clinical outcomes in patients with acute onset dyspnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Szabó GV, Szigetváry C, Szabó L, Dembrovszky F, Rottler M, Ocskay K, Madzsar S, Hegyi P, Molnár Z

Intern Emerg Med | Abstract


Anaemia Is Associated with an Increased Risk of Fractures, a Systematic Review, and Meta-Analysis

Tari E, Vörhendi N, Kiss S, Teutsch B, Váradi A, Sisák K, Alizadeh H, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Gerontology | Abstract


Addition of epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors to standard chemotherapy increases survival of advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Kiss F, Pohóczky K, Görbe A, Dembrovszky F, Kiss S, Hegyi P, Szakó L, Tóth L, Ezer ÉS, Szalai E, Helyes Z

Oral Dis | Abstract


Mastoid Obliteration Decreases the Recurrent and Residual Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Illés K, Meznerics FA, Dembrovszky F, Fehérvári P, Bánvölgyi A, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Horváth T

Laryngoscope | Abstract


Clinical bracket failure rates between different bonding techniques: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Dudás C, Czumbel LM, Kiss S, Gede N, Hegyi P, Mártha K, Varga G

Eur J Orthod | Abstract


MIF is a Common Genetic Determinant of COVID-19 Symptomatic Infection and Severity

Shin JJ, Fan W, Par-Young J, Piecychna M, Leng L, Israni-Winger K, Qing H, Gu J, Zhao H, Schulz WL, Unlu S, Kuster J, Young G, Liu J, Ko AI, Baeza Garcia A, Sauler M, Wisnewski AV, Young L, Orduña A, Wang A, Ocskay K, Garcia-Blesa A, Hegyi P, Armstrong ME, Mitchell PD, Bernardo D, Garami A, Kang I, Bucala R

QJM | Abstract



Bile acid- and ethanol-mediated activation of Orai1 damages pancreatic ductal secretion in acute pancreatitis

Pallagi P, Görög M, Papp N, Madácsy T, Varga Á, Crul T, Szabó V, Molnár M, Dudás K, Grassalkovich A, Szederkényi E, Lázár G, Venglovecz V, Hegyi P, Maléth J

J Physiol. | Abstract


The incidence of recurrent acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis after acute pancreatitis. A systematic review and meta-analysis

Gagyi EB, Teutsch B, Veres D, Pálinkás D, Vörhendi N

Pancreatology | Abstract


A D-vitamin jelentősége a gyermekonkológiai megbetegedésekben

Juhász O, Szabados M, Brückner E, Garami M, Jákob N, Rajnai H, Imrei M



Effectiveness of Conventional and Targeted Therapies in Pediatric Oncology

Máté V, Hernádfői M, Bo Young Lee, Jaishree B, Matis D, Fadl K, Kói T, Begüm K, Dembrovszky F, Ailar N, Garami M

The 3rd Immuno-Oncology World Congress


Platelet-Rich Plasma in Chronic Wound Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials

Meznerics FA, Fehérvári P, Dembrovszky F, Kovács KD, Kemény LV, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Bánvölgyi A

J Clin Med. | Abstract


About one-in-three new onset diabetic ketosis cases is caused by ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes in adults: a systematic review and metaanalysis

Kovacs A, Bunduc S, Veres DS, Palinkas D, Gagyi EB, Marta K, Hegyi JP, Eross B, Mihaly E, Sipter E, Panczel P, Hegyi P, Hosszufalusi N



Long-term outcomes of talus osteochondral autologous transplantation in soccer players: 24 mosaicplasty with more than 10 years of follow-up

Keszég M, Pánics G, Gulácsi G, Tóth G, Hangody L

Journal of Cartilage & Joint Preservation | Abstract


Transzlációs kutatások a fogorvostudomány határterületein – a molekuláris élettantól a klinikai vizsgálatokig

Varga G



Epidemiology and Clinical Manifestation of West Nile Virus Infections of Equines in Hungary, 2007–2020

Fehér OE, Fehérvári P, Tolnai CH, Forgách P, Malik P, Jerzsele Á, Wagenhoffer Z, Szenci O, Korbacska-Kutasi O

VIRUSES | Abstract


Szövettani magzati gyulladásos reakció szerepe a koraszülöttek prognózisában

Kovács K, Bajzát D, Kovács Ő, Nagy R, Varga P, Harmath Á, Németh D, Fintha A, Szabó M, Hegyi P, Gasparics Á

Magyar Neonatológiai Társaság III. Kongressszusa és a Fiatal Neonatológusok VII. Találkozója MAGNET III. & FINETA 7.0


Finding the Holy Grail: Ranking List of Prediction Scores in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Kiss B, Nagy R, Kói T, Mészáros H, Nagy B, Pál-Jakab Á, Hegyi P, Merkely B, Zima E

PhD Tudományos Napok | Abstract


Immunohistochemical Detection of the Presence of Vitamin D Receptor in Childhood Solid Tumors

Juhász O, Jákob N, Rajnai H, Imrei M, Garami M

Cancers (Basel) | Abstract


Selective intraoperative cholangiography should be considered over routine intraoperative cholangiography during cholecystectomy : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Kovács N, Németh D, Földi M, Nagy B, Bunduc S, Hegyi P, Bajor J, Müller KE, Vincze Á, Erőss B, Ábrahám S

Surg Endosc | Abstract


Nasal vaccination, the preferable child-friendly approach for influenza prevention, a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCT-s

Garai R, Krivácsy P, Jánosi Á, Imrei M, Németh D, Máthé A, Hegyi P, Szabó A

PhD Scientific Days 2022 | Abstract


A Cannabis sativa special extract, that can treat spasticity of multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Kleiner D, Horváth I, Bunduc S, Gergő D, Lugosi K, Fehérvári P, Hegyi P, Horváth T, Csupor D

PhD Scientific Days 2022


Implementation of a Personal Health Planning Program and Health Promotion in the Community Pharmacies

Kleiner D, Somogyi O, Petlickij FH, Meskó A, Szilvay A, Zelkó R, Hankó B

Heliyon | Abstract


Loss-of-function variant in chymotrypsin like elastase 3B (CELA3B) is associated with non-alcoholic chronic pancreatitis

Tóth A, Demcsák A, Zankl F, Oracz G, Unger LS, Bugert P, Laumen H, Párniczky A, Hegyi P, Rosendahl J, Gambin T, Płoski R, Koziel D, Gluszek S, Lindgren F, Löhr JM, Sahin-Tóth M, Witt H, Rygiel AM, Ewers M, Hegyi E

Pancreatology | Abstract


Bearberry in the treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis (BRUMI) : protocol of a multicentre, randomised double-blind clinical trial

Tóth B, Jávorházy A, Nyirády P, Csupor-Löffler B, Birinyi P, Zhanel G, Naber K, Länger R, Vörhendi N, Gede N, Váncsa S, Hegyi P, Csupor D

BMJ Open | Abstract


Koraszülöttek alvás – ébrenlét ritmus vizsgálatára alkalmas módszerek kutatása

Varga J, Nagy R, Hegyi P, Kói T, Kovács K, Julia LE, Nagy Á, Szabó M

Magyar Neonatológiai Társaság III. Kongressszusa és a Fiatal Neonatológusok VII. Találkozója MAGNET III. & FINETA 7.0


The Design and Feasibility of the: Radial Artery Puncture Hemostasis Evaluation - RAPHE Study, a Prospective, Randomized, Multicenter Clinical Trial. 

Kulyassa P, Németh BT, Ehrenberger R, Ruzsa Z, Szük T, Fehérvári P, Engh MA, Becker D, Merkely B, Édes IF

Front Cardiovasc Med | Abstract


General Anesthesia-Related Drop in Diastolic Blood Pressure May Impact the Long-Term Outcome in Stroke Patients Undergoing Thrombectomy

Abada A, Csecsei P, Ezer E, Lenzser G, Hegyi P, Szolics A, Merei A, Szentesi A, Molnar T



Survival and growth of microscopic fungi derived from tropical regions under future heat waves in the Pannonian Biogeographical Region

Tischner Z, Páldy A, Kocsubé S, Kredics L, Dobolyi C, Sebők R, Kriszt B, Szabó B, Magyar D

Fungal Biol. | Abstract


A Minimally Invasive, Fast Spinal Cord Lateral Hemisection Technique for Modeling Open Spinal Cord Injuries in Rats

Csomó KB, Varga G, Belik AA, Hricisák L, Borbély Z, Gerber G

J Vis Exp. | Abstract


Outpatient fluoroquinolone use in elderly population of two European countries

Hambalek H, Benko R, Ruzsa R, Kusuma IY, Bodo G, Hajdu E, Visnyovszki A, Papfalvi E, Peto Z, Csupor D, Matuz M



Die Rechtsnatur der personenbezogenen Daten im ungarischen Recht

Turcsiné Czapári D



Halálozással kapcsolatos adatok tudományos kutatás céljából való rendelkezésre állás a magyar egészségügyi intézményrendszerben

Turcsiné Czapári D



The necessity of pyloric drainage in esophagectomies: protocol of a meta-analysis and a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. 

Csontos A, Németh D, Szakó L, Berke G, Sindler LD, Hegyi P, Papp A

medRxiv | Abstract



Koren T, Šarić KK, Kelava L



First-Trimester Influenza Infection Increases the Odds of Non-Chromosomal Birth Defects : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Mátrai Á, Teutsch B, Váradi A, Hegyi P, Pethő B, Fujisawa A, Váncsa S, Lintner B, Melczer Z, Ács N

Viruses | Abstract


Molecular Background of Toxic-Substances-Induced Morphological Alterations in the Umbilical Cord Vessels and Fetal Red Blood Cells

Zahorán S, Márton Á, Dugmonits K, Chakraborty P, Khamit A, Hegyi P, Orvos H, Hermesz E

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Geno- and phenotypic characteristics and clinical outcomes of CACNA1C gene mutation associated Timothy syndrome, “cardiac only” Timothy syndrome and isolated long QT syndrome 8: A systematic review

Borbás J, Vámos M, Hategan L, Hanák L, Farkas N, Szakács Z, Csupor D, Tél B, Kupó P, Csányi B, Nagy V, Komócsi A, Habon T, Hegyi P, Sepp R

Front Cardiovasc Med | Abstract


Disease Activity Is Associated with Obesity in Newly Diagnosed Pediatric Patients with Ulcerative Colitis

Kadenczki Orsolya, Dezsofi Antal, Cseh Aron, Szucs Daniel, Vass Noemi, Nemes Eva, Tarnok Andras, Szakos Erzsebet, Guthy Ildiko, Kovacs Marta, Karoliny Anna, Czelecz Judit, Kiss Csongor, Müller Katalin Eszter



Összefoglaló dietetikusok számár a a multimorbid, geriátriai betegek ellátásáról és kezeléséről szóló szakmai irányelvből

Molnár Andrea, Pétervári Erika, Székács Béla



Sarcopenia és esendőség ― Felmérés és kezelés a gyakorlatban

Pétervári Erika, Molnár Andrea



Az anyai túltáplálás az utódban valóban korai elhízáshoz és felgyorsult öregedéshez vezet?

Baksa Franciska, Eitmann Szimonetta, Szigeti Lilla, Kovács Marcell, Jeesica Seetge, Balaskó Márta, Pétervári Erika



Az anyai túltáplálás fokozza-e az utód inzulinrezisztenciára való hajlamát?

Eitmann Szimonetta, Balaskó Márta, Pétervári Erika



Intranazális étvágycsökkentő kezelés új célpontjai: a galanin peptidcsalád vizsgálata patkányban

Kovács Marcell, Eitmann Szimonetta, Baksa Franciska, Szigeti Lilla, Jessica Seetge, Balaskó Márta, Pétervári Erika



Patients with inflammatory bowel disease have a higher chance of developing periodontitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Domokos Z, Uhrin E, Szabó B, Czumbel ML, Dembrovszky F, Kerémi B, Varga G, Hegyi P, Hermann P, Németh O

Front Med (Lausanne) | Abstract


Antibiotic use in elderly patients in ambulatory care: A comparison between Hungary and Sweden

Kusuma IY, Matuz M, Bordás R, Juhasz Haverinen M, Bahar MA, Hajdu E, Visnyovszki Á, Ruzsa R, Doró P, Engi Z, Csupor D, Benko R

Front Pharmacol | Abstract


The efficacy and safety of favipiravir in the treatment of non-severe COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Muh. Akbar Bahar, Ikhwan Yuda Kusuma, Mária Matuz, Tamás Ferenc, Ria Benkő, Dezső Csupor



Trends of systemic antibiotic use in a large tertiary care centre

Helga Hambalek, Ria Benkő, Roxána Ruzsa, Ikhwan Y. Kusuma, Gabriella Bodó, Edit Hajdú, Ádám Visnyovszki, Erika Papfalvi, Zoltán Pető, Dezső Csupor, Mária Matuz



Local field study on antibiotic use in inpatients

Roxána Ruzsa, Maria Matuz, Ikhwan Y. Kusuma, Helga Hambalek, Gabriella Bodó, Edit Hajdú, Ádám Visnyovszki, Erika Papfalvi, Dezső Csupor, Zoltán Pető, Ria Benkő



Documentation of clinical pharmacy services at Semmelweis University

István Horváth, Ria Benkő, Mária Matuz, Szilvia Sebők, Dezső Csupor, Balázs Hankó



Three year analysis of intoxications in the elderly population

Ria Benko, Maria Matuz, Nora Nagy, Dora Peter-Hederi, Roxana Ruzsa, Zsofia Engi, Gabriella Bodo, Laszlo Papp, Dezso Csupor, Zoltan Peto



Estimating polypharmacy among the elderly

Zsófia Engi, Ria Benkő, András Érszegi, Réka Viola, Péter Doró, Dezső Csupor, Mária Matuz



Outpatient fluoroquinolone use in elderly population of two european countries

Ikhwan Y. Kusuma, Maria Matuz, Réka Bordás, Muhammad A. Bahar, Edit Hajdú, Ádám Visnyovszki, Roxána Ruzsa, Péter Doró, Zsófi Engi, Dezső Csupor, Ria Benko



High rate of potential inappropriate medication in elderly patients presenting in ED after a fall, a national study in Hungary

Andras Erszegi, Maria Matuz, Ria Benkő, Zsofia Engi, Gabriella Bodo, Peter Doro, Reka Viola, Dezső Csupor



How much opioid analgesics are used in Hungary?

Zsófia Engi, Ria Benkő, Gyöngyvér Soós, Délia Szok, Melinda Csenki, Emese Csüllög, Attila Balog, Dezső Csupor, Réka Viola, Péter Doró, Mária Matuz



Dyspepsia-Like Symptoms in Helicobacter pylori-Negative Chronic Gastritis are Associated with ASCA-, ANCA-, and Celiac Seropositivity but Not with Other Autoimmune Parameters: A Single-Centre, Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study

Zádori N, Németh D, Frim L, Vörhendi N, Szakó L, Váncsa S, Hegyi P, Czimmer J

Int J Gen Med | Abstract


Predictive value of tachycardia for mortality in trauma-related haemorrhagic shock: a systematic review and meta-regression

Jávor P, Hanák L, Hegyi P, Csonka E, Butt E, Horváth T, Góg I, Lukacs A, Soós A, Rumbus Z, Pákai E, Toldi J, Hartmann P

BMJ Open | Abstract


Bicarbonate defective CFTR variants increase risk for chronic pancreatitis: A meta-analysis

Berke G, Gede N, Szadai L, Ocskay K, Hegyi P, Sahin-Tóth M, Hegyi E

PLoS One | Abstract


The combination of ulinastatin and somatostatin reduces complication rates in acute pancreatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Horváth IL, Bunduc S, Fehérvári P, Váncsa S, Nagy R, Garmaa G, Kleiner D, Hegyi P, Erőss B, Csupor D

Sci Rep | Abstract


Assessment of Pretreatment Diffusion Parameters in Low- and Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer Patients Treated with Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy

Kedves A, Kisivan K, Glavak C, Lorincz A, Kovacs A, Lakosi F



High Pretreatment Serum PD-L1 Levels Are Associated with Muscle Invasion and Shorter Survival in Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma

Széles Á, Kovács PT, Csizmarik A, Váradi M, Riesz P, Fazekas T, Váncsa S, Hegyi P, Oláh C, Tschirdewahn S, Darr C, Krafft U, Grünwald V, Hadaschik B, Horváth O, Nyirády P, Szarvas T

Biomedicines | Abstract


Common variability in oestrogen-related genes and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma risk in women

Peduzzi G, Archibugi L, Katzke V, Gentiluomo M, Capurso G, Milanetto AC, Gazouli M, Goetz M, Brenner H, Vermeulen RCH, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Vanella G, Tavano F, Lucchesi M, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Chen X, Kiudelis V, Hegyi P, Oliverius M, Stocker H, Stornello C, Vodickova L, Souček P, Neoptolemos JP, Testoni SGG, Morelli L, Lawlor RT, Basso D, Izbicki JR, Ermini S, Kupcinskas J, Pezzilli R, Boggi U, van Laarhoven HWM, Szentesi A, Erőss B, Capretti G, Schöttker B, Skieceviciene J, Aoki MN, van Eijck CHJ, Cavestro GM, Canzian F, Campa D

Sci Rep | Abstract


Hemoadsorption in the critically ill-Final results of the International CytoSorb Registry

Hawchar F, Tomescu D, Träger K, Joskowiak D, Kogelmann K, Soukup J, Friesecke S, Jacob D, Gummert J, Faltlhauser A, Aucella F, van Tellingen M, Malbrain MLNG, Bogdanski R, Weiss G, Herbrich A, Utzolino S, Nierhaus A, Baumann A, Hartjes A, Henzler D, Grigoryev E, Fritz H, Bach F, Schröder S, Weyland A, Gottschaldt U, Menzel M, Zachariae O, Novak R, Berden J, Haake H, Quintel M, Kloesel S, Kortgen A, Stecher S, Torti P, Nestler F, Nitsch M, Olboeter D, Muck P, Findeisen M, Bitzinger D, Kraßler J, Benad M, Schott M, Schumacher U, Molnar Z, Brunkhorst FM

PLoS One | Abstract


Investigating the association between IL-6 antagonist therapy and blood coagulation in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a protocol for a prospective, observational, multicentre study

Kovács EH, Rottler M, Dembrovszky F, Ocskay K, Szabó L, Hegyi P, Molnár Z, Tánczos K

BMJ Open | Abstract


Network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on esophagectomies in esophageal cancer: The superiority of minimally invasive surgery

Szakó L, Németh D, Farkas N, Kiss S, Dömötör RZ, Engh MA, Hegyi P, Eross B, Papp A

World J Gastroenterol | Abstract


The Safety and Efficacy of Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange) Extracts and p-Synephrine: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Koncz D, Tóth B, Bahar MA, Roza O, Csupor D

Nutrients | Abstract


Effectiveness of four topical treatment methods in a rat model of superficial partial-thickness burn injury: the advantages of combining zinc-hyaluronan gel with silver foam dressing

Csenkey A, Hargitai E, Pakai E, Kajtar B, Vida L, Lorincz A, Gergics M, Vajda P, Jozsa G, Garami A

Injury | Abstract


Inflammatory bowel disease does not alter the clinical features and the management of acute pancreatitis: A prospective, multicentre, exact-matched cohort analysis

Dohos D, Farkas N, Váradi A, Erőss B, Párniczky A, Szentesi A, Hegyi P, Sarlós P; Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group

Pancreatology | Abstract


OGG1 Inhibition Reduces Acinar Cell Injury in a Mouse Model of Acute Pancreatitis

Hajnády Z, Nagy-Pénzes M, Demény MA, Kovács K, El-Hamoly T, Maléth J, Hegyi P, Polgár Z, Hegedűs C, Virág L

Biomedicines | Abstract


Microarray data analysis to identify miRNA biomarkers and construct the lncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network in lung adenocarcinoma

Song Y, Kelava L, Zhang L, Kiss I

Medicine (Baltimore) | Abstract


Aconitum Alkaloid Songorine Exerts Potent Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid-A Receptor Agonist Action In Vivo and Effectively Decreases Anxiety without Adverse Sedative or Psychomotor Effects in the Rat

Bali ZK, Bruszt N, Kőszegi Z, Nagy LV, Atlasz T, Kovács P, Csupor D, Csupor-Löffler B, Hernádi I

Pharmaceutics | Abstract


Pancreatic family history does not predict disease progression but connotes alcohol consumption in adolescents and young adults with acute pancreatitis: Analysis of an international cohort of 2,335 patients

Juhász MF, Farkas N, Szentesi A, Wedrychowicz A, Nita AF, Lásztity N, Tészás A, Tokodi I, Vincze Á, Eross B, Izbéki F, Czakó L, Papp M, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

Front Med (Lausanne) | Abstract


Effectiveness and safety of fibrinolytic therapy in critically ill patients with COVID-19 with ARDS: protocol for a prospective meta-analysis

Kovács EH, Dembrovszky F, Ocskay K, Szabó L, Hegyi P, Molnar Z, Tánczos K

BMJ Open | Abstract


Admission risk factors and predictors of moderate or severe pediatric acute pancreatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Juhász MF, Sipos Z, Ocskay K, Hegyi P, Nagy A, Párniczky A

Front Pediatr | Abstract


New CFD-based method for morphological and functional assessment in cardiovascular skill training

Wlasitsch-Nagy Z, Bálint A, Kőnig-Péter A, Varga P, Várady E, Bogner P, Gasz B



Topical pharmacotherapy for ocular surface squamous neoplasia: systematic review and meta-analysis

Kozma K, Dömötör ZR, Csutak A, Szabó L, Hegyi P, Erőss B, Helyes Z, Molnár Z, Dembrovszky F, Szalai E

Sci Rep | Abstract


Diagnostic accuracy of SARS-CoV-2 Panbio™ rapid antigen diagnostic tests in a 4,440-case

Hamar Á, Filipánits K, Váradi A, Váradi-Rácz R, Gellén HO, Futács K, Urbán P, Kovacs GL, Gombos K

Front Med (Lausanne) | Abstract


Examining the mental health adversity among healthcare providers during the two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a cross-sectional, survey-based study

Dezso F, Birkás B, Vizin G, Váncsa S, Szőcs H, Erőss A, Lex D, Gede N, Molnar Z, Hegyi P, Csathó Á

BMJ Open | Abstract


Hungarian Linguistic, Cross-Cultural, and Age Adaptation of the Patient Satisfaction with Health Care in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (CACHE) and the Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS)

Dohos D, Váradi A, Farkas N, Erős A, Párniczky A, Schäfer E, Kosaras É, Czelecz J, Hegyi P, Sarlós P

Children (Basel) | Abstract


The risk of postoperative respiratory complications following adenotonsillar surgery in children with or without obstructive sleep apnea: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Keserű F, Sipos Z, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Juhász MF, Jászai VA, Párniczky A, Benedek PE

Pediatr Pulmonol | Abstract


SepsEast Registry indicates high mortality associated with COVID-19 caused acute respiratory failure in Central-Eastern European intensive care units

Benes J, Jankowski M, Szułdrzynski K, Zahorec R, Lainscak M, Ruszkai Z, Podbregar M, Zatloukal J, Kletecka J, Kusza K, Szrama J, Ramic E, Galkova K, Krbila S, Valky J, Ivanic J, Kurnik M, Mikó A, Kiss T, Hetényi B, Hegyi P, Sustic A, Molnar Z

Sci Rep | Abstract



Clisby C, El Sayed G, Sherman M, Dharmasiri S, Eross B, Gordon C

Gut | Abstract


Higher Dose Anticoagulation Cannot Prevent Disease Progression in COVID-19 Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Kovács EH, Tánczos K, Szabó L, Turan C, Dembrovszky F, Ocskay K, Lee BY, Hegyi P, Molnár Z

Biomedicines | Abstract


A vizeletáramlás gyorsulása egészséges gyermekeknél: retrospektív kohorsz vizsgálat

Martonosi ÁR, Pázmány P, Kiss S, Földi M, Zsákai A, Szabó L



MRI compatibility of orthodontic brackets and wires: systematic review article

Dobai A, Dembrovszky F, Vízkelety T, Barsi P, Juhász F, Dobó-Nagy C

BMC Oral Health | Abstract


Age-related decline in circulating IGF-1 associates with impaired neurovascular coupling responses in older adults.

