She is heavily involved in multiple tasks related to student affairs, and she consistently completes them on time. She has cooperative skills and a proactive attitude, which help her to carry out her tasks effectively. In September, Réka Kaltenecker was named Staff Member of the Month at the Centre for Translational Medicine.
Réka Kaltenecker joined CTM in November last year and has been dealing with student affairs ever since. For instance, she manages the administrative processes of complex exams and Ph.D. defenses, and also helps organize the admission of first-year Ph.D. students. She keeps in touch with students, many of whom contact her with questions. „I handle students' requests and complaints, helping their training run smoothly. For example, a classic problem with students is when they miss a course or don't activate their semester. Problems reported to me are solved either by myself, or if necessary, by another member of the CTM staff, with whom I consult. It also happens that I involve the university's doctoral office in problem-solving.”
Most of the time, Réka solves students' problems easily, but there are also difficult cases. “For example, at the last complex exam, one of the students did not have the required credits and realized it just before the exam. This situation was resolved by the student promising to complete the missing class the following semester, and this commitment was documented in a contract.” Réka also helps students' mentors to become accredited supervisors. For this, they have to fill in a documentation package, which is then reviewed and approved by the university's doctoral office.
In her work, Réka mostly consults Judit Zentai (Head of Secretariat and Deputy Director of Operations), with whom she deals with student contracts and university admissions. She also works a lot with General Vice Director Gábor Varga, and Vice Director (Education & Recruitment) Szilárd Váncsa. Réka is always pleased when students' affairs go well, and the administration runs smoothly. She is glad that her colleagues appreciate her work and that she receives positive feedback.
(Emese Szabó)