Toth L, Czigler A, Hegedus E, Komaromy H, Amrein K, Czeiter E, Yabluchanskiy A, Koller A, Orsi G, Perlaki G, Schwarcz A, Buki A, Ungvari Z, Toth PJ

Geroscience | Abstract


Platelet-Rich Plasma in Alopecia Areata—A Steroid-Free Treatment Modality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trial

Meznerics FA, Illés K, Dembrovszky F, Fehérvári P, Kemény LV, Kovács KD, Wikonkál NM, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Bánvölgyi A

Biomedicines | Abstract


Arg236 in human chymotrypsin B2 (CTRB2) is a key determinant of high enzyme activity, trypsinogen degradation capacity, and protection against pancreatitis

Németh BZ, Demcsák A, Micsonai A, Kiss B, Schlosser G, Geisz A, Hegyi E, Sahin-Tóth M, Pál G

Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom | Abstract


Adjuvant chemotherapy could improve the survival of pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Zombori-Tóth N, Kiss S, Oštarijaš E, Alizadeh H, Zombori T

Surg Oncol | Abstract


Antiproliferative and cytotoxic effects of sesquiterpene lactones isolated from Ambrosia artemisiifolia on human adenocarcinoma and normal cell lines

Kovács B, Szemerédi N, Kúsz N, Kiss T, Csupor-Löffler B, Tsai YC, Rácz B, Spengler G, Csupor D

Pharm Biol | Abstract


A comprehensive phytochemical and pharmacological review on sesquiterpenes from the genus Ambrosia

Kovács B, Hohmann J, Csupor-Löffler B, Kiss T, Csupor D

Heliyon | Abstract


Effect of HEAT therapy in patiEnts with type 2 Diabetes mellitus (HEATED) : protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Sebők J, Édel Z, Dembrovszky F, Farkas N, Török Z, Balogh G, Péter M, Papp I, Balogi Z, Nusser N, Péter I, Hooper P, Geiger P, Erőss B, Wittmann I, Váncsa S, Vigh L, Hegyi P

BMJ Open | Abstract


Trends in opioid utilization in Hungary, 2006–2020: A nationwide retrospective study with multiple metrics

Engi Z, Benkő R, Soós G, Szok D, Csenki M, Csüllög E, Balog A, Csupor D, Viola R, Doró P, Matuz M



The Hypertensive Effect of Amphotericin B-Containing Liposomes (Abelcet) in Mice: Dissecting the Roles of C3a and C5a Anaphylatoxins, Macrophages and Thromboxane

Őrfi E, Hricisák L, Dézsi L, Hamar P, Benyó Z, Szebeni J, Szénási G

Biomedicines | Abstract


Management of Pediatric Facial Burns with Zinc-Hyaluronan Gel

Lőrincz A, Lamberti AG, Juhász Z, Garami A, Józsa G

Children (Basel) | Abstract



Capurso G, Pisani PDLR, Lauri G, Archibugi L, Hegyi P, Papachristou G, Pandanaboyana S, Arcidiacono PG, De Madaria E



In-Hospital Patient Education Markedly Reduces Alcohol Consumption after Alcohol-Induced Acute Pancreatitis.

Nagy R, Ocskay K, Váradi A, Papp M, Vitális Z, Izbéki F, Boros E, Gajdán L, Szentesi A, Erőss B, Hegyi PJ, Vincze Á, Bajor J, Sarlos P, Mikó A, Márta K, Pécsi D, Párniczky A, Hegyi P

Nutrients | Abstract


Preoperative Serum Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9 Levels Cannot Predict the Surgical Resectability of Pancreatic Cancer : A Meta-Analysis

Benke M, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Tinusz B, Sarlós P, Erőss B, Szemes K, Vörhendi N, Szakács Z, Szücs Á.

Pathol Oncol Res | Abstract


EASY-APP: An artificial intelligence model and application for early and easy prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis

Kui B, Pintér J, Molontay R, Nagy M, Farkas N, Gede N, Vincze Á, Bajor J, Gódi S, Czimmer J, Szabó I, Illés A, Sarlós P, Hágendorn R, Pár G, Papp M, Vitális Z, Kovács G, Fehér E, Földi I, Izbéki F, Gajdán L, Fejes R, Németh BC, Török I, Farkas H, Mickevicius A, Sallinen V, Galeev S, Ramírez-Maldonado E, Párniczky A, Erőss B, Hegyi PJ, Márta K, Váncsa S, Sutton R, Szatmary P, Latawiec D, Halloran C, de-Madaria E, Pando E, Alberti P, Gómez-Jurado MJ, Tantau A, Szentesi A, Hegyi P; Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group

Clin Transl Med | Abstract


A systematic review and meta-analysis of implicit Theory of Mind in schizophrenia

Csulak T, Hajnal A, Kiss S, Dembrovszky F, Sipos Z, Varjú-Solymár M, Kovács M, Herold M, Varga E, Hegyi P, Tényi T, Herold R



Adventitious Root Culture-An Alternative Strategy for Secondary Metabolite Production: A Review

Khanam MN, Anis M, Bin JS, Mottaghipisheh J, Csupor D



Tricetin Reduces Inflammation and Acinar Cell Injury in Cerulein-Induced Acute Pancreatitis: The Role of Oxidative Stress-Induced DNA Damage Signaling

Nagy-Pénzes M, Hajnády Z, Regdon Z, Demény MÁ, Kovács K, El-Hamoly T, Maléth J, Hegyi P, Hegedűs C, Virág L

Biomedicines | Abstract


Szakmai irányelv a multimorbid geriátriai betegek ellátásáról és kezeléséről: Irányelv-bemutató

Pétervári E



Role of stereotactic body radiation in the enhancement of the quality of life in locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma : a systematic review

Vornhülz M, Anton S, Eross B, Szakács Z, Hegyi P, Regel I, Belka C, Niyazi M, Mayerle J, Beyer G

Radiat Oncol | Abstract

Impaired regulation of PMCA activity by defective CFTR expression promotes epithelial cell damage in alcoholic pancreatitis and hepatitis.

Madácsy T, Varga Á, Papp N, Tél B, Pallagi P, Szabó V, Kiss A, Fanczal J, Rakonczay Z Jr, Tiszlavicz L, Rázga Z, Hohwieler M, Kleger A, Gray M, Hegyi P, Maléth J

Cell Mol Life Sci | Abstract


Physical Vascular Therapy (BEMER) Affects Heart Rate Asymmetry in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease.

Kreska Z, Mátrai P, Nemeth B, Ajtay B, Kiss I, Hejjel L, Ajtay Z

In Vivo | Abstract


Ileocecal resection in paediatric Crohn's disease based on the Hungarian Paediatric IBD Registry

Muller K, Bajzat D, Laszlo SS, HUPIR Grp (Kollaborációs szervezet)



Long-term outcome of infantile and very early onset IBD: A multi-center study from the IBD Porto group of ESPGHAN

Mark A. Guz, Aloi M., Scarallo L., Bramuzzo M., Escher J. C., Alvisi P., Henderson P., Hojsak I., Lev-Tzion R., El-Matary W., Schwerd T., Weiss B., Sladek M., Strisciuglio C., Muller K., Olbjorn C., Tzivinikos C., Yerushalmy-Feler A., Christiaens A., Norsa L., Viola I., de Ridder L., Shouval D., Lega S., Lionetti P., Catassi G., Assa A



Early prediction of acute necrotizing pancreatitis by artificial intelligence : a prospective cohort-analysis of 2387 cases

Kiss S, Pintér J, Molontay R, Nagy M, Farkas N, Sipos Z, Fehérvári P, Pecze L, Földi M, Vincze Á, Takács T, Czakó L, Izbéki F, Halász A, Boros E, Hamvas J, Varga M, Mickevicius A, Faluhelyi N, Farkas O, Váncsa S, Nagy R, Bunduc S, Hegyi PJ, Márta K, Borka K, Doros A, Hosszúfalusi N, Zubek L, Erőss B, Molnár Z, Párniczky A, Hegyi P, Szentesi A; Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group

Sci Rep | Abstract


Paediatric Partial-Thickness Burn Therapy: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials

Lőrincz A, Váradi A, Hegyi P, Rumbus Z, Tuba M, Lamberti AG, Varjú-Solymár M, Párniczky A, Erőss B, Garami A, Józsa G

Life (Basel). | Abstract


Prevalence of Autoimmune-phenomena behind Chronic Gastritis of Unknown Origin, and its Role in Poor Histological Outcome of the Stomach : A Single-centre, Retrospective Cross-sectional Study.

Zádori N, Németh D, Szakó L, Váncsa S, Vörhendi N, Szakács Z, Frim L, Hegyi P, Czimmer J

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis | Abstract


Variants in the pancreatic CUB and zona pellucida-like domains 1 (CUZD1) gene in early-onset chronic pancreatitis - A possible new susceptibility gene.

Rygiel AM, Unger LS, Sörgel FL, Masson E, Matsumoto R, Ewers M, Chen JM, Bugert P, Buscail L, Gambin T, Oracz G, Winiewska-Szajewska M, Mianowska A, Poznanski J, Kosińska J, Stawinski P, Płoski R, Koziel D, Gluszek S, Laumen H, Lindgren F, Löhr JM, Orekhova A, Rebours V, Rosendahl J, Párniczky A, Hegyi P, Sasaki A, Kataoka F, Tanaka Y, Hamada S, Sahin-Tóth M, Hegyi E, Férec C, Masamune A, Witt H

Pancreatology | Abstract


Risk of chronic pancreatitis in carriers of loss-of-function CTRC variants : A meta-analysis

Takáts A, Berke G, Gede N, Németh BC, Witt H, Głuszek S, Rygiel AM, Hegyi P, Sahin-Tóth M, Hegyi E

PLoS One | Abstract


Goal-Directed Fluid Therapy Enhances Gastrointestinal Recovery after Laparoscopic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Virág M, Rottler M, Gede N, Ocskay K, Leiner T, Tuba M, Ábrahám S, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Molnár Z

J Pers Med | Abstract


Patients with inflammatory bowel disease should be vaccinated against pneumococcus and influenza despite immunosuppressive therapy

Dohos D, Muller KE, Sipos Z, Kiss S, Dembrovszky F, Kovacs N, Solymar M, Eross B, Hegyi P, Sarlos P



Janus Kinase Inhibitors Improve Disease Activity and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 24,135 Patients

Tóth L, Juhász MF, Szabó L, Abada A, Kiss F, Hegyi P, Farkas N, Nagy G, Helyes Z

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Internetalapú egészségkommunikációs lehetőségek (blogok, podcastok, videócsatornák) és a közösségi média [Internet-based health communication opportunities (blogs, podcasts, video channels) and the social media]

Horváth T, Csupor D, Győrffy Zs, Varga Zs



Stereolithography 3D Printing of a Heat Exchanger for Advanced Temperature Control in Wire Myography

Kelava L, Ivić I, Pakai E, Fekete K, Maroti P, Told R, Ujfalusi Z, Garami A

Polymers (Basel). | Abstract


Fentanyl but Not Morphine or Buprenorphine Improves the Severity of Necrotizing Acute Pancreatitis in Rats

Bálint ER, Fűr G, Kui B, Balla Z, Kormányos ES, Orján EM, Tóth B, Horváth G, Szűcs E, Benyhe S, Ducza E, Pallagi P, Maléth J, Venglovecz V, Hegyi P, Kiss L, Rakonczay Z Jr.

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Weight reduction added to CPAP decreases blood pressure and triglyceride level in OSA : systematic review and meta-analysis

Kovács DK, Gede N, Szabó L, Hegyi P, Szakács Z, Faludi B, Sebők Á, Garami A, Solymár M, Kósa D, Hanák L, Rumbus Z, Balaskó M

Clin Transl Sci | Abstract


Noninvasive ventilation improves the outcome in patients with pneumonia-associated respiratory failure : Systematic review and meta-analysis

Ruzsics I, Matrai P, Hegyi P, Nemeth D, Tenk J, Csenkey A, Eross B, Varga G, Balasko M, Petervari E, Veres G, Sepp R, Rakonczay Z Jr, Vincze A, Garami A, Rumbus Z

J Infect Public Health | Abstract


Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) indicated frailty is associated with increased in-hospital and 30-day mortality in COVID-19 patients : a systematic review and meta-analysis

Rottler M, Ocskay K, Sipos Z, Görbe A, Virág M, Hegyi P, Molnár T, Erőss B, Leiner T, Molnár Z

Ann Intensive Care | Abstract 


Immune response to influenza and pneumococcal vaccines in adults with inflammatory bowel disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 1429 patients

Müller KE, Dohos D, Sipos Z, Kiss S, Dembrovszky F, Kovács N, Solymár M, Erőss B, Hegyi P, Sarlós P

Vaccine | Abstract


90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan in B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas: Real-world data from the United Arab Emirates

Szakács Z, Lal A, Kristensen J, Farkas N, Ritter Z, Kiss S, Alizadeh H, Balikó A

Adv Radiat Oncol. | Abstract


Efficacy of Treatments in Nonarteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Lantos K, Dömötör ZR, Farkas N, Kiss S, Szakács Z, Garami A, Varga G, Lujber L, Kanaan R, Hegyi P, Fehér G, Gaál V

Int J Environ Res Public Health | Abstract


Tenodesis yields better functional results than tenotomy in long head of the biceps tendon operations-a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Vajda M, Szakó L, Hegyi P, Erőss B, Görbe A, Molnár Z, Kozma K, Józsa G, Bucsi L, Schandl K

Int Orthop | Abstract


Association of Body Mass Index With Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Nagy R, Gede N, Ocskay K, Dobai BM, Abada A, Vereczkei Z, Pázmány P, Kató D, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

JAMA Netw Open | Abstract


Differential Diagnostic Challenges in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Renal Abscess After SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Young Adolescent

Martonosi ÁR, Pázmány P, Fukász Á, Rudolf J, Kovács É, Szakács Z, Szabó L

Am J Case Rep | Abstract


Diagnosis and treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in chronic pancreatitis : An international expert survey and case vignette study

de Rijk FEM, van Veldhuisen CL, Besselink MG, van Hooft JE, van Santvoort HC, van Geenen EJM, Hegyi P, Löhr JM, Dominguez-Munoz JE, de Jonge PJF, Bruno MJ, Verdonk RC; Dutch Pancreatitis Study Group

Pancreatology | Abstract


Gyermekkori, áramégés okozta kézujjsérülések ellátásáról és késői szövődményeiről

Lőrincz A, Csákvári Zs, Máthé T, Oberritter Zs, Garami A, Józsa G

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Frailty and Emergency Surgery : Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Leiner T, Nemeth D, Hegyi P, Ocskay K, Virag M, Kiss S, Rottler M, Vajda M, Varadi A, Molnar Z 

Front Med (Lausanne) | Abstract


Stellaria media tea protects against diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction in rats without affecting glucose tolerance

Demján V, Sója A, Kiss T, Fejes A, Gausz FD, Szűcs G, Siska A, Földesi I, Tengölics R, Darula Z, Csupor D, Pipicz M, Csont T



Long-term efficacy of T3 analogue Triac in children and adults with MCT8 deficiency: a real-life retrospective cohort study

van Geest FS, Groeneweg S, van den Akker ELT, Bacos I, Barca D, van den Berg SAA, Bertini E, Brunner D, Brunetti-Pierri N, Cappa M, Cappuccio G, Chatterjee K, Chesover AD, Christian P, Coutant R, Craiu D, Crock P, Dewey C, Dica A, Dimitri P, Dubey R, Enderli A, Fairchild J, Gallichan J, Garibaldi LR, George B, Hackenberg A, Heinrich B, Huynh T, Kłosowska A, Lawson-Yuen A, Linder-Lucht M, Lyons G, Monti Lora F, Moran C, Müller KE, Paone L, Paul PG, Polak M, Porta F, Reinauer C, de Rijke YB, Seckold R, Menevşe TS, Simm P, Simon A, Spada M, Stoupa A, Szeifert L, Tonduti D, van Toor H, Turan S, Vanderniet J, de Waart M, van der Wal R, van der Walt A, van Wermeskerken AM, Wierzba J, Zibordi F, Zung A, Peeters RP, Visser WE

J Clin Endocrinol Metab | Abstract


Divergent regulation of lncRNA expression by ischemia in adult and aging mice.

Kaucsár T, Róka B, Tod P, Do PT, Hegedűs Z, Szénási G, Hamar P

Geroscience | Abstract


Implicit mentalizing in patients with schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Csulak T, Hajnal A, Kiss S, Dembrovszky F, Varjú-Solymár M, Sipos Z, Kovács MA, Herold M, Varga E, Hegyi P, Tényi T, Herold R

Front Psychol | Abstract


Joint involvement, disease activity and quality of life in pediatric Crohn's disease - a cross-sectional study

Derfalvi B, Boros KK, Szabo D, Bozsaki G, Cseh A, Rudas G, Muller KE, Veres G

Pediatr Rheumatol Online J | Abstract


Maternal overnutrition elevates offspring's blood pressure-A systematic review and meta-analysis

Eitmann S, Mátrai P, Németh D, Hegyi P, Lukács A, Bérczi B, Czumbel LM, Kiss I, Gyöngyi Z, Varga G, Balaskó M, Pétervári E

Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. | Abstract


Alcohol consumption and smoking dose-dependently and synergistically worsen local pancreas damage

Szentesi A, Farkas N, Sipos Z, Mátrai P, Vincze Á, Izbéki F, Párniczky A, Hegyi P; Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group

Gut. | Abstract


The Safety of Dronabinol and Nabilone: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials

Bajtel Á, Kiss T, Tóth B, Kiss S, Hegyi P, Vörhendi N, Csupor-Löffler B, Gede N, Hohmann J, Csupor D

Pharmaceuticals (Basel). | Abstract


Helicobacter pylori Infection Is Associated With Carotid Intima and Media Thickening: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Simon OA, Görbe A, Hegyi P, Szakó L, Oštarijaš E, Dembrovszky F, Kiss S, Czopf L, Erőss B, Szabó I

J Am Heart Assoc. | Abstract


Exosomes as prognostic biomarkers in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma -a systematic review and meta-analysis

Bunduc S, Gede N, Váncsa S, Lillik V, Kiss S, Juhász MF, Erőss B, Szakács Z, Gheorghe C, Mikó A, Hegyi P

Transl Res. | Abstract


Re current acute pancreatitis prevention by the elimination of alcohol and ciga r ette smoking (REAPPEAR): protocol of a randomised controlled trial and a cohort study

Ocskay K, Juhász MF, Farkas N, Zádori N, Szakó L, Szakács Z, Szentesi A, Erőss B, Miklós E, Zemplényi A, Birkás B, Csathó Á, Hartung I, Nagy T, Czopf L, Izbéki F, Gajdán L, Papp M, Czakó L, Illés D, Marino MV, Mirabella A, Małecka-Panas E, Zatorski H, Susak Y, Opalchuk K, Capurso G, Apadula L, Gheorghe C, Saizu IA, Petersen OH, de-Madaria E, Rosendahl J, Párniczky A, Hegyi P; Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group

BMJ Open. | Abstract



Hyperinflammatio és modulációja kritikus állapotú Covid-betegekben

Zádori N, Molnár Zs



Culturing and Scaling up Stem Cells of Dental Pulp Origin Using Microcarriers

Földes Anna, Reider Hajnalka, Varga Anita, Nagy Krisztina S., Perczel-Kovach Katalin, Kis-Petik Katalin, DenBesten Pamela, Ballagi András, Varga Gábor

POLYMERS | Abstract


People who survived their death. Advice for medical professionals based on the analysis of published cases worldwide

Grześkowiak M, Gaczkowska AD, Bekała A, Pietrzkiewicz K, Rzeźniczek P, Iwańska M, Kluzik A, Sobczyński P, Kusza K, Molnar Zs



Az akut és krónikus pancreatitis orvosi felügyeletet igénylő táplálásterápiája

Molnár A, Hegyi P, Pap Á



Acacia rigidula versus other Acacia taxa: An alarming issue in the European novel food regulation and food supplement industry

Koncz D, Tóth B, Kiss T, Roza O, Csupor D



Az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma egészségügyi szakmai irányelve a multimorbid geriátriai betegek ellátásáról és kezeléséről

Zöllei M,  Bakó Gy, Ádám I, Blaskovich E, Lelbach Á, Molnár A, Pétervári E, Székács B, Tóth M, Zékány Z



Convergent cross-species pro-cognitive effects of RGH-235, a new potent and selective histamine H3 receptor antagonist/inverse agonist.

Némethy Z, Kiss B, Lethbridge N, Chazot P, Hajnik T, Tóth A, Détári L, Schmidt É, Czurkó A, Kostyalik D, Oláh V, Hernádi I, Balázs O, Vizi ES, Ledneczki I, Mahó S, Román V, Lendvai B, Lévay G

Eur J Pharmacol. | Abstract


A személyes adatok felhasználására vonatkozó szerződés lényeges kérdései

Turcsiné Czapári D



A citokin vihar és kezelése kritikus állapotú betegeknél

Hawchar F, Molnár Zs



Identification of Recessively Inherited Genetic Variants Potentially Linked to Pancreatic Cancer Risk.

Lu Y, Gentiluomo M, Macauda A, Gioffreda D, Gazouli M, Petrone MC, Kelemen D, Ginocchi L, Morelli L, Papiris K, Greenhalf W, Izbicki JR, Kiudelis V, Mohelníková-Duchoňová B, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Vodicka P, Brenner H, Diener MK, Pezzilli R, Ivanauskas A, Salvia R, Szentesi A, Aoki MN, Németh BC, Sperti C, Jamroziak K, Chammas R, Oliverius M, Archibugi L, Ermini S, Novák J, Kupcinskas J, Strouhal O, Souček P, Cavestro GM, Milanetto AC, Vanella G, Neoptolemos JP, Theodoropoulos GE, van Laarhoven HWM, Mambrini A, Moz S, Kala Z, Loveček M, Basso D, Uzunoglu FG, Hackert T, Testoni SGG, Hlaváč V, Andriulli A, Lucchesi M, Tavano F, Carrara S, Hegyi P, Arcidiacono PG, Busch OR, Lawlor RT, Puzzono M, Boggi U, Guo F, Małecka-Panas E, Capurso G, Landi S, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Strobel O, Gao X, Vashist Y, Campa D, Canzian F

Front Oncol. | Abstract


Predictive Performance of Serum S100B Versus LDH in Melanoma Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Janka EA, Várvölgyi T, Sipos Z, Soós A, Hegyi P, Kiss S, Dembrovszky F, Csupor D, Kéringer P, Pécsi D, Solymár M, Emri G

Front Oncol. | Abstract


Prevalence and Prognostic Significance of Hyponatremia in Patients With Lung Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Bartalis E, Gergics M, Tinusz B, Földi M, Kiss S, Németh D, Solymár M, Szakács Z, Hegyi P, Mezösi E, Bajnok L

Front Med (Lausanne). | Abstract


Efficacy of first-line treatment options in transplant-ineligible multiple myeloma: A network meta-analysis.

Kiss S, Gede N, Soós A, Hegyi P, Nagy B, Imrei M, Czibere B, Farkas N, Hanák L, Szakács Z, Eröss B, Alizadeh H

Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. | Abstract


Metabolic syndrome is associated with prostate enlargement: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression on patients with lower urinary tract symptom factors

Omran A, Leca BM, Oštarijaš E, Graham N, Da Silva AS, Zaïr ZM, Miras AD, le Roux CW, Vincent RP, Cardozo L, Dimitriadis GK

Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab.  | Abstract


Hypoalbuminemia affects one third of acute pancreatitis patients and is independently associated with severity and mortality

Ocskay K, Vinkó Z, Németh D, Szabó L, Bajor J, Gódi S, Sarlós P, Czakó L, Izbéki F, Hamvas J, Papp M, Varga M, Török I, Mickevicius A, Sallinen V, Maldonado ER, Galeev S, Mikó A, Erőss B, Imrei M, Hegyi PJ, Faluhelyi N, Farkas O, Kanizsai P, Miseta A, Nagy T, Hágendorn R, Márton Z, Szakács Z, Szentesi A, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

Sci Rep. | Abstract


Inflammatory Biomarkers Are Inaccurate Indicators of Bacterial Infection on Admission in Patients With Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-A Systematic Review and Diagnostic Accuracy Network Meta-Analysis

Pázmány P, Soós A, Hegyi P, Dohos D, Kiss S, Szakács Z, Párniczky A, Garami A, Péterfi Z, Molnár Z

Front Med (Lausanne). | Abstract


Extracorporeal Cytokine Removal in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: A Case Series

Virág M, Rottler M, Ocskay K, Leiner T, Horváth B, Blanco DA, Vasquez A, Bucsi L, Sárkány Á, Molnár Z

Front Med (Lausanne). | Abstract


Pediatric deep burn management after split-thickness autologous skin transplantation: A comparative study.

Lőrincz A, Lamberti AG, Juhász Z, Garami A, Józsa G

Medicine (Baltimore). | Abstract


Development of a Novel X-ray Compatible 3D-Printed Bone Model to Characterize Different K-Wire Fixation Methods in Support of the Treatment of Pediatric Radius Fractures

Lamberti AG, Ujfalusi Z, Told R, Hanna D, Józsa G, Maróti P

Polymers (Basel). | Abstract


Six Autoimmune Disorders Are Associated With Increased Incidence of Gastric Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Half a Million Patients.

Zádori N, Szakó L, Váncsa S, Vörhendi N, Oštarijaš E, Kiss S, Frim L, Hegyi P, Czimmer J

Front Immunol.  | Abstract


Prognostic role of cell-free DNA biomarkers in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Bunduc S, Gede N, Váncsa S, Lillik V, Kiss S, Dembrovszky F, Eross B, Szakács Z, Gheorghe C, Mikó A, Hegyi P

Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. | Abstract


Intranasal Delivery of a Methyllanthionine-Stabilized Galanin Receptor-2-Selective Agonist Reduces Acute Food Intake

Kuipers A, Balaskó M, Pétervári E, Koller A, Brunner SM, Moll GN, Kofler B

Neurotherapeutics. | Abstract


Leptin coordinates efferent sympathetic outflow to the white adipose tissue through the midbrain centrally-projecting Edinger-Westphal nucleus in male rats

Xu L, Füredi N, Lutter C, Geenen B, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Dénes Á, Kovács KJ, Gaszner B, Kozicz T

Neuropharmacology. | Abstract


Somatostatin and Its Receptors in Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury and Cardioprotection

Vörös I, Sághy É, Pohóczky K, Makkos A, Onódi Z, Brenner GB, Baranyai T, Ágg B, Váradi B, Kemény Á, Leszek P, Görbe A, Varga ZV, Giricz Z, Schulz R, Helyes Z, Ferdinandy P

Front Pharmacol. | Abstract


Heat therapy shows benefit in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Sebők J, Édel Z, Váncsa S, Farkas N, Kiss S, Erőss B, Török Z, Balogh G, Balogi Z, Nagy R, Hooper PL, Geiger PC, Wittmann I, Vigh L, Dembrovszky F, Hegyi P

Int J Hyperthermia. | Abstract


Endoscopic ultrasound-guided ethanol and radiofrequency ablation of pancreatic insulinomas: a systematic literature review

El Sayed G, Frim L, Franklin J, McCrudden R, Gordon C, Al-Shamma S, Kiss S, Hegyi P, Erőss B, Hegyi PJ

Therap Adv Gastroenterol.  | Abstract


Novel drug developmental strategies for treatment-resistant depression

Borbély É, Simon M, Fuchs E, Wiborg O, Czéh B, Helyes Z

Br J Pharmacol. | Abstract


Practice patterns and adherence to nutrition guidelines in acute pancreatitis: An international physician survey

Machicado JD, Wani S, Quingalahua E, Han S, Simon V, Hegyi P, Papachristou GI, Yadav D

Pancreatology. | Abstract


The hyperthermic effect of central cholecystokinin is mediated by the cyclooxygenase-2 pathway

Keringer P, Furedi N, Gaszner B, Miko A, Pakai E, Fekete K, Olah E, Kelava L, Romanovsky AA, Rumbus Z, Garami A

Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. | Abstract


Prophylactic transcatheter arterial embolization reduces rebleeding in non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: A meta-analysis

Boros E, Sipos Z, Hegyi P, Teutsch B, Frim L, Váncsa S, Kiss S, Dembrovszky F, Oštarijaš E, Shawyer A, Erőss B

World J Gastroenterol. | Abstract


Kynurenic Acid and Its Analogue SZR-72 Ameliorate the Severity of Experimental Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis

Balla Z, Kormányos ES, Kui B, Bálint ER, Fűr G, Orján EM, Iványi B, Vécsei L, Fülöp F, Varga G, Harazin A, Tubak V, Deli MA, Papp C, Gácser A, Madácsy T, Venglovecz V, Maléth J, Hegyi P, Kiss L, Rakonczay Z Jr

Front Immunol | Abstract


The EFFect of dietary fat content on the recurrence of pancreaTitis (EFFORT): Protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial

Juhász MF, Vereczkei Z, Ocskay K, Szakó L, Farkas N, Szakács Z, Zádori N, Wilschanski M, Pandol SJ, Joly F, Capurso G, Arcidiacono PG, Izbéki F, Czakó L, Papp M, Czopf L, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

Pancreatology | Abstract


Addition of daratumumab to multiple myeloma backbone regimens significantly improves clinical outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Kiss S, Gede N, Hegyi P, Nagy B, Deák R, Dembrovszky F, Bunduc S, Erőss B, Leiner T, Szakács Z, Alizadeh H

Sci Rep | Abstract


The characteristics and prognostic role of acute abdominal on-admission pain in acute pancreatitis: a prospective cohort analysis of 1432 cases

Földi M, Gede N, Kiss S, Vincze Á, Bajor J, Szabó I, Szepes Z, Izbéki F, Gervain J, Hamvas J, Vitális Z, Fehér E, Crai S, Sallinen V, Ramirez-Maldonado E, Meczker Á, Varjú P, Poropat G, Stimac D, Faluhelyi N, Miseta A, Nagy T, Márton Z, Vereczkei A, Hegyi PJ, Párniczky A, Hegyi P, Szentesi A

Eur J Pain | Abstract


Hemoadsorption in 'Liver Indication'-Analysis of 109 Patients' Data from the CytoSorb International Registry

Ocskay K, Tomescu D, Faltlhauser A, Jacob D, Friesecke S, Malbrain M, Kogelmann K, Bogdanski R, Bach F, Fritz H, Hartjes A, Kortgen A, Soukup J, Utzolino S, van Tellingen M, Träger K, Schumacher U, Brunkhorst FM, Molnar Z

J Clin Med | Abstract


Early infection is an independent risk factor for increased mortality in patients with culture-confirmed infected pancreatic necrosis

Moran RA, Halloran C, Guo Q, Umapathy C, Jalaly NY, Jain S, Cowzer D, Cuadrado Robles EP, Quesada-Vázquez N, Szentesi A, Papp M, Chua T, Márta K, Sampath K, Jin DX, Sahebally SM, Kuschnereit TP, Khashab MA, Rock C, Darvasi E, Saunders R, García-Rayado G, Torrijos YS, Coady L, Papachristou GI, Mayerle J, Geoghegan J, Banks PA, Gardner TB, Szabó AN, Stevens T, Tornai T, Tóth E, McEntee G, Enrique de-Madaria, Garg PK, Hegyi P, Yadav D, Hu W, Neoptolemos J, Singh VK

Pancreatology | Abstract


Verification of tuberculosis infection among Vác mummies (18th century CE, Hungary) based on lipid biomarker profiling with a new HPLC-HESI-MS approach

Váradi OA, Rakk D, Spekker O, Terhes G, Urbán E, Berthon W, Pap I, Szikossy I, Maixner F, Zink A, Vágvölgyi C, Donoghue HD, Minnikin DE, Szekeres A, Pálfi G

Tuberculosis (Edinb) | Abstract


Diabetes Mellitus Increases the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Váncsa S, Németh D, Hegyi P, Szakács Z, Farkas Á, Kiss S, Hegyi PJ, Kanjo A, Sarlós P, Erőss B, Pár G

Front Med (Lausanne) | Abstract


The Effect of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Cerebral Microbleeds in Aging

Toth L, Czigler A, Horvath P, Szarka N, Kornyei B, Toth A, Schwarcz A, Ungvari Z, Buki A, Toth P

Front Aging Neurosci. | Abstract


Adherence to the Porto Criteria Based on the Hungarian Nationwide Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Registry (HUPIR)

Müller KE, Dezsőfi A, Cseh Á, Szűcs D, Vass N, Nemes É, Kadenczki O, Tárnok A, Szakos E, Guthy I, Kovács M, Karoliny A, Czelecz J, Tokodi I, Tomsits E, Veres G

Front Pediatr. | Abstract


Effect of ivabradine in heart failure: a meta-analysis of heart failure patients with reduced versus preserved ejection fraction

Tóth N, Soós A, Váradi A, Hegyi P, Tinusz B, Vágvölgyi A, Orosz A, Solymár M, Polyák A, Varró A, Farkas AS, Nagy N

Can J Physiol Pharmacol. | Abstract


Inhibition of NHE-1 Increases Smoke-Induced Proliferative Activity of Barrett's Esophageal Cell Line

Becskeházi E, Korsós MM, Gál E, Tiszlavicz L, Hoyk Z, Deli MA, Köhler ZM, Keller-Pintér A, Horváth A, Csekő K, Helyes Z, Hegyi P, Venglovecz V

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Pancreatitis severity in mice with impaired CFTR function but pancreatic sufficiency is mediated via ductal and inflammatory cells-Not acinar cells

Trapp S, Aghdassi AA, Glaubitz J, Sendler M, Weiss FU, Kühn JP, Kromrey ML, Mahajan UM, Pallagi P, Rakonczay Z Jr, Venglovecz V, Lerch MM, Hegyi P, Mayerle J

J Cell Mol Med. | Abstract


The effects of GLP-1 receptor agonists on histopathological and secondary biomarkers of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Borodavkin P, Sheridan W, Coelho C, Oštarijaš E, Zaïr ZM, Miras AD, McGowan B, le Roux CW, Vincent RP, Dimitriadis GK

Diabetes Obes Metab. | Abstract


Mucoprotective drugs can prevent and treat nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced small bowel enteropathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Teutsch B, Boros E, Váncsa S, Váradi A, Frim L, Kiss S, Dembrovszky F, Helyes Z, Patrícia S, Péter H, Erőss B

Therap Adv Gastroenterol.  | Abstract


Increased Prevalence of Celiac Disease in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Imrei M, Németh D, Szakács Z, Hegyi P, Kiss S, Alizadeh H, Dembrovszky F, Pázmány P, Bajor J, Párniczky A

J Pers Med. | Abstract


It Is High Time for Personalized Dietary Counseling in Celiac Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Body Composition

Vereczkei Z, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Imrei M, Földi M, Szakács Z, Kiss S, Solymár M, Nagy R, Bajor J

Nutrients. | Abstract


Mislocalization of CFTR expression in acute pancreatitis and the beneficial effect of VX-661 + VX-770 treatment on disease severity

Fűr G, Bálint ER, Orján EM, Balla Z, Kormányos ES, Czira B, Szűcs A, Kovács DP, Pallagi P, Maléth J, Venglovecz V, Hegyi P, Kiss L, Rakonczay Z Jr

J Physiol. | Abstract


Antimicrobial Resistance in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals: A Brief Review

Gajdács M, Urbán E, Stájer A, Baráth Z

Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ. | Abstract


Genome-wide scan of long noncoding RNA single nucleotide polymorphisms and pancreatic cancer susceptibility

Corradi C, Gentiluomo M, Gajdán L, Cavestro GM, Kreivenaite E, Di Franco G, Sperti C, Giaccherini M, Petrone MC, Tavano F, Gioffreda D, Morelli L, Soucek P, Andriulli A, Izbicki JR, Napoli N, Małecka-Panas E, Hegyi P, Neoptolemos JP, Landi S, Vashist Y, Pasquali C, Lu Y, Cervena K, Theodoropoulos GE, Moz S, Capurso G, Strobel O, Carrara S, Hackert T, Hlavac V, Archibugi L, Oliverius M, Vanella G, Vodicka P, Arcidiacono PG, Pezzilli R, Milanetto AC, Lawlor RT, Ivanauskas A, Szentesi A, Kupcinskas J, Testoni SGG, Lovecek M, Nentwich M, Gazouli M, Luchini C, Zuppardo RA, Darvasi E, Brenner H, Gheorghe C, Jamroziak K, Canzian F, Campa D

Int J Cancer | Abstract


Mouse organoid culture is a suitable model to study esophageal ion transport mechanisms

Korsós MM, Bellák T, Becskeházi E, Gál E, Veréb Z, Hegyi P, Venglovecz V

Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. | Abstract


Response to "Drug-induced acute pancreatitis in ulcerative colitis"

Hegyi PJ, , Hegyi P

Pancreatology | Abstract


Initial Renal Function (eGFR) Is a Prognostic Marker of Severe Acute Pancreatitis: A Cohort-Analysis of 1,224 Prospectively Collected Cases

Tod P, Farkas N, Németh D, Szénási G, Vincze Á, Hágendorn R, Czakó L, Illés D, Izbéki F, Dunás-Varga V, Papp M, Hamvas J, Varga M, Gombos K, Nagy T, Márton Z, Faluhelyi N, Török I, Ince AT, Galeev S, Hegyi PJ, Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Szakács Z, Hegyi P, Hamar P

Front Med (Lausanne) | Abstract


Common calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) gene variants do not modify risk for chronic pancreatitis in a Hungarian cohort

Takáts A, Berke G, Szentesi A, Farkas G Jr, Izbéki F, Erőss B, Czakó L, Vincze Á, Hegyi P, Sahin-Tóth M, Hegyi E

Pancreatology | Abstract


Hyaluronic Acid Is an Effective Dermal Filler for Lip Augmentation: A Meta-Analysis

Czumbel LM, Farkasdi S, Gede N, Mikó A, Csupor D, Lukács A, Gaál V, Kiss S, Hegyi P, Varga G

Front Surg | Abstract


Therapeutic Approach of Chronic Pseudomonas Infection in Cystic Fibrosis-A Network Meta-Analysis

Varannai O, Gede N, Juhász MF, Szakács Z, Dembrovszky F, Németh D, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

Antibiotics (Basel) | Abstract


Possible Biochemical Processes Underlying the Positive Health Effects of Plant-Based Diets-A Narrative Review

Szabo Z, Koczka V, Marosvolgyi T, Szabo E, Frank E, Polyak E, Fekete K, Erdelyi A, Verzar Z, Figler M

Nutrients | Abstract


Dosing of Extracorporeal Cytokine Removal In Septic Shock (DECRISS): protocol of a prospective, randomised, adaptive, multicentre clinical trial

Kanjo A, Molnar Z, Zádori N, Gede N, Erőss B, Szakó L, Kiss T, Márton Z, Malbrain MLNG, Szuldrzynski K, Szrama J, Kusza K, Kogelmann K, Hegyi P

BMJ Open | Abstract


Orally Administered Probiotics Decrease Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans but Not Other Periodontal Pathogenic Bacteria Counts in the Oral Cavity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Sang-Ngoen T, Czumbel LM, Sadaeng W, Mikó A, Németh DI, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Tóth B, Csupor D, Kiss I, Szabó A, Gerber G, Varga G, Kerémi B

Front Pharmacol. | Abstract


Közös felelősség a gyulladásos bélbetegség diagnosztikájában és kezelésében. Mikor utaljuk a gyulladásos bélbetegséggel kezelt beteget biológiai terápiás centrumba?

Dohos D, Erős A, Szemes K, Sarlós P

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Evidence for diagnosis of early chronic pancreatitis after three episodes of acute pancreatitis: a cross-sectional multicentre international study with experimental animal model

Hegyi PJ, Soós A, Tóth E, Ébert A, Venglovecz V, Márta K, Mátrai P, Mikó A, Bajor J, Sarlós P, Vincze Á, Halász A, Izbéki F, Szepes Z, Czakó L, Kovács G, Papp M, Dubravcsik Z, Varga M, Hamvas J, Németh BC, Macarie M, Ince AT, Bordin DS, Dubtsova EA, Kiryukova MA, Khatkov IE, Bideeva T, Mickevicius A, Ramírez-Maldonado E, Sallinen V, Erőss B, Pécsi D, Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Tiszlavicz L, Hegyi P

Sci Rep | Abstract


Assessment of clinical data on urocortins and their therapeutic potential in cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Kovács DK, Farkas N, Soós A, Hegyi P, Kelava L, Eitmann S, Schekk A, Molnár Z, Erőss B, Balaskó M

Clin Transl Sci. | Abstract


Non-invasive Diagnostic Tests in Cystic Fibrosis-Related Liver Disease: A Diagnostic Test Accuracy Network Meta-Analysis

Martonosi ÁR, Soós A, Rumbus Z, Hegyi P, Izsák V, Pázmány P, Imrei M, Váncsa S, Szakács Z, Párniczky A

Front Med (Lausanne). | Abstract


Critical thresholds: key to unlocking the door to the prevention and specific treatments for acute pancreatitis.

Barreto SG, Habtezion A, Gukovskaya A, Lugea A, Jeon C, Yadav D, Hegyi P, Venglovecz V, Sutton R, Pandol SJ

Gut. | Abstract


Combined use of indomethacin and hydration is the best conservative approach for post-ERCP pancreatitis prevention: A network meta-analysis

Márta K, Gede N, Szakács Z, Solymár M, Hegyi PJ, Tél B, Erőss B, Vincze Á, Arvanitakis M, Boškoski I, Bruno MJ, Hegyi P

Pancreatology. | Abstract


Increased risk of adverse events in patients with low-on clopidogrel platelet reactivity after percutaneous coronary intervention: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Bálint A, Hanák L, Hegyi P, Szakács Z, Eitmann S, Garami A, Solymár M, Márta K, Rumbus Z, Komócsi A

Cardiol J. | Abstract


The Potential Role of Extracorporeal Cytokine Removal in Hemodynamic Stabilization in Hyperinflammatory Shock

Hawchar F, Rao C, Akil A, Mehta Y, Rugg C, Scheier J, Adamson H, Deliargyris E, Molnar Z

Biomedicines. | Abstract


Delayed Contralateral Nephrectomy Halted Post-Ischemic Renal Fibrosis Progression and Inhibited the Ischemia-Induced Fibromir Upregulation in Mice

Róka B, Tod P, Kaucsár T, Bukosza ÉN, Vörös I, Varga ZV, Petrovich B, Ágg B, Ferdinandy P, Szénási G, Hamar P

Biomedicines. | Abstract


Desensitization of Capsaicin-Sensitive Afferents Accelerates Early Tumor Growth via Increased Vascular Leakage in a Murine Model of Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Bencze N, Schvarcz C, Kriszta G, Danics L, Szőke É, Balogh P, Szállási Á, Hamar P, Helyes Z, Botz B

Front Oncol. | Abstract


The Use of CytoSorb Therapy in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: Review of the Rationale and Current Clinical Experiences

Ruiz-Rodríguez JC, Molnar Z, Deliargyris EN, Ferrer R

Crit Care Res Pract | Abstract


Glucose levels show independent and dose-dependent association with worsening acute pancreatitis outcomes: Post-hoc analysis of a prospective, international cohort of 2250 acute pancreatitis cases

Nagy A, Juhász MF, Görbe A, Váradi A, Izbéki F, Vincze Á, Sarlós P, Czimmer J, Szepes Z, Takács T, Papp M, Fehér E, Hamvas J, Kárász K, Török I, Stimac D, Poropat G, Ince AT, Erőss B, Márta K, Pécsi D, Illés D, Váncsa S, Földi M, Faluhelyi N, Farkas O, Nagy T, Kanizsai P, Márton Z, Szentesi A, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

Pancreatology | Abstract


Accelerating the translational medicine cycle: the Academia Europaea pilot

Hegyi P, Erőss B, Izbéki F, Párniczky A, Szentesi A

Nat Med. | Abstract


Comparing intermediate-term hearing results of NiTiBOND and Nitinol prostheses in stapes surgery.

Koukkoullis A, Gerlinger I, Kovács A, Szakács Z, Piski Z, Szanyi I, Tóth I, Révész P

J Laryngol Otol | Abstract


Minor Physical Anomalies in Bipolar Disorder-A Meta-Analysis

Varga E, Hajnal A, Soós A, Hegyi P, Kovács D, Farkas N, Szebényi J, Mikó A, Tényi T, Herold R

Front Psychiatry | Abstract


Tetralone derivatives are MIF tautomerase inhibitors and attenuate macrophage activation and amplify the hypothermic response in endotoxemic mice.

Garai J, Krekó M, Őrfi L, Jakus PB, Rumbus Z, Kéringer P, Garami A, Vámos E, Kovács D, Bagóné Vántus V, Radnai B, Lóránd T

J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem | Abstract


Revisiting the evidence-based management of paediatric pancreatitis.

Nagy R, Harangi F, Tárnok A, Vincze Á, Ocskay K, Párniczky A, Hegyi P

Pancreatology | Abstract


Proof-of-Concept for the Analgesic Effect and Thermoregulatory Safety of Orally Administered Multi-Target Compound SZV 1287 in Mice: A Novel Drug Candidate for Neuropathic Pain

Horváth ÁI, Szentes N, Tékus V, Payrits M, Szőke É, Oláh E, Garami A, Fliszár-Nyúl E, Poór M, Sár C, Kálai T, Pál S, Percze K, Scholz ÉN, Mészáros T, Tóth B, Mátyus P, Helyes Zs

Biomedicines | Abstract


Associations between pancreatic expression quantitative traits and risk of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Pistoni L, Gentiluomo M, Lu Y, López de Maturana E, Hlavac V, Vanella G, Darvasi E, Milanetto AC, Oliverius M, Vashist Y, Di Leo M, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Gheorghe C, Petrone MC, Strobel O, Arcidiacono PG, Vodickova L, Szentesi A, Capurso G, Gajdán L, Malleo G, Theodoropoulos GE, Basso D, Soucek P, Brenner H, Lawlor RT, Morelli L, Ivanauskas A; PanGenEU Study investigators, Kauffmann EF, Macauda A, Gazouli M, Archibugi L, Nentwich M, Loveček M, Cavestro GM, Vodicka P, Landi S, Tavano F, Sperti C, Hackert T, Kupcinskas J, Pezzilli R, Andriulli A, Pollina L, Kreivenaite E, Gioffreda D, Jamroziak K, Hegyi P, Izbicki JR, Testoni SGG, Zuppardo RA, Bozzato D, Neoptolemos JP, Malats N, Canzian F, Campa D

Carcinogenesis | Abstract


How to Apply FMT More Effectively, Conveniently and Flexible - A Comparison of FMT Methods

Varga A, Kocsis B, Sipos D, Kása P, Vigvári S, Pál S, Dembrovszky F, Farkas K, Péterfi Z

Front Cell Infect Microbiol. | Abstract


Global Impact of COVID-19 on Stroke Care and IV Thrombolysis

Nogueira RG, Qureshi MM, Abdalkader M, Martins SO, Yamagami H, Qiu Z, Mansour OY, Sathya A, Czlonkowska A, Tsivgoulis G, Aguiar de Sousa D, Demeestere J, Mikulik R, Vanacker P, Siegler JE, Kõrv J, Biller J, Liang CW, Sangha NS, Zha AM, Czap AL, Holmstedt CA, Turan TN, Ntaios G, Malhotra K, Tayal A, Loochtan A, Ranta A, Mistry EA, Alexandrov AW, Huang DY, Yaghi S, Raz E, Sheth SA, Mohammaden MH, Frankel M, Bila Lamou EG, Aref HM, Elbassiouny A, Hassan F, Menecie T, Mustafa W, Shokri HM, Roushdy T, Sarfo FS, Alabi TO, Arabambi B, Nwazor EO, Sunmonu TA, Wahab K, Yaria J, Mohammed HH, Adebayo PB, Riahi AD, Sassi SB, Gwaunza L, Ngwende GW, Sahakyan D, Rahman A, Ai Z, Bai F, Duan Z, Hao Y, Huang W, Li G, Li W, Liu G, Luo J, Shang X, Sui Y, Tian L, Wen H, Wu B, Yan Y, Yuan Z, Zhang H, Zhang J, Zhao W, Zi W, Leung TW, Chugh C, Huded V, Menon B, Pandian JD, Sylaja PN, Usman FS, Farhoudi M, Hokmabadi ES, Horev A, Reznik A, Sivan Hoffmann R, Ohara N, Sakai N, Watanabe D, Yamamoto R, Doijiri R, Tokuda N, Yamada T, Terasaki T, Yazawa Y, Uwatoko T, Dembo T, Shimizu H, Sugiura Y, Miyashita F, Fukuda H, Miyake K, Shimbo J, Sugimura Y, Yagita Y, Takenobu Y, Matsumaru Y, Yamada S, Kono R, Kanamaru T, Yamazaki H, Sakaguchi M, Todo K, Yamamoto N, Sonoda K, Yoshida T, Hashimoto H, Nakahara I, Kondybayeva A, Faizullina K, Kamenova S, Zhanuzakov M, Baek JH, Hwang Y, Lee JS, Lee SB, Moon J, Park H, Seo JH, Seo KD, Sohn SI, Young CJ, Ahdab R, Wan Zaidi WA, Aziz ZA, Basri HB, Chung LW, Ibrahim AB, Ibrahim KA, Looi I, Tan WY, Yahya NW, Groppa S, Leahu P, Al Hashmi AM, Imam YZ, Akhtar N, Pineda-Franks MC, Co CO, Kandyba D, Alhazzani A, Al-Jehani H, Tham CH, Mamauag MJ, Venketasubramanian N, Chen CH, Tang SC, Churojana A, Akil E, Aykaç Ö, Ozdemir AO, Giray S, Hussain SI, John S, Le Vu H, Tran AD, Nguyen HH, Nhu Pham T, Nguyen TH, Nguyen TQ, Gattringer T, Enzinger C, Killer-Oberpfalzer M, Bellante F, De Blauwe S, Vanhooren G, De Raedt S, Dusart A, Lemmens R, Ligot N, Pierre Rutgers M, Yperzeele L, Alexiev F, Sakelarova T, Bedeković MR, Budincevic H, Cindric I, Hucika Z, Ozretic D, Saric MS, Pfeifer F, Karpowic I, Cernik D, Sramek M, Skoda M, Hlavacova H, Klecka L, Koutny M, Vaclavik D, Skoda O, Fiksa J, Hanelova K, Nevsimalova M, Rezek R, Prochazka P, Krejstova G, Neumann J, Vachova M, Brzezanski H, Hlinovsky D, Tenora D, Jura R, Jurák L, Novak J, Novak A, Topinka Z, Fibrich P, Sobolova H, Volny O, Krarup Christensen H, Drenck N, Klingenberg Iversen H, Simonsen CZ, Truelsen TC, Wienecke T, Vibo R, Gross-Paju K, Toomsoo T, Antsov K, Caparros F, Cordonnier C, Dan M, Faucheux JM, Mechtouff L, Eker O, Lesaine E, Ondze B, Peres R, Pico F, Piotin M, Pop R, Rouanet F, Gubeladze T, Khinikadze M, Lobjanidze N, Tsiskaridze A, Nagel S, Ringleb PA, Rosenkranz M, Schmidt H, Sedghi A, Siepmann T, Szabo K, Thomalla G, Palaiodimou L, Sagris D, Kargiotis O, Klivenyi P, Szapary L, Tarkanyi G, Adami A, Bandini F, Calabresi P, Frisullo G, Renieri L, Sangalli D, Pirson A, Uyttenboogaart M, van den Wijngaard I, Kristoffersen ES, Brola W, Fudala M, Horoch-Lyszczarek E, Karlinski M, Kazmierski R, Kram P, Rogoziewicz M, Kaczorowski R, Luchowski P, Sienkiewicz-Jarosz H, Sobolewski P, Fryze W, Wisniewska A, Wiszniewska M, Ferreira P, Ferreira P, Fonseca L, Marto JP, Pinho E Melo T, Nunes AP, Rodrigues M, Tedim Cruz V, Falup-Pecurariu C, Krastev G, Mako M, de Leciñana MA, Arenillas JF, Ayo-Martin O, Cruz Culebras A, Tejedor ED, Montaner J, Pérez-Sánchez S, Tola Arribas MA, Rodriguez Vasquez A, Mayza M, Bernava G, Brehm A, Machi P, Fischer U, Gralla J, Michel PL, Psychogios MN, Strambo D, Banerjee S, Krishnan K, Kwan J, Butt A, Catanese L, Demchuk AM, Field T, Haynes J, Hill MD, Khosravani H, Mackey A, Pikula A, Saposnik G, Scott CA, Shoamanesh A, Shuaib A, Yip S, Barboza MA, Barrientos JD, Portillo Rivera LI, Gongora-Rivera F, Novarro-Escudero N, Blanco A, Abraham M, Alsbrook D, Altschul D, Alvarado-Ortiz AJ, Bach I, Badruddin A, Barazangi N, Brereton C, Castonguay A, Chaturvedi S, Chaudry SA, Choe H, Choi JH, Dharmadhikari S, Desai K, Devlin TG, Doss VT, Edgell R, Etherton M, Farooqui M, Frei D, Gandhi D, Grigoryan M, Gupta R, Hassan AE, Helenius J, Kaliaev A, Kaushal R, Khandelwal P, Khawaja AM, Khoury NN, Kim BS, Kleindorfer DO, Koyfman F, Lee VH, Leung LY, Linares G, Linfante I, Lutsep HL, Macdougall L, Male S, Malik AM, Masoud H, McDermott M, Mehta BP, Min J, Mittal M, Morris JG, Multani SS, Nahab F, Nalleballe K, Nguyen CB, Novakovic-White R, Ortega-Gutierrez S, Rahangdale RH, Ramakrishnan P, Romero JR, Rost N, Rothstein A, Ruland S, Shah R, Sharma M, Silver B, Simmons M, Singh A, Starosciak AK, Strasser SL, Szeder V, Teleb M, Tsai JP, Voetsch B, Balaguera O, Pujol Lereis VA, Luraschi A, Almeida MS, Cardoso FB, Conforto A, De Deus Silva L, Varrone Giacomini L, Oliveira Lima F, Longo AL, Magalhães PSC, Martins RT, Mont'alverne F, Mora Cuervo DL, Costa Rebello L, Valler L, Zetola VF, Lavados PM, Navia V, Olavarría VV, Almeida Toro JM, Amaya PFR, Bayona H, Corredor A, Rivera Ordonez CE, Mantilla Barbosa DK, Lara O, Patiño MR, Diaz Escobar LF, Dejesus Melgarejo Fariña DE, Cardozo Villamayor A, Zelaya Zarza AJ, Barrientos Iman DM, Rodriguez Kadota L, Campbell B, Hankey GJ, Hair C, Kleinig T, Ma A, Tomazini Martins R, Sahathevan R, Thijs V, Salazar D, Yuan-Hao Wu T, Haussen DC, Liebeskind D, Yavagal DR, Jovin TG, Zaidat OO, Nguyen TN, on behalf of SVIN COVID-19 Global Stroke Registry

Neurology | Abstract


AIM2-driven inflammasome activation in heart failure

Onódi Z, Ruppert M, Kucsera D, Sayour AA, Tóth VE, Koncsos G, Novák J, Brenner GB, Makkos A, Baranyai T, Giricz Z, Görbe A, Leszek P, Gyöngyösi M, Horváth IG, Schulz R, Merkely B, Ferdinandy P, Radovits T, Varga ZV

Cardiovasc Res. | Abstract


Traumatic brain injury-induced cerebral microbleeds in the elderly

Tóth L, Czigler A, Horváth P, Környei B, Szarka N, Schwarcz A, Ungvári Z, Büki A, Tóth P

Geroscience | Abstract


Breast cancer screening knowledge among Hungarian women: a cross-sectional study

Reményi Kissné D, Gede N, Szakács Z, Kiss I

BMC Womens Health | Abstract


Errors and Consequences of Inaccurate Estimation of Mean Blood Flow Velocity in Cerebral Arteries

Czigler A, Fedriga M, Beqiri E, Lalou AD, Calviello LA, Cabeleira M, Toth P, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M

Acta Neurochir Suppl | Abstract


Usability of Noninvasive Counterparts of Traditional Autoregulation Indices in Traumatic Brain Injury

Czigler A, Calviello LA, Zeiler FA, Toth P, Smielewski P, Czosnyka M

Acta Neurochir Suppl | Abstract


Early occurrence of pseudocysts in acute pancreatitis - A multicenter international cohort analysis of 2275 cases

Szakó L, Gede N, Váradi A, Tinusz B, Vörhendi N, Mosztbacher D, Vincze Á, Takács T, Czakó L, Izbéki F, Gajdán L, Dunás-Varga V, Hamvas J, Papp M, Fehér KE, Varga M, Mickevicius A, Török I, Ocskay K, Juhász MF, Váncsa S, Faluhelyi N, Farkas O, Miseta A, Vereczkei A, Mikó A, Hegyi PJ, Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Erőss B, Hegyi P

Pancreatology | Abstract


Efficacy and safety of early target-controlled plasma volume replacement with a balanced gelatine solution versus a balanced electrolyte solution in patients with severe sepsis/septic shock: study protocol, design, and rationale of a prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blind, multicentric, international clinical trial : GENIUS-Gelatine use in ICU and sepsis

Marx G, Zacharowski K, Ichai C, Asehnoune K, Černý V, Dembinski R, Ferrer Roca R, Fries D, Molnár Zs, Rosenberger P, Sanchez-Sanchez M, Schürholz T, Dehnhardt T, Schmier S, von Kleist E, Brauer U, Simon T-P

Trials | Abstract


The electrophysiological effects of cannabidiol on action potentials and transmembrane potassium currents in rabbit and dog cardiac ventricular preparations

Topal L, Naveed M, Orvos P, Pászti B, Prorok J, Bajtel Á, Kiss T, Csupor-Löffler B, Csupor D, Baczkó I, Varró A, Virág L, Jost N

Arch Toxicol. | Abstract


POLAR study revisited: Therapeutic hypothermia in severe brain trauma should not be abandoned

Oláh E, Pótó L, Rumbus Z, Pákai E, Romanovsky AA, Hegyi P, Garami A

J Neurotrauma | Abstract


Granulocyte and monocyte apheresis as an adjunctive therapy to induce and maintain clinical remission in ulcerative colitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Kiss Sz, Németh D, Hegyi P, Földi M, Szakács Zs, Erőss B, Tinusz B, Hegyi PJ, Sarlós P, Alizadeh H

BMJ Open | Abstract


Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 in people with cystic fibrosis in Europe between February and June 2020

Naehrlich L, Orenti A, Dunlevy F, Kasmi I, Harutyunyan S, Pfleger A, Keegan S, Daneau G, Petrova G, Tješić-Drinković D, Yiallouros P, Bilkova A, Olesen HV, Burgel P-R, Parulava T, Diamantea F, Párniczky A, McKone EF, Mei-Zahav M, Salvatore M, Colombo C, Aleksejeva E, Malakauskas K, Schlesser M, Fustik S, Turcu O, Zomer-van Ommen D, Senstad Wathne A, Woźniacki L, Pereira L, Pop L, Kashirskaya N, Rodić M, Kayserova H, Krivecs U, Mondejar-Lopez P, de Monestrol I, Dogru D, Makukh H, Cosgriff R, van Koningsbruggen-Rietschel S, Jung A, European Cystic Fibrosis COVID project group

J Cyst Fibros. | Abstract


Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase 1 Promotes Inflammation and Fibrosis in a Mouse Model of Chronic Pancreatitis

El-Hamoly T, Hajnády Z, Nagy-Pénzes M, Bakondi E, Regdon Zs, Demény MA, Kovács K, Hegedűs Cs, Abd El-Rahman SS, Szabó É, Maléth J, Hegyi P, Virág L

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Oral Proton Pump Inhibitors May Be as Effective as Intravenous in Peptic Ulcer Bleeding: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Csiki E, Szabó H, Hanák L, Szakács Zs, Kiss Sz, Vörhendi N, Pécsi D, Hegyi E, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Clin Transl Gastroenterol | Abstract


Bile accelerates carcinogenic processes in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells through the overexpression of MUC4

Gál E, Veréb Z, Kemény L, Rakk D, Szekeres A, Becskeházi E, Tiszlavicz L, Takács T, Czakó L, Hegyi P, Venglovecz V

Sci Rep | Abstract


Immunoglobulin Response and Prognostic Factors in Repeated SARS-CoV-2 Positive Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Dembrovszky F, Váncsa Sz, Farkas N, Erőss B, Szakó L, Teutsch B, Bunduc S, Nagy R, Dohos D, Kiss Sz, Párniczky A, Vinkó Zs, Péterfi Z, Hegyi P

Viruses | Abstract


Weight loss with bariatric surgery or behaviour modification and the impact on female obesity-related urine incontinence: A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis

Sheridan W, Da Silva AS, Leca BM, Ostarijas E, Patel AG, Aylwin SJ, Vincent RP, Panagiotopoulos S, El-Hasani S, le Roux CW, Miras AD, Cardozo L, Dimitriadis GK

Clin Obes. | Abstract


CBD, a precursor of THC in e-cigarettes

Czégény Zs, Nagy G, Babinszki B, Bajtel Á, Sebestyén Z, Kiss T, Csupor-Löffler B, Tóth B, Csupor D

Sci Rep | Abstract


Sustained Maternal Smoking Triggers Endothelial-Mediated Oxidative Stress in the Umbilical Cord Vessels, Resulting in Vascular Dysfunction

Zahorán Sz, Szántó PR, Bódi N, Bagyánszki M, Maléth J, Hegyi P, Sári T, Hermesz E

Antioxidants (Basel) | Abstract


Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in COVID-19: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis

Hegyi PJ, Váncsa Sz, Ocskay K, Dembrovszky F, Kiss Sz, Farkas N, Erőss B, Szakács Zs, Hegyi P, Pár G

Frontiers in Medicine | Abstract


Repeated SARS-CoV-2 Positivity: Analysis of 123 Cases

Váncsa Sz, Dembrovszky F, Farkas N, Szakó L, Teutsch B, Bunduc S, Nagy R, Párniczky A, Erőss B, Péterfi Z, Hegyi P

Viruses | Abstract


Macrophage migration inhibitory factor as a diagnostic and predictive biomarker in sepsis: meta-analysis of clinical trials

Toldi J, Németh D, Hegyi P, Molnár Zs, Solymár M, Farkas N, Hussain A, Rumbus Z, Pákai E, Garami A

Scientific Reports | Abstract


The effect of growth hormone on neuropsychological outcomes and quality of life of patients with traumatic brain injury: a systematic review

Szarka N, Szellár D, Kiss Sz, Farkas N, Szakács Zs, Czigler A, Ungvári Z, Hegyi P, Büki A, Tóth P

Journal of Neurotrauma | Abstract


Efficacy and safety of liver support devices in acute and hyperacute liver failure: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Kanjo A, Ocskay K, Gede N, Kiss Sz, Szakács Zs, Párniczky A, Mitzner S, Stange J, Hegyi P, Molnár Zs

Scientific reports | Abstract


Screening Methods for Diagnosing Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes: A Network Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies

Izsák V, Soós A, Szakács Zs, Hegyi P, Juhász MF, Varannai O, Martonosi ÁR, Földi M, Kozma A, Vajda Zs, Shaw JA, Párniczky A

Biomolecules | Abstract


Dietary supplementation of transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 channel agonists reduces serum total cholesterol level: a meta-analysis of controlled human trials

Kelava L, Németh D, Hegyi P, Kéringer P, Kovács DK, Balaskó M, Solymár M, Pákai E, Rumbus Z, Garami A



Az anaerob baktériumok szerepe az agyi tályogokban: irodalmi összefoglaló

Urbán E, , Gajdács M

Ideggyógyászati Szemle | Abstract




Collecting signals from the European rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF): Tendencies in counterfeit food supplements for weight loss

Koncz D, Tóth B, Roza O, Csupor D



Recurrent acute pancreatitis induced by 5-ASA and azathioprine in ulcerative colitis

Hegyi PJ, Szakács Z, Faluhelyi N, Németh BC, Bajor J, Hegyi P

Pancreatology. | Abstract


Diet-Dependent and Diet-Independent Hemorheological Alterations in Celiac Disease: A Case-Control Study.

Szakács Z, Csiszár B, Nagy M, Farkas N, Kenyeres P, Erős A, Hussain A, Márta K, Szentesi A, Tőkés-Füzesi M, Berki T, Vincze Á, Tóth K, Hegyi P, Bajor J

Clin Transl Gastroenterol | Abstract


Chronic pancreatitis with polycystic kidney disease: A rare coincidence?

Hrčková G, Hegyi E, Skalická K, Čierna I, Dallos T, Ilenčíková D

Nefrologia (Engl Ed) | Abstract


The Effect of Magnesium on Reperfusion Arrhythmias in STEMI Patients, Treated With PPCI. A Systematic Review With a Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis

Szapáry L, Szakács Zs, Farkas N, Schönfeld K, Babocsay D, Gájer M, Kittka B, Magyari B, Hegyi P, Szokodi I, Horváth IG

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine | Abstract


Convalescent plasma therapy for COVID-19 patients: A protocol of a prospective meta-analysis from randomized controlled trials

Szakó L, Farkas N, Kiss Sz, Váncsa Sz, Zádori N, Vörhendi N, Erőss B, Hegyi P, Hussain A

BMC Trials | Abstract


Visceral Adiposity Elevates the Risk of Critical Condition in COVID‐19: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis

Földi M, Farkas N, Kiss Sz, Dembrovszky F, Szakács Zs, Balaskó M, Erőss B, Hegyi P, Szentesi A

Obesity | Abstract


Uncertainty in the impact of liver support systems in acute-on-chronic liver failure: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Ocskay K, Kanjo A, Gede N, Szakács Zs, Pár G, Erőss B, Stange J, Mitzner S, Hegyi P, Molnár Zs

Annals of intensive care | Abstract


Vitamin D supplementation in patients with cystic fibrosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Juhász MF, Varannai O, Németh D, Szakács Zs, Kiss Sz, Izsák VD, Martonosi ÁR, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

Journal of cystic fibrosis | Abstract


Transversus abdominis plane block appears to be effective and safe as a part of multimodal analgesia in bariatric surgery: A meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Földi M, Soós A, Hegyi P, Kiss Sz, Szakács Zs, Solymár M, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Kusza K, Molnár Zs

Obesity surgery | Abstract


Pre-transplant Sarcopenic Obesity Worsens the Survival After Liver Transplantation: A Meta-Analysis and a Systematic Review

Hegyi PJ, Soós A, Hegyi P, Szakács Zs, Hanák L, Váncsa Sz, Ocskay K, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Erőss B, Pár G

Frontiers in Medicine | Abstract

Accuracy of the Helicobacter pylori diagnostic tests in patients with peptic ulcer bleeding: A systematic review and network meta-analysis

Vörhendi N, Soós A, Engh MA, Tinusz B, Szakács Zs, Pécsi D, Mikó A, Sarlós P, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology | Abstract


Rats sniff out pulmonary tuberculosis from sputum: a diagnostic accuracy meta-analysis

Kanaan R, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Soós A, Hegyi D, Németh K, Horváth O, Tenk J, Mikó A, Szentesi A, Balaskó M, Szakács Zs, Vasas A, Csupor D, Gyöngyi Z

Scientific Reports | Abstract


Assessment of the course of acute pancreatitis in the light of aetiology: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Bálint E, Fűr G, Kiss L, Németh DI, Soós A, Hegyi P, Szakács Zs, Tinusz B, Varjú P, Vincze Á, Erőss B, Czimmer J, Szepes Z, Varga G, Rakonczay Z

Scientific Reports | Abstract


Uninterrupted or Minimally Interrupted Direct Oral Anticoagulant Therapy is a Safe Alternative to Vitamin K Antagonists in Patients Undergoing Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation: An Updated Meta-Analysis

Ottóffy M, Mátrai P, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Czopf L, Márta K, Garami A, Balaskó M, Pótóné-Oláh E, Mikó A, Rostás I, Wobbe B, Habon T

Journal of Clinical Medicine | Abstract


Pregnancy outcomes of women whom spouse fathered children after tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy for chronic myeloid leukemia: A systematic review

Szakács Zs, Hegyi PJ, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Balaskó M, Erős A, Szujó Sz, Pammer J, Mosdósi B, Simon M, Nagy A, Für G, Hussain A

PLOS ONE | Abstract


Ultrafiltration is better than diuretic therapy for volume-overloaded acute heart failure patients: a meta-analysis

Wobbe B, Wagner J, Szabó DK, Rostás I, Farkas N, Garami A, Balaskó M, Hartmann P, Solymár M, Tenk J, Ottóffy M, Nagy A, Habon T, Hegyi P, Czopf L

Heart Failure Reviews | Abstract


Systematic review with meta‐analysis: the effects of immunomodulator or biological withdrawal from mono‐ or combination therapy in inflammatory bowel disease

Dohos D, Hanák L, Szakács Zs, Kiss Sz, Párniczky A, Erőss B, Pázmány P, Hegyi P, Sarlós P

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics | Abstract


Efficacy of Biologics Targeting Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha, Interleukin-17 -12/23, -23 and Small Molecules Targeting JAK and PDE4 in the Treatment of Nail Psoriasis: A Network Meta-analysis

Szebényi J, Gede N, Hegyi P, Szakács Zs, Solymár M, Erőss B, Garami A, Farkas K, Csupor D, Gyulai R

Acta Dermato-Venereologica | Abstract


Relative performance of various biomaterials used for maxillary sinus augmentation: A Bayesian network meta‐analysis

Trimmel B, Gede N, Hegyi P, Szakács Zs, Mezey GyA, Varga E, Kivovics M, Hanák L, Rumbus Z, Szabó Gy

Clinical Oral Implants Research | Abstract


Oral Treatment With Bisphosphonates of Osteoporosis Does Not Increase the Risk of Severe Gastrointestinal Side Effects: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Dömötör ZsR, Vörhendi N, Hanák L, Hegyi P, Kiss Sz, Csiki E, Szakó L, Párniczky A, Erőss B

Frontiers in Endocrinology | Abstract


Fecal Microbiota Transplantation May Be the Best Option in Treating Multiple Clostridioides difficile Infection: A Network Meta-Analysis

Dembrovszky F, Gede N, Szakács Zs, Hegyi P, Kiss Sz, Farkas N, Molnár Zs, Imrei M, Dohos D, Péterfi Z

Infectious Diseases and Therapy | Abstract


Transversus Abdominis Plane Block Appears to Be Effective and Safe as a Part of Multimodal Analgesia in Bariatric Surgery: a Meta-analysis and Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

Földi M, Soós A, Hegyi P, Kiss Sz, Szakács Zs, Solymár M, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Kusza K, Molnár Zs

Obesity Surgery | Abstract


Early changes in laboratory parameters are predictors of mortality and ICU admission in patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Kiss Sz, Gede N, Hegyi P, Németh D, Földi M, Dembrovszky F, Nagy B, Juhász MF, Ocskay K, Zádori N, Molnár Zs, Párniczky A, Hegyi PJ, Szakács Zs, Pár G, Erőss B, Hussain A

Medical Microbiology and Immunology | Abstract


Pre-existing Liver Diseases and On-Admission Liver-Related Laboratory Tests in COVID-19: A Prognostic Accuracy Meta-Analysis With Systematic Review

Váncsa Sz, Hegyi PJ, Zádori N, Szakó L, Vörhendi N, Ocskay K, Földi M, Dembrovszky F, Dömötör RZs, Jánosi K, Rakonczay Z, Hartmann P, Horváth T, Erőss B, Kiss Sz, Szakács Zs, Németh D, Hegyi P, Pár G

Frontiers in Medicine | Abstract


Insufficient etiological workup of COVID-19-associated acute pancreatitis: A systematic review

Juhász MF, Ocskay K, Kiss Sz, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

World Journal of Gastroenterology | Abstract


Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Elevate the Risk of Developing Acute Pancreatitis: A Meta-analysis

Tél B, Stubnya B, Gede N, Varjú P, Kiss Z, Márta K, Hegyi PJ, Garami A, Hegyi E, Szakács Zs, Hegyi P, Veres G

Pancreas | Abstract


Menthol can be safely applied to improve thermal perception during physical exercise: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Kéringer P, Farkas N, Gede N, Hegyi P, Rumbus Z, Lohinai Zs, Solymár M, Ruksakiet K, Varga G, Garami A

Scientific Reports | Abstract


Fatty Liver Disease and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Worsen the Outcome in Acute Pancreatitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Váncsa Sz, Németh D, Hegyi P, Szakács Zs, Hegyi PJ, Pécsi D, Mikó A, Erőss B, Erős A, Pár G

Journal of Clinical Medicine | Abstract

Saliva as a Candidate for COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing: A Meta-Analysis

Czumbel LM, Kiss Sz, Farkas N, Mandel I, Hegyi A, Nagy Á, Lohinai Zs, Szakács Zs, Hegyi P, Steward MC, Varga G

Frontiers in Medicine | Abstract


Upregulation of the TRPA1 Ion Channel in the Gastric Mucosa after Iodoacetamide-Induced Gastritis in Rats : A Potential New Therapeutic Target

Csekő K, Pécsi D, Kajtár B, Hegedűs I, Bollenbach A, Tsikas D, Szabó IL, Szabó S, Helyes Zs

International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Abstract


Attenuating hyperinflammation in COVID-19 : A change in paradigm?

Molnár Zs, , Bakker J

Journal of Critical Care | Abstract


Time-Dependent miRNA Profile during Septic Acute Kidney Injury in Mice

Tod P, Róka B, Kaucsár T, Szatmári K, Vizovišek M, Vidmar R, Fonovič M, Szénási G, Hamar P

International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Abstract


Intraoperative hypotension is just the tip of the iceberg

Molnár Zs, Benes J, Saugel B

British Journal of Anaesthesia | Abstract


Lipotoxicity and cytokine storm in severe acute pancreatitis and COVID-19

Hegyi P, Szakács Zs, Sahin-Tóth M

Gastroenterology | Abstract


Analysis of 1060 Cases of Drug-Induced Acute Pancreatitis

Meczker Á, Hanák L, Párniczky A, Szentesi A, Erőss B, Hegyi P, Erdősi D, Vincze Á, Matuz M, Csupor D, Bajor J, Mikó A, Szakács Zs, Dobszai D, Szapáry L, Pethő G

Gastroenterology | Abstract


Probiotics have beneficial metabolic effects in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

Kocsis T, Molnár B, Németh D, Hegyi P, Szakács Zs, Bálint A, Garami A, Soós A, Márta K, Solymár M

Scientific Reports | Abstract


OEsophageal Ion Transport Mechanisms and Significance Under Pathological Conditions

Becskeházi E, Korsós MM, Erőss B, Hegyi P, Venglovecz V

Frontier in Physiology | Abstract


Sepseast and covid-19: Time to make a difference

Lainscak M, Benes J, Czuczwar M, Jankovic R, Kirov M, Kula R, Kusza K, Podbregar M, Sandesc D, Bedreag O, Szuldrzynski K, Zahorec R, Hegyi P, Molnár Zs

Signa Vitae | Abstract


A cross-sectional survey on the transitional care of adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease in Hungary

Erős A, Veres G, Tárnok A, Dohos D, Otto C, Szakács Zs, Hegyi P, Vincze Á, Sarlós P

Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing Care of Children and Families | Abstract


International consensus guidelines on surveillance for pancreatic cancer in chronic pancreatitis. Recommendations from the working group for the international consensus guidelines for chronic pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology, the American Pancreatic Association, the Japan Pancreas Society, and European Pancreatic Club

Greenhalf W, Lévy P, Gress T, Rebours V, Brand RE, Pandol S, Chari S, Jørgensen MT, Mayerle J, Lerch MM, Hegyi P, Kleeff J, Castillo C F-D, Isaji S, Shimosegawa T, Sheel A, Halloran CM, Garg P, Takaori K, Besselink MG, Forsmark CE, Wilcox CM, Maisonneuve P, Yadav D, Whitcomb D, Neoptolemos JP

Pancreatology | Abstract


Traumás gerincvelősérültek rehabilitációja alsó végtagi humán exoskeletonnal

Tóth L, Bors V, Pallag A, Pinczker V, Dóczi T, Cserháti P, Shenker B, Büki A, Nyitrai M, Maróti P

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Polygenic and multifactorial scores for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma risk prediction

Galeotti AA, Gentiluomo M, Rizzato C, Obazee O, Neoptolemos JP, Pasquali C, Nentwich M, Cavestro GM, Pezzilli R, Greenhalf W, Holleczek B, Schroeder C, Schöttker B, Ivanauskas A, Ginocchi L, Key TJ, Hegyi P, Archibugi L, Darvasi E, Basso D, Sperti C, Bijlsma MF, Palmieri O, Hlavac V, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Hackert T, Vashist Y, Strouhal O, van Laarhoven H, Tavano F, Lovecek M, Dervenis C, Izbéki F, Padoan A, Małecka-Panas E, Maiello E, Vanella G, Capurso G, Izbicki JR, Theodoropoulos GE, Jamroziak K, Katzke V, Kaaks R, Mambrini A, Papanikolaou IS, Szmola R, Szentesi A, Kupcinskas J, Bursi S, Costello E, Boggi U, Milanetto AC, Landi S, Gazouli M, Vodickova L, Soucek P, Gioffreda D, Gemignani F, Brenner H, Strobel O, Büchler M, Vodicka P, Paiella S, Canzian F, Campa D

Journal of Medical Genetics | Abstract


Characterization of a rare blaVIM-4 metallo-β-lactamase-producing Serratia marcescens clinical isolate in Hungary

Tóth Á, Makai A, Jánvári L, Damjanova I, Gajdács M, Urbán E

Heliyon | Abstract


European Guideline on IgG4-related digestive disease - UEG and SGF evidence-based recommendations

Löhr J-M, Beuers U, Vujasinovic M, Alvar D, Frøkjær JB, Buttgereit F, Capurso G, Culver EL, de-Madaria E, Della-Torre E, Detlefsen S, Dominguez-Munoz E, Czubkowsi P, Ewald N, Frulloni L, Gubergrits N, Duman DG, Hackert T, Iglesias-Garcia J, Kartalis N, Laghi A, Lammert F, Lindgren F, Okhlobystin A, Oracz G, Párniczky A, Mucelli RMP, Rebours V, Rosendahl J, Schleinitz N, Schneider A, van Bommel EF, Verbeke CS, Vullierme MP, Witt H, G Besselink M, J Bruno M, Czakó L, del Chiaro M, Filippova O, Fukuda A, Gaujoux S, A Hart P, Hegyi Péter, Jonas E, Kahraman A, Kleger A, Kuryata O, Laukkarinen J, M Lerch M, Marchegiani G, Marschall H-U, Matos C, Molad Y, Oguz D, Pukitis A, Satoi S, H Stone J, Verheij J, de Vries N

United European Gastroenterology Journal | Abstract


The role of transient receptor potential channels in cerebral myogenic autoregulation in hypertension and aging

Tóth L, Czigler A, Szarka N, Tóth P J

American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology | Abstract


Az egészségügyi szimulációs oktatás jelene és jövője Magyarországon

Bogár PZ, Tóth L, Rendeki Sz, Mátyus L, Németh N, Boros M, Nagy B, Nyitrai M, Maróti P

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Conversion method to manage surgical difficulties in non-intubated uniportal video-assisted thoracic surgery for major lung resection: Simple thoracotomy without intubation

Furák J, Szabó Zs, Tánczos T, Paszt A, Rieth A, Németh T, Pécsy B, Ottlakán A, Rárosi F, Lázár Gy, Molnár Zs

Journal Of Thoracic Disease | Abstract


CFTR-modulátorok farmakológiája

Gajdács M, , Urbán E

Mucoviscidosis Hungarica | Abstract


Association between Biofilm-Production and Antibiotic Resistance in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC)

Behzadi P, Urbán E, Gajdács M

Diseases | Abstract


Development of disturbance of consciousness is associated with increased severity in acute pancreatitis

Hágendorn R, Vincze Á, Izbéki F, Gajdán L, Gódi Sz, Illés A, Sarlós P, Farkas N, Erőss B, Lillik V, Illés D, Varjú P, Márta K, Török I, Papp M, Vitális Zs, Bod B, Hamvas J, Szepes Z, Takács T, Czakó L, Márton Zs, Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Hegyi P, Mikó A

Pancreatology | Abstract


Post-Ischemic Renal Fibrosis Progression Is Halted by Delayed Contralateral Nephrectomy : The Involvement of Macrophage Activation

Tod P, Bukosza ÉN, Róka B, Kaucsár T, Fintha A, Krenács T, Szénási G, Hamar P

International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Abstract


Academia Europaea Position Paper on Translational Medicine : The Cycle Model for Translating Scientific Results into Community Benefits

Hegyi P, Petersen OH, Holgate S, Erőss B, Garami A, Szakács Zs, Dobszai D, Balaskó M, Kemény L, Peng S, Monteiro J, Varró A, Lamont T, Laurence J, Gray Z, Pickles A, FitzGerald GA, Griffiths CEM, Jassem J, Rusakov DA, Verkhratsky A, Szentesi A

Journal of Clinical Medicine | Abstract


Efficacy and safety of stenting and additional oncological treatment versus stenting alone in unresectable esophageal cancer: a meta-analysis and systematic review

Tinusz B, Soós A, Hegyi P, Sarlós P, Szapáry L, Erős A, Feczák D, Szakács Zs, Márta K, Venglovecz V, Erőss B

Radiotherapy and oncology | Abstract


Antimicrobial Efficacy of Chlorhexidine and Sodium Hypochlorite in Root Canal Disinfection: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Ruksakiet K, Hanák L, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Sadaeng W, Czumbel LM, Sang-Ngoen T, Garami A, Mikó A, Varga G, Lohinai Zs

Journal of Endodontics | Abstract

The incidence of anaerobic bacteria in adult patients with chronic sinusitis

Urbán E, Gajdács M, Torkos A

European Journal of Microbiology and Immonology | Abstract


Risk analysis of post-procedural intracranial hemorrhage based on STAY ALIVE Acute Stroke Registry

Csécsei P, Tárkányi G, Bosnyák E, Szapáry L, Lenzsér G, Szolics A, Büki A, Hegyi P, Abada A, Molnár T

Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular diseases | Abstract


Relevance of anaerobic bacteremia in adult patients: A never-ending story?

Gajdács M, , Urbán E

European Journal of Microbiology and Immonology | Abstract


Effects of intraoperative positive end-expiratory pressure optimization on respiratory mechanics and the inflammatory response : a randomized controlled trial

Ruszkai Z, Kiss E, László I, Bokrétás GP, Vizserálek Dóra, Vámossy I, Surány E, Buzogány I, Bajory Z, Molnár Zs

Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing | Abstract


The role of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and false positive diagnosis of lactose intolerance in southwest Hungary-A retrospective observational study.

Varjú P, Ystad B, Gede N, Hegyi P, Pécsi D, Czimmer J

PLoS One | Abstract


International Consensus Guidelines for Risk Factors in Chronic Pancreatitis. Recommendations from the working group for the international consensus guidelines for chronic pancreatitis in collaboration with the International Association of Pancreatology, the American Pancreatic Association, the Japan Pancreas Society, and European Pancreatic Club

Hegyi P, Párniczky A, Lerch MM, Sheel ARG, Rebours V, Forsmark CE, Del Chiaro M, Rosendahl J, de-Madaria E, Szücs Á, TakaoriK, Yadav D, Gheorghe C, Rakonczay Z, Molero X, Inui K, Masamune A, Fernandez-Del Castillo C, Shimosegawa T, Neoptolemos JP, Whitcomb DC, Sahin-Tóth M

Pancreatology | Abstract


Insufficient implementation of the IAP/APA guidelines on aetiology in acute pancreatitis : Is there a need for implementation managers in pancreatology?

Zádori N, Párniczky A, Szentesi A, Hegyi P

United European Gastroenterology Journal | Abstract


Hypertriglyceridemia-induced acute pancreatitis: A prospective, multicenter, international cohort analysis of 716 acute pancreatitis cases

Mosztbacher D, Hanák L, Farkas N, Szentesi A, Mikó A, Bajor J, Sarlós P, Czimmer J, Vincze Á, Hegyi PJ, Erőss B, Takács T, Czakó L, Németh BCs, Izbéki F, Halász A, Gajdán L, Hamvas J, Papp M, Földi I, Fehér KE, Varga M, Csefkó K, Török I, Farkas HP, Mickevicius A, Maldonado ER, Sallinen V, Novák J, Ince AT, Galeev S, Bod B, Sümegi J, Pencik P, Dubravcsik Zs, Illés D, Gódi Sz, Kui B, Márta K, Pécsi D, Varjú P, Szakács Zs, Darvasi E, Párniczky A, Hegyi P, Illés D

Pancreatology | Abstract


Genome-wide association study identifies an early onset pancreatic cancer risk locus

Campa D, Gentiluomo M, Obazee O, Ballerini A, Vodickova L, Hegyi P, Soucek P, Brenner H, Milanetto AC, Landi S, Gao X, Bozzato D, Capurso G, Tavano F, Vashist Y, Hackert T, Bambi F, Bursi S, Oliverius M, Gioffreda D, Schöttker B, Ivanauskas A, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Darvasi E, Pezzilli R, Małecka-Panas E, Strobel O, Gazouli M, Katzke V, Szentesi A, Cavestro GM, Farkas Gy, Izbicki JR, Moz S, Archibugi L, Hlavac V, Vincze Á, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Rusev B, Kupcinskas J, Greenhalf B, Dijk F, Giese N, Boggi U, Andriulli A, Busch OR, Vanella G, Vodicka P, Nentwich M, Lawlor RT, Theodoropoulos GE, Jamroziak K, Zuppardo RA, Moletta L, Ginocchi L, Kaaks R, Neoptolemos JP, Lucchesi M, Canzian F

International Journal of Cancer | Abstract


Reply to: effects of goal-directed crystalloid vs. colloid fluid therapy on microcirculation during free flap surgery

László I, Janovszky Á, Szabó A, Molnár Zs

European Journal of Anaesthesiology | Abstract

Reply to: crystalloids should be second choice for goal-directed fluid therapy

László I, Janovszky Á, Szabó A, Molnár Zs

European Journal of Anaesthesiology | Abstract


Design and validation of a patient-reported outcome measure scale in acute pancreatitis : the PAN-PROMISE study

de-Madaria E, Sánchez-Marin C, Carrillo I, Vege SS, Chooklin S, Bilyak A, Mejuto R, Mauriz V, Hegyi P, Márta K, Kamal A, Lauret-Braña E, Barbu ST, Nunes V, Ruiz-Rebollo ML, García-Rayado G, Lozada-Hernandez EE, Pereira J, Negoi I, Espina S, Hollenbach M, Litvin A, Bolado-Concejo F, Vargas RD, Pascual-Moreno I, Singh VK, José J Mira

Gut | Abstract


Prevalence of other autoimmune diseases in polyglandular autoimmune syndromes type II and III

Pham-Dobor G, Hanák L, Hegyi P, Márta K, Párniczky A, Gergics M, Sarlós P, Erőss B, Mezősi E

Journal of Endocrinological Investigation | Abstract


Diagnosis and Management of Cervicofacial Actinomycosis: Lessons from Two Distinct Clinical Cases

Stájer A, Barrak I, Gajdács M, Urbán E, Baráth Z

Antibiotics | Abstract


A húgyúti fertőzések relatív gyakorisága metforminnal és SGLT2-gátlóval kezelt 2-es típusú diabetes mellitusban szenvedő betegekben. Hálózati metaanalízis

Merész G, Szabó Sz, Dóczy V, Hölgyesi Á, Szakács Zs

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Direct-acting antiviral treatment downregulates immune checkpoint inhibitor expression in patients with chronic hepatitis C

Szereday L, Meggyes M, Berki T, Miseta A, Farkas N, Gervain J, Pár A, Pár G

Clinical and Experimental Medicine | Abstract


Fatal case of bacteremia caused by Streptococcus suis in a splenectomized man and a review of the European literature

Ágoston Zs, Terhes G, Hannauer P, Gajdács M, Zsoldiné Urbán E

Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica | Abstract


Comparable Long-Term Outcomes of Cyclosporine and Infliximab in Patients With Steroid-Refractory Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis: A Meta-Analysis

Szemes K, Hegyi P, Farkas N, Erős A, Erőss B, Mezősi E, Szakács Zs, Márta K, Sarlós P

Frontiers in Medicine | Abstract


EarLy Elimination of Fatty Acids iN hypertriglyceridemia-induced acuTe pancreatitis (ELEFANT trial) : Protocol of an open-label, multicenter, adaptive randomized clinical trial

Zádori N, Gede N, Antal J, Szentesi A, Hussain A, Vincze Á, Izbéki F, Papp M, Czakó L, Varga M, de-Madaria E, Petersen O, Singh VP, Mayerle J, Faluhelyi N, Miseta A, Reiber I, Hegyi P

Pancreatology | Abstract


Are Suprapapillary Biliary Stents Superior to Transpapillary Biliary Stents?

Pécsi D, , Vincze Á

Digestive Diseases and Sciences | Abstract


Hyperthermia induced by transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) antagonists in human clinical trials: Insights from mathematical modeling and meta-analysis

Garami A, Shimansky YP, Rumbus Z, Vizin RCL, Farkas N, Hegyi J, Szakács Zs, Solymár M, Csenkey A, Chiche DA, Kapil R, Kyle DJ, Van Horn WD, Hegyi P, Romanovsky AA

Pharmacology & Therapeutics | Abstract


TRPM2-mediated extracellular Ca2+ entry promotes acinar cell necrosis in biliary acute pancreatitis

Fanczal J, Pallagi P, Görög M, Diszházi Gy, Almássy J, Madácsy T, Varga Á, Csernay-Bíró P, Katona X, Tóth E, Molnár R, Rakonczay Z, Hegyi P, Maléth J

Journal of Physiology | Abstract


Lipotoxicity and cytokine storm in severe acute pancreatitis and COVID-19

Hegyi P, Szakács Zs, Sahin-Tóth M

Gastroenterology | Abstract


Maternal overnutrition impairs offspring's insulin sensitivity: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

Eitmann Sz, Németh D, Hegyi P, Szakács Zs, Garami A, Balaskó M, Solymár M, Erőss B, Kovács E, Pétervári E

Maternal & Child Nutrition | Abstract


Obesity is a risk factor for developing critical condition in COVID‐19 patients: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

Földi M, Farkas N, Kiss Sz, Zádori N, Váncsa Sz, Szakó L, Dembrovszky F, Solymár M, Bartalis E, Szakács Zs, Hartmann P, Pár G, Erőss B, Molnár Zs, Hegyi P, Szentesi A, on behalf of the KETLAK Study Group

Obesity Reviews | Abstract


The negative impact of comorbidities on the disease course of COVID-19

Zádori N, Váncsa Sz, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Szakó L, Vörhendi N, Frim L, Dömötör R Zs, Szakács Zs, Kiss Sz, Földi M, Dembrovszky F, Imrei M, Molnár Zs, Péterfi Z, Alizadeh H, Czopf L, Erőss B, on behalf of the KETLAK Study Group

Intensive Care Medicine | Abstract


Double Stenting for Malignant Biliary and Duodenal Obstruction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Fábián A, Bor R, Gede N, Bacsur P, Pécsi D, Hegyi P, Tóth B, Szakács Zs, Vincze Á, Ruzsics I, Rakonczay Z, Erőss B, Sepp R, Szepes Z

Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology | Abstract


Is the Bispectral Index Monitoring Protective Against Postoperative Cognitive Decline? A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis

Bocskai T, Kovács M, Szakács Zs, Gede N, Hegyi P, Varga G, Pap I, Tóth I, Révész P, Szanyi I, Németh A, Gerlinger I, Karádi K, Lujber L

PLoS One | Abstract


The quadrivalent HPV vaccine is protective against genital warts: a meta-analysis

Lukács A, Máté Zs, Farkas N, Mikó A, Tenk J, Hegyi P, Németh B, Czumbel L M, Wuttapon S, Kiss I, Gyöngyi Z, Varga G, Rumbus Z, Szabó A

BMC Public Health | Abstract


Effects of Chlorine Dioxide on Oral Hygiene - A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Kerémi B, Márta K, Farkas K, Czumber L M, Tóth B, Szakács Zs, Csupor D, Czimmer J, Rumbus Z, Révész P, Németh A, Gerber G, Hegyi P, Varga G

Current Pharmaceutical Design | Abstract


γ-Aminobutyric Acid and Derivatives Reduce the Incidence of Acute Pain after Herpes Zoster - A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Sadaeng W, Márta K, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Tóth B, Németh B, Czumbel L M, Sang-Ngoen T, Gyöngyi Z, Varga G*, Révész P, Szanyi I, Karádi K, Gerber G

Current Pharmaceutical Design | Abstract


Hydroxyapatite-coated Implants Provide Better Fixation in Total Knee Arthroplasty. A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Horváth T, Hanák L, Hegyi P, Butt E, Solymár M, Szűcs Á, Varga O, Thien B Q, Szakács Zs, Csonka E, Hartmann P

PLoS One | Abstract


Chronic pancreatitis with polycystic kidney disease : A rare coincidence?

Hrčková G, Hegyi E, Skalická K, Čierna I, Dallos T, Ilenčíková D

Nefrologia | Abstract


Prostaglandin E2, a postulated mediator of neurovascular coupling, at low concentrations dilates whereas at higher concentrations constricts human cerebral parenchymal arterioles

Czigler A, Tóth L, Szarka N, Szilágyi K, Kellermayer Z, Harci A, Vecsernyés M, Ungvári Z, Szolics A, Koller Á, Büki A, Tóth P J

Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators | Abstract


The Effects of a Fixed Combination of Berberis aristata and Silybum marianum on Dyslipidaemia - A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review

Tóth B, Németh D, Soós A, Hegyi P, Pham-Dobor G, Varga O, Varga V, Kiss T, Sarlós P, Erőss B, Csupor D

Planta Med | Abstract


Mouse pancreatic ductal organoid culture as a relevant model to study exocrine pancreatic ion secretion.

Molnár R, Madácsy T, Varga Á, Németh M, Katona X, Görög M, Molnár B, Fanczal J, Rakonczay Z, Hegyi P, Pallagi P, Maléth J

Laboratory Investigation | Abstract


Alcohol-dependent effect of PRSS1-PRSS2 haplotype in chronic pancreatitis

Hegyi E, Tóth A Z, Vincze Á, Szentesi A, Hegyi P

Gut | Abstract



Drug induced acute pancreatitis

Dunás-Varga V, Hegyi P, Izbéki F, Szakács Zs, Varjú P, Gajdán L

Central European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology | Abstract


Az idősödés biomarkerei

Eitmann Sz, , Pétervári E

Idősgyógyászat | Abstract


Az endoszkópos retrográd kolangiopankreatográfiát követő pancreatitis megelőzésének lehetőségei

Pécsi D, , Vincze Á

Magyar belorvosi archívum | Abstract


Neuropeptidek az időskori anorexia kialakulásában

Pétervári E, Füredi N, Mikó A, Rostás I, Tenk J, Balaskó M

Idősgyógyászat | Abstract


Response to Letter to the Editor : Relevance of HLA-DQB1*02 allele in predisposing to coeliac disease

Bajor J, Szakács Z, Vincze Á

European Journal of Immunogenetics | Abstract


Endoszkópos regiszterek a minőség szolgálatában

Pécsi D, Tóth M, Vincze Á

Magyar belorvosi archívum | Abstract


The interaction between neurokinin-1 receptors and cyclooxygenase-2 in fever genesis.

Kéringer P, , Rumbus Z

Temperature | Abstract


Multiple hits in acute pancreatitis: components of metabolic syndrome synergize each other’s deteriorating effects

Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Vincze Á, Bajor J, Gódi S, Sarlós P, Gede N, Izbéki F, Halász A, Márta K, Dobszai D, Török I, Farkas H, Papp M, Varga M, Hamvas J, Novák J, Mickevicius A, Ramirez M E, Sallinen V, Illés D, Kui B, Erőss B, Czakó L, Takács M, Hegyi P

Frontiers in Physiology | Abstract


A Multicenter, International Cohort Analysis of 1435 Cases to Support Clinical Trial Design in Acute Pancreatitis

Farkas N, Hanák L, Mikó A, Bajor J, Sarlós P, Czimmer J, Vincze Á, Gódi S, Pécsi D, Varjú P, Márta K, Hegyi P J, Erőss B, Szakács Z, Takács T, Czakó L, Németh B, Illés D, Kui B, Darvasi E, Izbéki F, Halász A, Dunás-Varga V, Gajdán L, Hamvas J, Papp M, Földi I, Fehér K E, Varga M, Csefkó K, Török I, Hunor-Pál F, Mickevicius A, Maldonado E R, Sallinen V, Novák J, Ince A T, Galeev S, Bod B, Sümegi J, Pencik P, Szepes A, Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Hegyi P

Frontiers in Physiology | Abstract


Hypertension exacerbates cerebrovascular oxidative stress induced by mild traumatic brain injury : protective effects of the mitochondria-targeted antioxidative peptide SS-31

Czigler A, Tóth L, Szarka N, Berta G, Amrein K, Czeiter E, Lendvai-Emmert D, Bodó K, Tarantini S, Koller Á, Ungvári Z, Büki A, Tóth P J

Journal of Neurotrauma | Abstract


Failure in the compensatory mechanism in red blood cells due to sustained smoking during pregnancy

Chakraborty P, Dugmonits K N, Végh A G, Hollandi R, Horváth P, Maléth J, Hegyi P, Németh G, Hermesz E

Chemico-Biological Interactions | Abstract


Observational longitudinal multicentre investigation of acute pancreatitis (GOULASH PLUS) : follow-up of the GOULASH study, protocol

Mikó A, Erőss B, Sarlós P, Hegyi P Jr, Márta K, Pécsi D, Vincze Á, Bódis B, Nemes O, Faluhelyi N, Farkas O, Papp R, Kelemen D, Szentesi A, Hegyi E, Papp M, Czakó L, Izbéki F, Gajdán L, Novák J, Sahin-Tóth M, Lerch Markus M, Neoptolemos J, Petersen Ole H, Hegyi P

BMJ Open | Abstract

Cerebral venous congestion promotes blood-brain barrier disruption and neuroinflammation, impairing cognitive function in mice

Fülöp Gábor A, Ahire C, Csípő T, Tarantini S, Kiss T, Balasubramanian P, Yabluchanskiy A, Farkas E, Tóth A, Nyúl-Tóth Á, Tóth P, Csiszár A, Ungvari Z

Geroscience | Abstract


Complement Activation-Related Pathophysiological Changes in Anesthetized Rats : Activator-Dependent Variations of Symptoms and Mediators of Pseudoallergy

Dézsi L, Mészáros T, Őrfi E, Fülöp T G, Hennies M, Rosivall L, Hamar P, Szebeni J, Szénási G

Molecules | Abstract


Spilanthol Inhibits Inflammatory Transcription Factors and iNOS Expression in Macrophages and Exerts Anti-inflammatory Effects in Dermatitis and Pancreatitis.

Bakondi E, Singh S B, Hajnády Z, Nagy-Pénzes M, Regdon Zs, Kovács K, Hegedűs Cs, Madácsy T, Maléth J, Hegyi P, Máté Á, Nagy T, Kéki S, Szabó É, Virág L, Nagy T, Kéki S

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Glomerular Collagen Deposition and Lipocalin-2 Expression Are Early Signs of Renal Injury in Prediabetic Obese Rats

Bukosza E N, Kaucsár T, Godó M, Lajtár E, Tod P, Koncsos G, Varga Z, Baranyai T, Nguyen Minh T, Schachner H, Sőti Cs, Ferdinandy P, Giricz Z, Szénási G, Hamar P

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Common variants in glyoxalase I do not increase chronic pancreatitis risk

Kaune T, Hollenbach M, Keil B, Chen J, Masson E, Becker C, Damm M, Ruffert C, Grützmann R, Hoffmeister A, Te Morsche Rene H M, Cavestro G M, Zuppardo R A, Saftoiu A, Malecka-Panas E, Głuszek S, Bugert P, Lerch M M, Weiss F U, Zou W-B, Liao Z, Hegyi P, Drenth J Ph;Riedel J, Férec C, Scholz M, Kirsten H, Tóth A, Ewers M, Witt H, Griesmann H, Michl P, Rosendahl J

PLoS One | Abstract


Novel mitochondrial transition pore inhibitor N-methyl-4-isoleucine cyclosporin is a new therapeutic option in acute pancreatitis

Tóth E, Maléth J, Závogyán N, Fanczal J, Grassalkovich A, Erdős R, Pallagi P, Horváth G, Tretter L, Bálint E R, Rakonczay Z, Venglovecz V, Hegyi P

Journal of Physiology | Abstract


Sarcopenia as an independent predictor of the surgical outcomes of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a meta-analysis

Erős A, Soós A, Hegyi P, Szakács Z, Benke M, Szűcs Á, Hartmann P, Erőss B, Sarlós P

Surgery Today | Abstract


Endoscopic versus microscopic stapes surgery outcomes: A meta-analysis and systematic review.

Koukkoullis A, Tóth I, Gede N, Szakács Z, Hegyi P, Varga G, Pap I, Harmat K, Németh A, Szanyi I, Lujber L, Gerlinger I, Révész P

The Laryngoscope | Abstract


Systemic antibiotic prophylaxis does not affect infectious complications in pediatric burn injury: A meta-analysis.

Csenkey A, Jozsa G, Gede N, Pakai E, Tinusz B, Rumbus Z, Lukacs A, Gyongyi Z, Hamar P, Sepp R, Romanovsky AA, Hegyi P, Vajda P, Garami A

PLoS One | Abstract


Direct Anticoagulants and Risk of Myocardial Infarction, a Multiple Treatment Network Meta-Analysis

Kupó P, Szakács Z, Solymár M, Habon T, Czopf L, Hategan L, Csányi B, Borbás J, Tringer A, Varga G, Balaskó M, Sepp R, Hegyi P, Bálint A, Komócsi A

Angiology | Abstract


Endoscopic type I tympanoplasty is as effective as microscopic type I tympanoplasty but less invasive-A meta-analysis.

Pap I, Tóth I, Gede N, Hegyi P, Szakács Z, Koukkoullis A, Révész P, Harmat K, Németh A, Lujber L, Gerlinger I, Bocskai T, Varga G, Szanyi I

Clin Otolaryngol | Abstract


A Call for Research on the Prognostic Role of Follow-Up Histology in Celiac Disease: A Systematic Review

Szakács Z, Gede N, Gyöngyi Z, Solymár M, Csuport D, Erőss B, Vincze Á, Mikó A, Vasas A, Szapáry L, Dobszai D, Balikó V, Hágendorn R, Hegyi P, Bajor J

Frontiers in Physiology | Abstract


Endoscopic and surgical drainage for pancreatic fluid collections are better than percutaneous drainage: Meta-analysis

Szakó L, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Pécsi D, Gyöngyi Z, Csupor D, Bajor J, Erőss B, Mikó A, Szakács Z, Dobszai D, Meczker Á, Márta K, Rostás I, Vincze Á

Pancreatology | Abstract


Vitex agnus-castus in premenstrual syndrome: a meta-analysis of double-blind randomised controlled trials

Csupor D, Lantős T, Hegyi P, Benko Ria, Viola R, Gyöngyi Z, Csécsei P, Tóth B, Vasas A, Márta K, Rostás I, Szentesi A, Matuz M

Complementary Therapies in Medicine | Abstract


Spotlight on Transition in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review

Erős A, Soós A, Hegyi P, Szakács Z, Erőss B, Párniczky A, Mezősi E, Rumbus Z, Sarlós P

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases | Abstract


Epidermal Growth Factor is Effective in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review

Bui TQ, Bui QVP, Németh D, Hegyi P, Szakács Z, Rumbus Z, Tóth B, Emri G, Párniczky A, Sarlós P, Varga O

Int J Environ Res Public Health | Abstract


Endoscopic Type I Tympanoplasty is as Effective as Microscopic Type I Tympanoplasty but Less Invasive - a Meta-Analysis.

Pap I, Tóth I, Gede N, Hegyi P, Szakács Z, Koukkoullis A, Révész P, Harmat K, Németh A, Lujber L, Gerlinger I, Bocskai T, Varga G, Szanyi I

Clin Otolaryngol | Abstract


Computed Tomography Severity Index vs. Other Indices in the Prediction of Severity and Mortality in Acute Pancreatitis: A Predictive Accuracy Meta-analysis

Mikó A, Vigh É, Mátrai P, Soós A, Garami A, Balaskó M, Czakó L, Mosdósi B, Sarlós P, Erőss B, Tenk J, Rostás I, Hegyi P

Frontiers in Physiology | Abstract


Baveno Criteria Safely Identify Patients With Compensated Advanced Chronic Liver Disease Who Can Avoid Variceal Screening Endoscopy: A Diagnostic Test Accuracy Meta-Analysis

Szakács Z, Erőss B, Soós A, Mátrai P, Szabó I, Pétervári E, Bajor J, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Illés A, Solymár M, Balaskó M, Sarlós P, Szűcs Á, Czimmer J, Vincze Á, Pár G

Frontiers in Physiology | Abstract


The Efficacy of Saffron in the Treatment of Mild to Moderate Depression: A Meta-analysis

Tóth B, Hegyi P, Lantos T, Szakács Z, Kerémi B, Varga G, Tenk J, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Rumbus Z, Rakonczay Z, Bálint ER, Kiss T,, Csupor D

Planta Med | Abstract


Genetic, epigenetic and transcriptional comparison of esophagus tumor‑associated and adjacent normal myofibroblasts

Huliák I,  Bodai L, Czepán M, Kovács D, Szabó A, Tiszlavicz L, Lázár G, Rakonczay Z Jr, Hegyi P, Boros IM, Kiricsi M

Oncol Rep | Abstract


Classical celiac disease is more frequent with a double dose of HLA-DQB1*02: A systematic review with meta-analysis

Bajor J, Szakács Z, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Illés A, Solymár M, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Pár G, Sarlós P, Szűcs Á, Czimmer J, Szemes K, Huszár O, Varjú P, Vincze Á

PLoS One | Abstract


The effects of TNF-alpha inhibitor therapy on the incidence of infection in JIA children: a meta-analysis

Nagy A, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Alizadeh H, Bajor J, Czopf L, Gyöngyi Z, Kiss Z, Márta K, Simon M, Szilágyi ÁL, Veres G, Mosdósi B

Pediatr Rheumatol Online J | Abstract


Aging and Comorbidities in Acute Pancreatitis I: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review Based on 194,702 Patients

Márta K, Lazarescu AM, Farkas N, Mátrai P, Cazacu I, Ottóffy M, Habon T, Erőss B, Vincze À, Veres G, Czakó L, Sarlós P, Rakonczay Z, Hegyi P

Front Physiol | Abstract


Body-mass index correlates with severity and mortality in acute pancreatitis: A meta-analysis

Dobszai D, Mátrai P, Gyöngyi Z, Csupor D, Bajor J, Erőss B, Mikó A, Szakó L, Meczker Á, Hágendorn R, Márta K, Szentesi A, Hegyi P

World J Gastroenterol | Abstract


Transpancreatic Sphincterotomy Is Effective and Safe in Expert Hands on the Short Term

Pécsi D, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Varjú P, Szakács Z, Fábián A, Varga G, Rakonczay Z Jr, Bálint ER, Erőss B, Czimmer J, Szepes Z, Vincze Á

Dig Dis Sci | Abstract


Single Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Induces Persistent Disruption of the Blood-Brain Barrier, Neuroinflammation and Cognitive Decline in Hypertensive Rats

Szarka N, Toth L, Czigler A, Kellermayer Z, Ungvari Z, Amrein K, Czeiter E, Bali ZK, Tadepalli SA, Wahr M, Hernadi I, Koller A, Buki A, Toth P

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract


Surgical outcomes related to invasive EEG monitoring with subdural grids or depth electrodes in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Toth M, Papp KS, Gede N, Farkas K, Kovacs S, Isnard J, Hagiwara K, Gyimesi C, Kuperczko D, Doczi T, Janszky J

Seizure | Abstract


Carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) hybrid genes and chronic pancreatitis. The saga continues

Hegyi E,

Pancreatology | Abstract


Antibiotic therapy in acute pancreatitis: From global overuse to evidence based recommendations

Párniczky A, Lantos T, Tóth EM, Szakács Z, Gódi S, Hágendorn R, Illés D, Koncz B, Márta K, Mikó A, Mosztbacher D, Németh BC, Pécsi D, Szabó A, Szücs Á, Varjú P, Szentesi A, Darvasi E, Erőss B, Izbéki F, Gajdán L, Halász A, Vincze Á, Szabó I, Pár G, Bajor J, Sarlós P, Czimmer J, Hamvas J, Takács T, Szepes Z, Czakó L, Varga M, Novák J, Bod B, Szepes A, Sümegi J, Papp M, Góg C, Török I, Huang W, Xia Q, Xue P, Li W, Chen W, Shirinskaya NV, Poluektov VL, Shirinskaya AV, Hegyi PJ, Bátovský M, Rodriguez-Oballe JA, Salas IM, Lopez-Diaz J, Dominguez-Munoz JE, Molero X, Pando E, Ruiz-Rebollo ML, Burgueño-Gómez B, Chang YT, Chang MC, Sud A, Moore D, Sutton R, Gougol A, Papachristou GI, Susak YM, Tiuliukin IO, Gomes AP, Oliveira MJ, Aparício DJ, Tantau M, Kurti F, Kovacheva-Slavova M, Stecher SS, Mayerle J, Poropat G, Das K, Marino MV, Capurso G, Małecka-Panas E, Zatorski H, Gasiorowska A, Fabisiak N, Ceranowicz P, Kuśnierz-Cabala B, Carvalho JR, Fernandes SR, Chang JH, Choi EK, Han J, Bertilsson S, Jumaa H, Sandblom G, Kacar S, Baltatzis M, Varabei AV, Yeshy V, Chooklin S, Kozachenko A, Veligotsky N, Hegyi P

Pancreatology | Abstract


Outcomes and timing of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for acute biliary pancreatitis

Halász A, Pécsi D, Farkas N, Izbéki F, Gajdán L, Fejes R, Hamvas J, Takács T, Szepes Z, Czakó L, Vincze Á, Gódi S, Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Illés D, Kui B, Varjú P, Márta K, Varga M, Novák J, Szepes A, Bod B, Ihász M, Hegyi P, Hritz I, Erőss B

Dig Liver Dis | Abstract

Endoscopic sphincterotoMy for delayIng choLecystectomy in mild acute biliarY pancreatitis (EMILY study): protocol of a multicentre randomised clinical trial

Kucserik LP, Márta K, Vincze Á, Lázár G, Czakó L, Szentkereszty Z, Papp M, Palatka K, Izbéki F, Altorjay Á, Török I, Barbu S, Tantau M, Vereczkei A, Bogár L, Dénes M, Németh I, Szentesi A, Zádori N, Antal J, Lerch MM, Neoptolemos J, Sahin-Tóth M, Petersen OH, Kelemen D, Hegyi P

BMJ Open | Abstract


Anti-TNFα agents are the best choice in preventing postoperative Crohn's disease: A meta-analysis

Erős A, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Szabó A, Balaskó M, Veres G, Czakó L, Bajor J, Alizadeh H, Rakonczay Z, Mikó A, Habon T, Erőss B, Bérczi B, Sarlós P

Dig Liver Dis | Abstract


The combination of hawthorn extract and camphor significantly increases blood pressure: A meta-analysis and systematic review

Csupor D, Viczián R, Lantos T, Kiss T, Hegyi P, Tenk J, Czumbel LM, Thanyaporn SN, Gyöngyi Z, Varga G, Gerber G, Pétervári E, Tóth B

Phytomedicine | Abstract

Sandblasting reduces dental implant failure rate but not marginal bone level loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Czumbel LM, Kerémi B, Gede N, Mikó A, Tóth B, Csupor D, Szabó A, Farkasdi S, Gerber G, Balaskó M, Pétervári E, Sepp R, Hegyi P, Varga G

PLoS One | Abstract


Retrospective Matched-Cohort Analysis of Acute Pancreatitis Induced by 5-Aminosalicylic Acid-Derived Drugs.

Meczker Á, Mikó A, Gede N, Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Gódi S, Hegyi P

Pancreas | Abstract


Effect on Cardiac Function of Longstanding Juvenile-onset Mixed Connective Tissue Disease: A Controlled Study

Witczak BN, Hetlevik SO, Sanner H, Barth Z, Schwartz T, Flatø B, Lilleby V, Sjaastad I

J Rheumatol | Abstract


Association Between Nailfold Capillary Density and Pulmonary and Cardiac Involvement in Medium to Longstanding Juvenile Dermatomyositis

Barth Z, Schwartz T, Flatø B, Aaløkken TM, Koller A, Lund MB, Sjaastad I, Sanner H

Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) | Abstract


Novel p.K374E variant of CPA1 causes misfolding-induced hereditary pancreatitis with autosomal dominant inheritance

Németh BC, Orekhova A, Zhang W, Nortman SA, Thompson T, Hegyi P, Abu-El-Haija M

Gut | Abstract

The interaction between neurokinin-1 receptors and cyclooxygenase-2 in fever genesis

Keringer P, , Rumbus Z

Temperature (Austin) | Abstract


Haemorheological and haemostatic alterations in coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel disease in comparison with non-coeliac, non-IBD subjects (HERMES): a case-control study protocol

Szakács Z, Csiszár B, Kenyeres P, Sarlós P, Erőss B, Hussain A, Nagy Á, Kőszegi B, Veczák I, Farkas N, Bódis E, Márta K, Szentesi A, Tőkés-Füzesi M, Berki T, Vincze Á, Tóth K, Hegyi P, Bajor J

BMJ Open | Abstract


Acute physiological changes caused by complement activators and amphotericin B-containing liposomes in mice

Őrfi E, Mészáros T, Hennies M, Fülöp T, Dézsi L, Nardocci A, Rosivall L, Hamar P, Neun BW, Dobrovolskaia MA, Szebeni J, Szénási G

Int J Nanomedicine | Abstract


HLA-DQ2 homozygosis increases tTGA levels at diagnosis but does not influence the clinical phenotype of coeliac disease: A multicentre study

Bajor J, Szakács Z, Juhász M, Papp M, Kocsis D, Szegedi É, Földi I, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Vincze Á

Int J Immunogenet | Abstract


Planned Transition of Adolescent Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Results in Higher Remission Rates

Otto C, Tárnok A, Erős A, Szakács Z, Vincze Á, Farkas N, Sarlós P

J Pediatr Nurs | Abstract


VPAC1 receptors play a dominant role in PACAP-induced vasorelaxation in female mice

Ivic I, Balasko M, Fulop BD, Hashimoto H, Toth G, Tamas A, Juhasz T, Koller A, Reglodi D, Solymár M

PLoS One | Abstract


Germline BRCA2 K3326X and CHEK2 I157T mutations increase risk for sporadic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Obazee O, Archibugi L, Andriulli A, Soucek P, Małecka-Panas E, Ivanauskas A, Johnson T, Gazouli M, Pausch T, Lawlor RT, Cavestro GM, Milanetto AC, Di Leo M, Pasquali C, Hegyi P, Szentesi A, Radu CE, Gheorghe C, Theodoropoulos GE, Bergmann F, Brenner H, Vodickova L, Katzke V, Campa D, Strobel O, Kaiser J, Pezzilli R, Federici F, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Boggi U, Lemstrova R, Johansen JS, Bojesen SE, Chen I, Jensen BV, Capurso G, Pazienza V, Dervenis C, Sperti C, Mambrini A, Hackert T, Kaaks R, Basso D, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Maiello E, Izbicki JR, Cuk K, Saum KU, Cantore M, Kupcinskas J, Palmieri O, Delle Fave G, Landi S, Salvia R, Fogar P, Vashist YK, Scarpa A, Vodicka P, Tjaden C, Iskierka-Jazdzewska E, Canzian F

Int J Cancer | Abstract


Genetics, Cell Biology, and Pathophysiology of Pancreatitis

Mayerle J, Sendler M, Hegyi E, Beyer G, Lerch MM, Sahin-Tóth M

Gastroenterology | Abstract


Evaluation of the Pathogenic Significance of the Novel p.T58M Chymotrypsin C Variant in Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis

Németh BC, Hegyi P , Takács T

Pancreas | Abstract

Genetic variability of the ABCC2 gene and clinical outcomes in pancreatic cancer patients

Gentiluomo M, Puchalt García P, Galeotti AA, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Tjaden C, Tavano F, Strobel O, Kupcinskas J, Neoptolemos J, Hegyi P, Costello E, Pezzilli R, Sperti C, Lawlor RT, Capurso G, Szentesi A, Soucek P, Vodicka P, Lovecek M, Hackert T, Cavestro GM, Milanetto AC, Canzian F, Campa D

Carcinogenesis | Abstract


Genetic determinants of telomere length and risk of pancreatic cancer: A PANDoRA study

Campa D, Matarazzi M, Greenhalf W, Bijlsma M, Saum KU, Pasquali C, van Laarhoven H, Szentesi A, Federici F, Vodicka P, Funel N, Pezzilli R, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Vodickova L, Basso D, Obazee O, Hackert T, Soucek P, Cuk K, Kaiser J, Sperti C, Lovecek M, Capurso G, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Khaw KT, König AK, Kupcinskas J, Kaaks R, Bambi F, Archibugi L, Mambrini A, Cavestro GM, Landi S, Hegyi P, Izbicki JR, Gioffreda D, Zambon CF, Tavano F, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Jamroziak K, Key TJ, Fave GD, Strobel O, Jonaitis L, Andriulli A, Lawlor RT, Pirozzi F, Katzke V, Valsuani C, Vashist YK, Brenner H, Canzian F

Int J Cancer | Abstract


Livopan szedációval szerzett tapasztalataink kolonoszkópia során

Pécsi D, Paulovicsné Kiss M, Czimmer J, Gódi Sz, Hunyady B, Illés A, Sarlós P, Kiss Gy, Vincze Á

Central European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology | Abstract


Gyermekkori csonttörések vizsgálata ultrahanggal

Varga M, Tóth L, Garancsy G, Ribes K, Pintér S



Liposzómális formulációk kutatása és fejlesztése akut pankreatitisz kezelése céljából

Németh Zs, Kiss L, Maléth J, Hegyi P, Szabóné Révész P, Jójártné Laczkovich O

Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica | Abstract


Lactose intolerance but not lactose maldigestion is more frequent in patients with irritable bowel syndrome than in healthy controls: A meta-analysis

Varjú P, Gede N, Szakács Z, Hegyi P, Cazacu IM, Pécsi D, Fábián A, Szepes Z, Vincze Á, Tenk J, Balaskó M, Rumbus Z, Garami A, Csupor D, Czimmer J

Neurogastroenterol Motil. | Abstract


Guts and Gall: Bile Acids in Regulation of Intestinal Epithelial Function in Health and Disease

Hegyi P, Maléth J, Walters JR, Hofmann AF, Keely SJ

Physiol Rev | Abstract


Eosinophil Counts in the Small Intestine and Colon of Children Without Apparent Gastrointestinal Disease-a Meta-analysis

Kiss Z, Tél B, Farkas N, Garami A, Vincze Á, Bajor J, Sarlós P, Márta K, Erős A, Mikó A, Szakács Z, Pécsi D, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Veres G

J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr | Abstract


The Neurokinin-1 Receptor Contributes to the Early Phase of Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Fever via Stimulation of Peripheral Cyclooxygenase-2 Protein Expression in Mice

Pakai E, Tekus V, Zsiboras C, Rumbus Z, Olah E, Keringer P, Khidhir N, Matics R, Deres L, Ordog K, Szentes N, Pohoczky K, Kemeny A, Hegyi P, Pinter E, Garami A

Front Immunol | Abstract


Novel Insight Into the Role of CFTR in Lacrimal Gland Duct Function in Mice

Berczeli O, Vizvári E, Katona M, Török D, Szalay L, Rárosi F, Németh I, Rakonczay Z, Hegyi P, Ding C, Tóth-Molnár E

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci | Abstract


EPC/HPSG evidence-based guidelines for the management of pediatric pancreatitis

Párniczky A, Abu-El-Haija M, Husain S, Lowe M, Oracz G, Sahin-Tóth M, Szabó FK, Uc A, Wilschanski M, Witt H, Czakó L, Grammatikopoulos T, Rasmussen IC, Sutton R, Hegyi P

Pancreatology | Abstract


Steroid but not Biological Therapy Elevates the risk of Venous Thromboembolic Events in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Meta-Analysis

Sarlos P,  Szemes K, Hegyi P, Garami A, Szabo I, Illes A, Solymar M, Petervari E, Vincze A, Par G, Bajor J, Czimmer J, Huszar O, Varju P, Farkas N

Journal of Crohn's and Colitis | Abstract


Compared efficacy of preservation solutions on the outcome of liver transplantation: Meta-analysis

Szilágyi ÁL, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Tuboly E, Pécz D, Garami A, Solymár M, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Veres G, Czopf L, Wobbe B, Szabó D, Wagner J, Hartmann P

World J Gastroenterol | Abstract


Gender difference in the effects of interleukin-6 on grip strength - a systematic review and meta-analysis

Mikó A, Pótó L, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Füredi N, Garami A, Illés A, Solymár M, Vincze Á, Balaskó M, Pár G, Sarlós P, Bajor J, Tenk J, Rostás I, Pétervári E

BMC Geriatrics | Abstract


Ductal Mucus Obstruction and Reduced Fluid Secretion Are Early Defects in Chronic Pancreatitis

Balázs A, Balla Z, Kui B, Maléth J, Rakonczay Z Jr, Duerr J, Zhou-Suckow Z, Schatterny J, Sendler M, Mayerle J, Kühn JP, Tiszlavicz L, Mall MA, Hegyi P

Frontiers in Physiology | Abstract


Intralesional steroid is beneficial in benign refractory esophageal strictures: A meta-analysis

Szapáry L, Tinusz B, Farkas N, Márta K, Szakó L, Meczker Á, Hágendorn R, Bajor J, Vincze Á, Gyöngyi Z, Mikó A, Csupor D, Hegyi P, Erőss B

World J Gastroenterol | Abstract


Capsaicin and capsiate could be appropriate agents for treatment of obesity: A meta-analysis of human studies

Zsiborás C, Mátics R, Hegyi P, Balaskó M, Pétervári E, Szabó I, Sarlós P, Mikó A, Tenk J, Rostás I, Pécsi D, Garami A, Rumbus Z, Huszár O, Solymár M

Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | Abstract


Centralized care for acute pancreatitis significantly improves outcomes

Gódi S, Erőss B, Gyömbér Z, Szentesi A, Farkas N, Párniczky A, Sarlós P, Bajor J, Czimmer J, Mikó A, Márta K, Hágendorn R, Márton Z, Verzár Z, Czakó L, Szepes Z, Vincze Á, Hegyi P

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis | Abstract


5-ASA induces mild acute pancreatitis. Case report and review of the literature

Meczker Á, Mikó A, Hegyi P

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis | Abstract


Eosinophil Counts in the Small Intestine and Colon of Children Without Apparent Gastrointestinal Disease: A Meta-analysis

Kiss Z, Tél B, Farkas N, Garami A, Vincze Á, Bajor J, Sarlós P, Márta K, Erős A, Mikó A, Szakács Z, Pécsi D, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Veres G

J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr | Abstract


Helicobacter pylori infection reduces the risk of Barrett's esophagus: A meta-analysis and systematic review

Erőss B, Farkas N, Vincze Á, Tinusz B, Szapáry L, Garami A, Balaskó M, Sarlós P, Czopf L, Alizadeh H, Rakonczay Z Jr, Habon T, Hegyi P

Helicobacter | Abstract


The role of endoscopy registries in quality health care. The first data from the Hungarian Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Registry

Pécsi D, Hegyi P, Szentesi A, Gódi S, Pakodi F, Vincze Á

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Perceived stress correlates with visceral obesity and lipid parameters of the metabolic syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Tenk J, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Rostás I, Garami A, Szabó I, Hartmann P, Pétervári E, Czopf L, Hussain A, Simon M, Szujó S, Balaskó M

Psychoneuroendocrinology | Abstract


Preexisting Diabetes Elevates Risk of Local and Systemic Complications in Acute Pancreatitis: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Mikó A, Farkas N, Garami A, Szabó I, Vincze Á, Veres G, Bajor J, Alizadeh H, Rakonczay Z Jr, Vigh É, Márta K, Kiss Z, Hegyi P,, Czakó L

Pancreas | Abstract


The effect of serum triglyceride concentration on the outcome of acute pancreatitis: systematic review and meta-analysis

Kiss L, Fűr G, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Ivány E, Cazacu IM, Szabó I, Habon T, Alizadeh H, Gyöngyi Z, Vigh É, Erőss B, Erős A, Ottoffy M, Czakó L, Rakonczay Z Jr

Scientific Reports | Abstract


Bidirectional Relationship Between Reduced Blood pH and Acute Pancreatitis: A Translational Study of Their Noxious Combination

Rumbus Z, Toth E, Poto L, Vincze A, Veres G, Czako L, Olah E, Marta K, Miko A, Rakonczay Z Jr, Balla Z, Kaszaki J, Foldesi I, Maleth J, Hegyi P, Garami A

Frontiers in Physiology | Abstract


Therapeutic Whole-Body Hypothermia Reduces Death in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury if the Cooling Index Is Sufficiently High: Meta-Analyses of the Effect of Single Cooling Parameters and Their Integrated Measure

Olah E, Poto L, Hegyi P, Szabo I, Hartmann P, Solymar M, Petervari E, Balasko M, Habon T, Rumbus Z, Tenk J, Rostas I, Weinberg J, Romanovsky AA, Garami A

J Neurotrauma | Abstract


Short-Course Antibiotic Treatment Is Not Inferior to a Long-Course One in Acute Cholangitis: A Systematic Review

Tinusz B, Szapáry L, Paládi B, Tenk J, Rumbus Z, Pécsi D, Szakács Z, Varga G, Rakonczay Z Jr, Szepes Z, Czimmer J, Vincze Á, Hegyi P, Erőss B

Dig Dis Sci | Abstract


Pancreatitis-Associated Genes and Pancreatic Cancer Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Cazacu IM, Farkas N, Garami A, Balaskó M, Mosdósi B, Alizadeh H, Gyöngyi Z, Rakonczay Z Jr, Vigh É, Habon T, Czopf L, Lazarescu MA, Erőss B, Sahin-Tóth M, Hegyi P

Pancreas | Abstract


The common truncation variant in pancreatic lipase related protein 2 (PNLIPRP2) is expressed poorly and does not alter risk for chronic pancreatitis

Németh BC, Pesei ZG, Hegyi E, Szücs Á, Szentesi A, Hegyi P, Lowe ME, Sahin-Tóth M

PLoS One | Abstract


Ginger (Zingiber officinale): An alternative for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting. A meta-analysis

Tóth B, Lantos T, Hegyi P, Viola R, Vasas A, Benkő R, Gyöngyi Z, Vincze Á, Csécsei P, Mikó A, Hegyi D, Szentesi A, Matuz M, Csupor D

Phytomedicine | Abstract


PPIs Are Not Responsible for Elevating Cardiovascular Risk in Patients on Clopidogrel-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Demcsák A, Lantos T, Bálint ER, Hartmann P, Vincze Á, Bajor J, Czopf L, Alizadeh H, Gyöngyi Z, Márta K, Mikó A, Szakács Z, Pécsi D, Hegyi P, Szabó IL

Frontiers in Physiology | Abstract

Metformin induces significant reduction of body weight, total cholesterol and LDL levels in the elderly - A meta-analysis

Solymár M,  Ivic I, Pótó L, Hegyi P, Garami A, Hartmann P, Pétervári E, Czopf L, Hussain A, Gyöngyi Z, Sarlós P, Simon M, Mátrai P, Bérczi B, Balaskó M

PLoS One | Abstract


Theory of mind disturbances in borderline personality disorder: A meta-analysis

Németh N, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Czéh B, Czopf L, Hussain A, Pammer J, Szabó I, Solymár M, Kiss L, Hartmann P, Szilágyi ÁL, Kiss Z, Simon M

Psychiatry Research | Abstract


Reply: Does Helicobacter pylori infection increase the risk of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal adenocarcinoma?

Erőss B, Tinusz B, Farkas N,, Hegyi P

Helicobacter | Abstract


Vicious metabolic cycle in acute pancreatitis: from clinical observations to experimental confirmation

Tóth E, Rumbus Z, Potó L, Vincze Á, Veres G, Czakó L, Oláh E, Márta K, Mikó A, Rakonczay Z, Balla Zs, Kaszaki J, Földesi I, Maléth J, Garami A, Hegyi P



Capsaicin and capsiate could be appropriate agents for treatment of obesity: A meta-analysis of human studies

Zsiborás C, Mátics R, Hegyi P, Balaskó M, Pétervári E, Szabó I, Sarlós P, Mikó A, Tenk J, Rostás I, Pécsi D, Garami A, Rumbus Z, Huszár O, Solymár M

Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition | Abstract


Steroid but not Biological Therapy Elevates the risk of Venous Thromboembolic Events in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Meta-Analysis

Sarlos P, Szemes K, Hegyi P, Garami A, Szabo I, Illes A, Solymar M, Petervari E, Vincze A, Par G, Bajor J, Czimmer J, Huszar O, Varju P, Farkas N

J Crohns Colitis | Abstract


Gender difference in the effects of interleukin-6 on grip strength - a systematic review and meta-analysis

Mikó A, Pótó L, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Füredi N, Garami A, Illés A, Solymár M, Vincze Á, Balaskó M, Pár G, Sarlós P, Bajor J, Tenk J, Rostás I, Pétervári E

BMC Geriatrics | Abstract


Eosinophil Counts in the Small Intestine and Colon of Children Without Apparent Gastrointestinal Disease: A Meta-analysis

Kiss Z, Tél B, Farkas N, Garami A, Vincze Á, Bajor J, Sarlós P, Márta K, Erős A,2, Mikó A, Szakács Z, Pécsi D, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Veres G

J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr | Abstract


Compared efficacy of preservation solutions on the outcome of liver transplantation: Meta-analysis

Szilágyi ÁL, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Tuboly E, Pécz D, Garami A, Solymár M, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Veres G, Czopf L, Wobbe B, Szabó D, Wagner J, Hartmann P

World J Gastroenterol | Abstract


Asymmetric dimethylarginine levels in preeclampsia - Systematic review and meta-analysis

Németh B, Murányi E, Hegyi P, Mátrai P, Szakács Z, Varjú P, Hamvas S, Tinusz B, Budán F, Czimmer J, Bérczi B, Erőss B, Gyöngyi Z, Kiss I

Placenta | Abstract


Body fat of rats of different age groups and nutritional states: assessment by micro-CT and skinfold thickness

Tekus E, Miko A, Furedi N, Rostas I, Tenk J, Kiss T, Szitter I, Balasko M, Helyes Z, Wilhelm M, Petervari E

J Appl Physiol (1985) | Abstract


Activity of the Hypothalamic Melanocortin System Decreases in Middle-Aged and Increases in Old Rats

Füredi N, Mikó A, Gaszner B, Feller D, Rostás I, Tenk J, Solymár M, Balaskó M, Pétervári E

J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci | Abstract


TRPV1 antagonists that cause hypothermia, instead of hyperthermia, in rodents: Compounds' pharmacological profiles, in vivo targets, thermoeffectors recruited and implications for drug development

Garami A, Pakai E, McDonald HA, Reilly RM, Gomstyan A, Corrigan JJ, Pinter E, Zhu DXD, Lehto SG, Gavva NR, Kym PR, Romanovsky AA

Acta Physiol (Oxf) | Abstract


Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide ameliorates vascular dysfunction induced by hyperglycaemia

Solymár M, Ivic I, Balasko M, Fulop BD, Toth G, Tamas A, Reman G, Koller A, Reglodi D

Diab Vasc Dis Res | Abstract


Microtubule organization in presynaptic boutons relies on the formin DAAM

Migh E, Götz T, Földi I, Szikora S, Gombos R, Darula Z, Medzihradszky KF, Maléth J, Hegyi P, Sigrist S, Mihály J

Development | Abstract


Acute appendicitis in a patient with perianal Crohn's disease receiving infliximab

Szakács Z, Faluhelyi N, Fincsur A, Papp A, Vincze Á, Bajor J

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Treatment of partial thickness hand burn injuries in children with combination of silver foam dressing and zinc-hyaluronic gel: Case reports

Jozsa G, Vajda P, Garami A, Csenkey A, Juhasz Z

Medicine (Baltimore) | Abstract


Necrotic amplification loop in acute pancreatitis: pancreatic stellate cells and nitric oxide are important players in the development of the disease

Hegyi P,

J Physiol | Abstract


Prevalence and severity of chronic parodontitis and oral mucosal lesions in chronic obstructive lung disease

Bán Á, Németh ZF, Szauter A, Soós S, Balaskó M

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Common variants in the CLDN2-MORC4 and PRSS1-PRSS2 loci confer susceptibility to acute pancreatitis

Weiss FU, Hesselbarth N, Párniczky A, Mosztbacher D, Lämmerhirt F, Ruffert C, Kovacs P, Beer S, Seltsam K, Griesmann H, Böhme R, Kaune T, Hollenbach M, Schulz HU, Simon P, Mayerle J, Lerch MM, Cavestro GM, Zuppardo RA, Di Leo M, Testoni PA, Malecka-Panas E, Gasirowska A, Głuszek S, Bugert P, Szentesi A, Mössner J, Witt H, Michl P, Hégyi P, Scholz M , Rosendahl J

Pancreatology | Abstract


Effectivity of the Nissen fundoplication and the influencing factors of the success. Results at the Medical Centre of Pécs depending on the indications and symptoms

Varjú P, Horváth ÖP, Papp A, Gede N, Czimmer J

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Assessment of endothelial function in leptomeningeal arterioles derived from patients with Alzheimer's disease and vascular cognitive impairment

Toth P, Tarantini S, Rutkai I, Ungvari Z

J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol | Abstract


Colorectal cancer and screening awareness and sources of information in the Hungarian population

Gede N, Reményi Kiss D, Kiss I

BMC Farm Pract | Abstract


International consensus statements on early chronic Pancreatitis. Recommendations from the working group for the international consensus guidelines for chronic pancreatitis in collaboration with The International Association of Pancreatology, American Pancreatic Association, Japan Pancreas Society, PancreasFest Working Group and European Pancreatic Club

Whitcomb DC, Shimosegawa T, Chari ST, Forsmark CE, Frulloni L, Garg P, Hegyi P, Hirooka Y, Irisawa A, Ishikawa T, Isaji S, Lerch MM, Levy P, Masamune A, Wilcox CM, Windsor J, Yadav D, Sheel A, Neoptolemos JP

Pancreatology | Abstract


Selegiline reduces adiposity induced by high-fat, high-sucrose diet in male rats

Nagy CT, Koncsos G, Varga ZV, Baranyai T, Tuza S, Kassai F, Ernyey AJ, Gyertyán I, Király K, Oláh A, Radovits T, Merkely B, Bukosza N, Szénási G, Hamar P, Mathé D, Szigeti K, Pelyhe C, Jelemenský M, Onódi Z, Helyes Z, Schulz R, Giricz Z, Ferdinandy P

Br J Pharmacol | Abstract

Comparative analysis of decidual and peripheral immune cells and immune-checkpoint molecules during pregnancy in wild-type and PACAP-deficient mice

Lajko A, Meggyes M, Fulop BD, Gede N, Reglodi D, Szereday L

Am J Reprod Immunol | Abstract


The Importance of Aquaporin 1 in Pancreatitis and Its Relation to the CFTR Cl- Channel

Venglovecz V, Pallagi P, Kemény LV, Balázs A, Balla Z, Becskeházi E, Gál E, Tóth E, Zvara Á, Puskás LG, Borka K, Sendler M, Lerch MM, Mayerle J, Kühn JP, Rakonczay Z Jr, Hegyi P

Front Physiol | Abstract


Traumatic Brain Injury Impairs Myogenic Constriction of Cerebral Arteries: Role of Mitochondria-Derived H2O2 and TRPV4-Dependent Activation of BKca Channels

Szarka N, Pabbidi MR, Amrein K, Czeiter E, Berta G, Pohoczky K, Helyes Z, Ungvari Z, Koller A, Buki A, Toth P

J Neurotrauma | Abstract


Repeated Valsalva maneuvers promote symptomatic manifestations of cerebral microhemorrhages: implications for the pathogenesis of vascular cognitive impairment in older adults

Ungvari Z,  Yabluchanskiy A, Tarantini S, Toth P, Kirkpatrick AC, Csiszar A, Prodan CI

Geroscience | Abstract


Accelerating the Drug Delivery Pipeline for Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis: Summary of the Working Group on Drug Development and Trials in Acute Pancreatitis at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Workshop

Abu-El-Haija M, Gukovskaya AS, Andersen DK, Gardner TB, Hegyi P, Pandol SJ, Papachristou GI, Saluja AK, Singh VK, Uc A, Wu BU

Pancreas | Abstract


The Effect of Psychoeducation on Anxiety in Women Undergoing Their Initial Breast Cancer Screening Mammography

Lungulescu CV, Lungulescu C, Lungulescu LT, Artene SA, Cazacu IM, Varju P, Dinescu S, Danciulescu M, Gheorman V

J Nerv Ment Dis | Abstract


Thermoregulation and age

Székely M, , Garai J

Handb Clin Neurol | Abstract


Fever and hypothermia in systemic inflammation

Garami A, Steiner AA, Romanovsky AA

Handb Clin Neurol | Abstract


A komplex energetikai egyensúly kísérletes vizsgálata

Garami A,

Lege Artis Medicinae | Abstract


Genome-wide association study identifies inversion in the CTRB1-CTRB2 locus to modify risk for alcoholic and non-alcoholic chronic pancreatitis

Rosendahl J, Kirsten H, Hegyi E, Kovacs P, Weiss FU, Laumen H, Lichtner P, Ruffert C, Chen JM, Masson E, Beer S, Zimmer C, Seltsam K, Algül H, Bühler F, Bruno MJ, Bugert P, Burkhardt R, Cavestro GM, Cichoz-Lach H, Farré A, Frank J, Gambaro G, Gimpfl S, Grallert H, Griesmann H, Grützmann R, Hellerbrand C, Hegyi P, Hollenbach M, Iordache S, Jurkowska G, Keim V, Kiefer F, Krug S, Landt O, Leo MD, Lerch MM, Lévy P, Löffler M, Löhr M, Ludwig M, Macek M, Malats N, Malecka-Panas E, Malerba G, Mann K, Mayerle J, Mohr S, Te Morsche RHM, Motyka M, Mueller S, Müller T, Nöthen MM, Pedrazzoli S, Pereira SP, Peters A, Pfützer R, Real FX, Rebours V, Ridinger M, Rietschel M, Rösmann E, Saftoiu A, Schneider A, Schulz HU, Soranzo N, Soyka M, Simon P, Skipworth J, Stickel F, Strauch K, Stumvoll M, Testoni PA, Tönjes A, Werner L, Werner J, Wodarz N, Ziegler M, Masamune A, Mössner J, Férec C, Michl P, P H Drenth J, Witt H, Scholz M, Sahin-Tóth M

Gut | Abstract


Aging and Comorbidities in Acute Pancreatitis II.: A Cohort-Analysis of 1203 Prospectively Collected Cases

Szakács Z, Gede N, Pécsi D, Izbéki F, Papp M, Kovács G, Fehér E, Dobszai D, Kui B, Márta K, Kónya K, Szabó I, Török I, Gajdán L, Takács T, Sarlós P, Gódi S, Varga M, Hamvas J, Vincze Á, Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Hegyi P

Front Physiol | Abstract

Uncommon appearance of concurrent liver cirrhosis and chronic pancreatitis: The alcohol metabolism theory

Márta K, , Hegyi P

Dig Liver Dis | Abstract



Savcsökkentők alkalmazása magas rizikójú és GI nyálkahártya-lézióban szenvedő betegekben

Demcsák A, , Hegyi P

Háziorvos Továbbképző Szemle | Abstract


Fever Is Associated with Reduced, Hypothermia with Increased Mortality in Septic Patients: A Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials.

Rumbus Z, Mátics R, Hegyi P, Zsiborás C, Szabó I, Illés A, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Márta K, Mikó A, Párniczky A, Tenk J, Rostás I, Solymár M, Garami A

PLoS One | Abstract


Low fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet improves symptoms in adults suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) compared to standard IBS diet: A meta-analysis of clinical studies

Varjú P, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Garami A, Szabó I, Illés A, Solymár M, Vincze Á, Balaskó M, Pár G, Bajor J, Szücs Á, Huszár O, Pécsi D, Czimmer J

PLoS One | Abstract


In middle-aged and old obese patients, training intervention reduces leptin level: A meta-analysis

Rostás I, Pótó L, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Tenk J, Garami A, Illés A, Solymár M, Pétervári E, Szücs Á, Párniczky A, Pécsi D, Rumbus Z, Zsiborás C, Füredi N, Balaskó M

PLoS One | Abstract


PPIs Prevent Aspirin-Induced Gastrointestinal Bleeding Better than H2RAs. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Szabó IL, Mátics R, Hegyi P, Garami A, Illés A, Sarlós P, Bajor J, Szücs Á, Mosztbacher D, Márta K, Szemes K, Csekő K, Kővári B, Rumbus Z, Vincze Á , Vincze Á

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis | Abstract


Chronic kidney disease severely deteriorates the outcome of gastrointestinal bleeding: A meta-analysis

Hágendorn R, Farkas N, Vincze Á, Gyöngyi Z, Csupor D, Bajor J, Erőss B, Csécsei P, Vasas A, Szakács Z, Szapáry L, Hegyi P, Mikó A

World J Gastroenterol | Abstract


Restoration of energy level in the early phase of acute pediatric pancreatitis

Mosztbacher D, Farkas N, Solymár M, Pár G, Bajor J, Szűcs Á, Czimmer J, Márta K, Mikó A, Rumbus Z, Varjú P, Hegyi P, Párniczky A

World J Gastroenterol | Abstract


Chronic pancreatitis: Multicentre prospective data collection and analysis by the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group

Szűcs Á, Tamás Marjai, Andrea Szentesi, Nelli Farkas, Andrea Párniczky, György Nagy, Balázs Kui, Tamás Takács, László Czakó, Zoltán Szepes, Balázs Csaba Németh, Áron Vincze, Gabriella Pár, Imre Szabó, Patrícia Sarlós, Anita Illés, Szilárd Gódi, Ferenc Izbéki, Judit Gervain, Adrienn Halász, Gyula Farkas, László Leindler, Dezső Kelemen, Róbert Papp, Richárd Szmola, Márta Varga, József Hamvas, János Novák, Barnabás Bod, Miklós Sahin-Tóth, Hegyi P

PLoS One | Abstract


IL23R single nucleotide polymorphisms could be either beneficial or harmful in ulcerative colitis

Fischer S, Kövesdi E, Magyari L, Csöngei V, Hadzsiev K, Melegh B, Hegyi P, Sarlós P

World J Gastroenterol | Abstract


Detection of human elastase isoforms by the ScheBo Pancreatic Elastase 1 Test

Tóth AZ, Szabó A, Hegyi E, Hegyi P, Sahin-Tóth M

Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol | Abstract


Is Heller myotomy better than balloon dilation? A meta-analysis

Illés A, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Garami A, Szabó I, Solymár M, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Pár G, Sarlós P, Bajor J, Szücs Á, Czimmer J, Szemes K, Vincze Á

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis | Abstract


Younger age at diagnosis predisposes to mucosal recovery in celiac disease on a gluten-free diet: A meta-analysis

Szakács Z, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Szabó I, Vincze Á, Balaskó M, Mosdósi B, Sarlós P, Simon M, Márta K, Mikó A, Pécsi D, Demcsák A, Bajor J

PLoS One | Abstract


Association between AIRE gene polymorphism and rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies

Bérczi B, Gerencsér G, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Veres G, Bajor J, Czopf L, Alizadeh H, Rakonczay Z, Vígh É, Erőss B, Szemes K , Gyöngyi Z

Sci Rep | Abstract


Transpancreatic sphincterotomy has a higher cannulation success rate than needle-knife precut papillotomy - a meta-analysis

Pécsi D, Farkas N, Hegyi P, Balaskó M, Czimmer J, Garami A, Illés A, Mosztbacher D, Pár G, Párniczky A, Sarlós P, Szabó I, Szemes K, Szücs Á, Vincze Á

Endoscopy | Abstract

High versus low energy administration in the early phase of acute pancreatitis (GOULASH trial): protocol of a multicentre randomised double-blind clinical trial

Márta K, Anikó N Szabó, Dániel Pécsi, Péter Varjú, Judit Bajor, Szilárd Gódi, Patrícia Sarlós, Alexandra Mikó, Kata Szemes, Mária Papp, Tamás Tornai, Áron Vincze, Zsolt Márton, Patrícia A Vincze, Erzsébet Lankó, Andrea Szentesi, Tímea Molnár, Roland Hágendorn, Nándor Faluhelyi, István Battyáni, Dezső Kelemen, Róbert Papp, Attila Miseta, Zsófia Verzár, Markus M Lerch, John P Neoptolemos, Miklós Sahin-Tóth, Ole H Petersen, Hegyi P

BMJ Open | Abstract


Fever, hypothermia, and mortality in sepsis

Rumbus Z, Matics R, Hegyi P, Zsiboras C, Szabo I, Illes A, Petervari E, Balasko M, Marta K, Miko A, Parniczky A, Tenk J, Rostas I, Solymar M, Garami A

Temperature | Abstract

Meta-Analysis of the Long Term Success Rate of Different Interventions in Benign Biliary Strictures

Huszár O, Kokas B, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Pétervári E, Vincze Á, Pár G, Sarlós P, Bajor J, Czimmer J, Mosztbacher D, Márta K, Zsiborás C, Varjú P, Szücs Á

PLoS One | Abstract

Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Antagonists Prevent Anesthesia-induced Hypothermia and Decrease Postincisional Opioid Dose Requirements in Rodents

Garami A, Ibrahim M, Gilbraith K, Khanna R, Pakai E, Miko A, Romanovsky AA, Porreca F, Patwardhan AM

Anesthesiology | Abstract


Cell cycle dependent expression of the CCK2 receptor by gastrointestinal myofibroblasts: putative role in determining cell migration

Varga A, Kumar JD, Simpson AWM, Dodd S, Hegyi P, Dockray GJ, Varro A

Physiological Reports | Abstract


From Newborn to Senescence Morphological and Functional Remodeling Leads to Increased Contractile Capacity of Arteries

Ivic I, Vamos Z, Cseplo P, Koller A

The Journals of Gerontology | Abstract


Hemolyzed Blood Elicits a Calcium Antagonist and High CO2 Reversible Constriction via Elevation of [Ca2+]i in Isolated Cerebral Arteries

Cseplo P, Vamos Z, Torok O, Ivic I, Buki A, Koller A

J Neurotrauma |


Acute central effects of alarin on the regulation on energy homeostasis

Mikó A, Füredi N, Tenk J, Rostás I, Soós I, Solymár M, Székely M, Balaskó M, Brunner SM, Koller B, Pétervári E

Neuropeptides | Abstract


Effects of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone on mitochondrial energy metabolism in rats of different age-groups

Feichtinger RG, Pétervári E, Zopf M, Vidali S, Aminzadeh-Gohari S, Mayr JA, Kofler B, Balaskó M

Neuropeptides | Abstract


Utility of Direct Pancreatic Function Testing in Children

Alfaro Cruz L, Parniczky A, Mayhew A, Hornung LN, Lin TK, Palermo JJ, Jackson K, Abu-El-Haija M

Pancreas | Abstract

Conserved hierarchical gain of chromosome 4 is an independent prognostic factor in high hyperdiploid pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Vojcek Á, Pajor G, Alpár D, Mátics R, Pótó L, Szuhai K, Pajor L

Leuk Res | Abstract


Misfolding cationic trypsinogen variant p.L104P causes hereditary pancreatitis

Németh BC, Patai ÁV, Sahin-Tóth M, Hegyi P

Gut | Abstract


Efficacy and Safety of FOLFIRINOX in Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. A Single Center Experience

Lakatos G, Petranyi A, Szűcs A, Nehéz L, Harsanyi L, Hegyi P, Bodoky G

Pathol Oncol Res | Abstract

Analgesic effect of dimethyl trisulfide in mice is mediated by TRPA1 and sst4 receptors

Pozsgai G, Pavrits M, Sághy É, Sebestyén-Bátai R, Steen E, Szőke É, Sándor Z, Solymár M, Garami A, Orvos P, Tálosi L, Helyes Z, Pintér E

Nitric Oxide | Abstract


Hypertension-Induced Enhanced Myogenic Constriction of Cerebral Arteries Is Preserved after Traumatic Brain Injury

Szarka N, Amrein K, Horvath P, Ivic I, Czeiter E, Buki A, Koller A, Toth P

J Neurotrauma | Abstract


Melanocortin 4 receptor ligands modulate energy homeostasis through urocortin 1 neurons of the centrally projecting Edinger-Westphal nucleus

Füredi N, Nagy Á, Mikó A, Berta G, Kozicz T, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Gaszner B

Neuropharmacology | Abstract


Age-related changes in central effects of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) suggest a role for this mediator in aging anorexia and cachexia

Tenk J, Rostás I, Füredi N, Mikó A, Solymár M, Soós S, Gaszner B, Feller D, Székely M, Pétervári E, Balaskó M

Geroscience | Abstract


Prevalence, potential risk factors and sequelae of diastasis recti abdominis

Gitta S, Magyar Z, Tardi P, Füge I, Járomi M, Ács P, Garai J, Bódis J, Hock M

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Backup Mechanisms Maintain PACAP/VIP-Induced Arterial Relaxations in Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide-Deficient Mice

Ivic I, Fulop BD, Juhasz T, Reglodi D, Toth G, Hashimoto H, Tamas A, Koller A

J Vasc Res | Abstract


The formin DAAM is required for coordination of the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton in axonal growth cones

Szikora S, Földi I, Tóth K, Migh E, Vig A, Bugyi B, Maléth J, Hegyi P, Kaltenecker P, Sanchez-Soriano N, Mihály J

J Cell Sci | Abstract


A rectus diastasis prevalenciája, lehetséges rizikófaktorai és szövődményei

Gitta S, Magyar Z, Tardi P, Füge I, Járomi M, Ács P, Garai J, Bódis J, Hock M

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


A rectus diastasis mérési lehetőségei

Gitta S, Palancsa M, Tardi P, Járomi M, Ács P, Garai J, Bódis J, Hock M

Fizioterápia | Abstract


A rectus diastasis kezelése-esettanulmány

Gitta S, Magyar Z, Palancsa M, Füge I, Járomi M, Ács P, Garai J, Bódis J, , Hock M

Fizioterápia | Abstract


Smoking and Drinking Synergize in Pancreatitis: Multiple Hits on Multiple Targets

Sahin-Tóth M, , Hegyi P

Gastroenterology | Abstract


Aging-Induced Modulation of Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Peptide- and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide-Induced Vasomotor Responses in the Arteries of Mice

Ivic I, Solymar M, Fulop BD, Hashimoto H, Toth G, Tamas A, Juhasz T, Koller A, Reglodi D

J Vasc Res | Abstract


Novel PRSS1 Mutation p.P17T Validates Pathogenic Relevance of CTRC-Mediated Processing of the Trypsinogen Activation Peptide in Chronic Pancreatitis

Németh BC, Szücs Á, Hegyi P, Sahin-Tóth M

Am J Gastroenterol | Abstract


The Association between Stress Level and Laboratory Parameters, Sex, Age and Stage Disease in Patients with Digestive and Bronchopulmonary Neoplasms

Calborean V, Gheorman V, Al Namat R, Mihaela Cazacu I, Varjú P, Gede N, Teodor Streba C, Constantin Vere C, Ionut Gheonea D, Gheorman V, Lungluescu C, Lungulescu V

Revista De Chimie | Abstract


Az akut szisztémás gyulladás kórélettana az alapkutatásoktól a klinikai vonatkozásig

Garai J, Kanizsai P, Rumbus Z, Toldi J, Garami A

Aneszteziológia és Intenzív Terápia | Abstract


Assessment of Microvascular Abnormalities by Nailfold Capillaroscopy in Juvenile Dermatomyositis After Medium‐ to Long‐Term Followup

Barth Z, Witczak Birgit N, Flatø B, Koller A, Sjaastad I, Sanner H

Arthritis Care & Research | Abstract


Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Through Impaired Autophagy, Leads to Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, Deregulated Lipid Metabolism, and Pancreatitis in Animal Models

Biczo G, Vegh ET, Shalbueva N, Mareninova OA, Elperin J, Lotshaw E, Gretler S, Lugea A, Malla SR, Dawson D, Ruchala P, Whitelegge J, French SW, Wen L, Husain SZ, Gorelick FS, Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z Jr, Gukovsky I , Gukovskaya AS

Gastroenterology | Abstract


Resection of pancreatic cancer in Europe and USA: an international large-scale study highlighting large variations

Huang L, Jansen L, Balavarca Y, Molina-Montes E, Babaei M, van der Geest L, Lemmens V, Van Eycken L, De Schutter H, Johannesen TB, Fristrup CW, Mortensen MB, Primic-Žakelj M, Zadnik V, Becker N, Hackert T, Mägi M, Cassetti T, Sassatelli R, Grützmann R, Merkel S, Gonçalves AF, Bento MJ, Hegyi P, Lakatos G, Szentesi A, Moreau M, van de Velde T, Broeks A, Sant M, Minicozzi P, Mazzaferro V, Real FX, Carrato A, Molero X, Besselink MG, Malats N, Büchler MW, Schrotz-King P, Brenner H

Gut | Abstract



How to treat diastasis recti abdominis with physical therapy: A case report

Gitta S, Magyar Z, Tardi P, Füge I, Járomi M, Ács P, Garai J, Hock M, Bódis J

Journal of Diseases Monitor & Control | Abstract


Effects of alcohol on pancreatic ductal function

Maléth J, Rakonczay Z, Venglovecz V, Hegyi P

Pancreapedia | Abstract


A Common CCK-B Receptor Intronic Variant in Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in a Hungarian Cohort

Balázs A, Németh BC, Ördög B, Hegyi E, Hritz I, Czakó L, Czimmer J, Gódi S, Csiszkó A, Rakonczay Z Jr, Párniczky A, Izbéki F, Halász A, Kahán Z, Hegyi P, Sahin-Tóth M

Pancreas | Abstract


SPINK1 Promoter Variants in Chronic Pancreatitis

Hegyi E, Geisz A, Sahin-Tóth M, Derikx MH, Németh BC, Balázs A, Hritz I, Izbéki F, Halász A, Párniczky A, Takács T, Kelemen D, Sarlós P, Hegyi P, Czakó L

Pancreas | Abstract


Pancreatic Cancer: Multicenter Prospective Data Collection and Analysis by the HungarianPancreatic Study Group

Lakatos G, Balázs A, Kui B, Gódi S, Szücs Á, Szentesi A, Szentkereszty Z, Szmola R, Kelemen D, Papp R, Vincze Á, Czimmer J, Pár G, Bajor J, Szabó I, Izbéki F, Halász A, Leindler L, Farkas G Jr, Takács T, Czakó L, Szepes Z, Hegyi P, Kahán Z

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis | Abstract


Pain in the Early Phase of Pediatric Pancreatitis (PINEAPPLE Trial): Pre-Study Protocol of a Multinational Prospective Clinical Trial

Zsoldos F, Párniczky A, Mosztbacher D, Tóth A, Lásztity N, Hegyi P

Digestion | Abstract


Analysis of Pediatric Pancreatitis (APPLE Trial): Pre-Study Protocol of a Multinational Prospective Clinical Trial

Párniczky A, Mosztbacher D, Zsoldos F, Tóth A, Lásztity N, Hegyi P

Digestion | Abstract

Analysis of Research Activity in Gastroenterology: Pancreatitis Is in Real Danger

Szentesi A, Tóth E, Bálint E, Fanczal J, Madácsy T, Laczkó D, Ignáth I, Balázs A, Pallagi P, Maléth J, Rakonczay Z Jr, Kui B, Illés D, Márta K, Blaskó Á, Demcsák A, Párniczky A, Pár G, Gódi S, Mosztbacher D, Szücs Á, Halász A, Izbéki F, Farkas N, Hegyi P

PLoS One | Abstract


Prospective, Multicentre, Nationwide Clinical Data from 600 Cases of Acute Pancreatitis

Párniczky A, Kui B, Szentesi A, Balázs A, Szűcs Á, Mosztbacher D, Czimmer J, Sarlós P, Bajor J, Gódi S, Vincze Á, Illés A, Szabó I, Pár G, Takács T, Czakó L, Szepes Z, Rakonczay Z, Izbéki F, Gervain J, Halász A, Novák J, Crai S, Hritz I, Góg C, Sümegi J, Golovics P, Varga M, Bod B, Hamvas J, Varga-Müller M, Papp Z, Sahin-Tóth M, Hegyi P

PLoS One | Abstract


Meta-Analysis of Early Nutrition: The Benefits of Enteral Feeding Compared to a Nil Per Os Diet Not Only in Severe, but Also in Mild and Moderate Acute Pancreatitis

Márta K, Farkas N, Szabó I, Illés A, Vincze Á, Pár G, Sarlós P, Bajor J, Szűcs Á, Czimmer J, Mosztbacher D, Párniczky A, Szemes K, Pécsi D, Hegyi P

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract

In Obesity, HPA Axis Activity Does Not Increase with BMI, but Declines with Aging: A Meta-Analysis of Clinical Studies

Tenk J, Mátrai P, Hegyi P, Rostás I, Garami A, Szabó I, Solymár M, Pétervári E, Czimmer J, Márta K, Mikó A, Füredi N, Párniczky A, Zsiborás Cs, Balaskó M

PLoS One | Abstract


Bile as a key aetiological factor of acute but not chronic pancreatitis: a possible theory revealed

Hegyi P,

J Physiol | Abstract


Role of ion transporters in the bile acid-induced esophageal injury

Laczkó D, Rosztóczy A, Birkás K, Katona M, Rakonczay Z Jr, Tiszlavicz L, Róka R, Wittmann T, Hegyi P, Venglovecz V

Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol | Abstract


Genetic Analysis of Human Chymotrypsin-Like Elastases 3A and 3B (CELA3A and CELA3B) to Assess the Role of Complex Formation between Proelastases and Procarboxypeptidases in Chronic Pancreatitis

Párniczky A, Hegyi E, Tóth A Zs, Szücs Á, Szentesi A, Vincze Á, Izbéki F, Németh B Cs, Hegyi P, Sahin-Tóth M

Int J Mol Sci | Abstract

Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 Channels Contribute to the Regulation of Acid- and Base-Induced Vasomotor Responses

Ivic I, Solymár M, Pakai E, Rumbus Z, Pintér E, Koller A, Garami A

JVR | Abstract


Traumatic brain injury-induced autoregulatory dysfunction and spreading depression-related neurovascular uncoupling: Pathomechanisms, perspectives, and therapeutic implications

Toth P, Szarka N, Farkas E, Ezer E, Czeiter E, Amrein K, Ungvari Z, Hartings JA, Buki A, Koller A

Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol | Abstract


Age-related changes in acute central leptin effects on energy balance are promoted by obesity

Rostás I, Tenk J, Mikó A, Füredi N, Soós S, Solymár M, Lengyel A, Székely M, Gaszner B, Feller D, Pétervári E, Balaskó M

Exp Gerontol | Abstract


Acute central effects of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) on energy balance: Effects of age and gender

Tenk J, Rostás I, Füredi N, Mikó A, Soós S, Solymár M, Gaszner B, Székely M, Pétervári E, Balaskó M

Peptides | Abstract


The Beta-1-Receptor Blocker Nebivolol Elicits Dilation of Cerebral Arteries by Reducing Smooth Muscle [Ca2+]i

Cseplo P, Vamos Z, Ivic I, Torok O, Toth A, Koller A

PLoS One | Abstract


Ca2+ toxicity and mitochondrial damage in acute pancreatitis: translational overview

Maléth J, , Hegyi P

Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci | Abstract


CFTR: A New Horizon in the Pathomechanism and Treatment of Pancreatitis

Hegyi P, Wilschanski M, Muallem S, Lukacs GL, Sahin-Tóth M, Uc A, Gray MA, Rakonczay Z Jr, Maléth J

Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol | Abstract


Regulatory Alterations of Energy Homeostasis in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR)

Furedi N, Miko A, Aubrecht B, Gaszner B, Rostas I, Tenk J, Soos S, Balasko M, Balogh A, Pap M, Petervari E

J Mol Neurosci | Abstract


Pathogenic cellular role of the p.L104P human cationic trypsinogen variant in chronic pancreatitis

Balázs A, Hegyi P, Sahin-Tóth M

Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol | Abstract


A novel, protective role of ursodeoxycholate in bile-induced pancreatic ductal injury

Katona M, Hegyi P, Kui B, Balla Z, Rakonczay Z Jr, Rázga Z, Tiszlavicz L, Maléth J, Venglovecz V

Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol | Abstract


Toxic-metabolic Risk Factors in Pediatric Pancreatitis: Recommendations for Diagnosis, Management, and Future Research

Husain SZ, Morinville V, Pohl J, Abu-El-Haija M, Bellin MD, Freedman S, Hegyi P, Heyman MB, Himes R, Ooi CY, Schwarzenberg SJ, Usatin D, Uc A

J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr | Abstract


Epithelial Anion Transport as Modulator of Chemokine Signaling

Schnúr A, Hegyi P, Rousseau S, Lukacs GL, Veit G

Mediators Inflamm | Abstract


A Magyar Hasnyálmirigy Munkacsoport bizonyítékon alapuló kezelési irányelvei 2014: Acut pancreatitis Evidence based management guidelines of the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group 2014: Acute pancreatitis

Hritz I, Czakó László, Dubravcsik Zsolt, Farkas Gyula, Kelemen Dezső, Lásztity Natália, Morvay Zita, Oláh Attila, Pap Ákos, Párniczky Andrea, Sahin-Tóth Miklós, Szentkereszti Zsolt, Szmola Richárd, Szűcs Ákos, Takács Tamás, Tiszlavicz László, Hegyi P

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Evidence based management guidelines of the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group 2014: Chronic pancreatitis A Magyar Hasnyálmirigy Munkacsoport bizonyítékon alapuló kezelési irányelvei 2014: Krónikus pancreatitis

Takács T, Czakó László, Dubravcsik Zsolt, Farkas Gyula, Hegyi Péter, Hritz István, Kelemen Dezső, Lásztity Natália, Morvay Zita, Oláh Attila, Pap Ákos, Párniczky Andrea, Patai Árpád, Sahin-Tóth Miklós, Szentkereszti Zsolt, Szmola Richárd, Tiszlavicz László, Szücs Á

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Evidence based management guidelines of the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group 2014: Pancreatic Cancer A Magyar Hasnyálmirigy Munkacsoport bizonyítékon alapuló kezelési irányelvei 2014: Pankreász Rák

Szmola R, Prof. Dr. Farkas Gyula, Prof. Dr. Hegyi Péter,, Prof. Dr. Czakó László,Dr. Dubravcsik Zsolt, Dr. Hritz István, Dr. Kelemen Dezső, Dr. Lásztity Natália, Dr. Morvay Zita, Prof. Dr. Oláh Attila, Dr. Párniczky Andrea, Dr. Rubovszky Gábor, Dr. Sahin-Tóth Miklós, Dr. Szentkereszti Zsolt, Dr. Szűcs Ákos,Prof. Dr. Takács Tamás, Dr. Tiszlavicz László, Pap Á

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Evidence based management guidelines of the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group 2014: Pediatric pancreatitis A Magyar Hasnyálmirigy Munkacsoport bizonyítékon alapuló kezelési irányelvei 2014: Gyermekkori pancreatitis

Párniczky A, Prof. Dr. Czakó László, Dr. Dubravcsik Zsolt, Prof. Dr. Farkas Gyula, Prof. Dr. Hegyi Péter, Dr. Hritz István, Dr. Kelemen Dezső, Dr. Morvay Zita, Prof. Dr. Oláh Attila, Prof. Dr. Pap Ákos, Prof. Dr. Sahin-Tóth Miklós, Dr. Szabó Flóra, Dr. Szentkereszti Zsolt, Dr. Szmola Richárd, Prof. Dr. Takács Tamás, Dr. Tiszlavicz László, Dr. Veres Gábor, Dr. Szűcs Ákos, Lásztity N

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Evidence based management guidelines of the Hungarian Pancreatic Study Group 2014: Autimmune pancreatitis A Magyar Hasnyálmirigy Munkacsoport bizonyítékon alapuló kezelési irányelvei 2014: Autoimmun pancreatitis

Dubravcsik Z, Prof. Dr. Farkas Gyula, Prof. Dr. Hegyi Péter, Dr. Hritz István, Dr. Kelemen Dezső, Dr. Lásztity Natália, Dr. Morvay Zita, Prof. Dr. Oláh Attila, Prof. Dr. Pap Ákos, Dr. Párniczky Andrea, Prof. Dr. Sahin-Tóth Miklós, Dr. Szentkereszti Zsolt, Dr. Szmola Richárd, Prof. Dr. Takács Tamás, Dr. Tiszlavicz László, Dr. Szűcs Ákos, Czakó L

Orvosi Hetilap | Abstract


Early Achievable SeveritY (EASY) index for simple and accurate expedite risk stratification in acute pancreatitis

Hritz I, , Hegyi P

J Gastrointestin Liver Dis | Abstract

Preventive pancreatic stents in the management of acute biliary pancreatitis (PREPAST trial): pre-study protocol for a multicenter, prospective, randomized, interventional, controlled trial

Dubravcsik Z,  Madácsy L, Gyökeres T, Vincze Á, Szepes Z, Hegyi P, Hritz I, Szepes A

Pancreatology | Abstract


Genetic analysis of the bicarbonate secreting anion exchanger SLC26A6 in chronic pancreatitis

Balázs A, Ruffert C, Hegyi E, Hritz I, Czakó L, Takács T, Szepes Z, Németh BC, Gervain J, Izbéki F, Halász A, Kelemen D, Szmola R, Novák J, Crai S, Illés A, Vincze Á, Molnár Z, Varga M, Bod B, Farkas G Jr, Sümegi J, Szepes A, Dubravcsik Z, Lásztity N, Párniczky A, Hamvas J, Andorka C, Veres G, Szentkereszty Z, Rakonczay Z Jr, Maléth J, Sahin-Tóth M, Rosendahl J, Hegyi P

Pancreatology | Abstract