He is a senior lecturer at the Department of Interventional Radiology of Semmelweis University, and a supervisor of two first-year Ph.D. students at the Centre for Translational Medicine. During the group meetings, he actively facilitates discussions and provides valuable feedback to the students. In February, Dr. Dénes Balázs Horváthy was named Supervisor of the Month (Year 1).

Dénes Balázs Horváthy joined the Centre for Translational Medicine as a supervisor this academic year. Their cooperation started last September, but he has been deeply intrigued by the work of CTM since the Centre moved from the University of Pécs to Semmelweis University. At that time, he had already started thinking about joining the team. "I was impressed by the well-structured and highly effective system of CTM. I believe that a good research method should involve a preliminary study of the area we want to examine. Conducting meta-analyses is a great tool for this purpose. Once we have done that, we can formulate important and relevant clinical questions.

Dr. Horváthy has conducted his own Ph.D. research by collaborating with professionals who could add their knowledge to his own. The situation is similar within the CTM system, where students receive assistance in planning and statistically evaluating their research, as well as in editing manuscripts. “Teamwork is a crucial element for Ph.D. students as it enables them to gain diverse perspectives and collaborate with experts from various fields. In my opinion, investigating scientific inquiries at interdisciplinary boundaries offers a comprehensive approach to scientific questions and generates valuable insights.”

Currently, Dr Horváthy has two first-year Ph.D. students. One is investigating radioembolization as a treatment option for liver tumors, while the other is studying the impact of navigational systems on CT-guided interventions. “I believe it's important to support my students in achieving their goals. Thanks to the assistance of CTM's methodological consultants, group leaders, and statisticians, our research productivity has been greatly enhanced. I appreciate the weekly group meetings, which require some scheduling effort, but are always worth attending.” Dr. Horváthy plans to support new Ph.D. students as a supervisor in the next academic year, and he already has candidates for this role. He also has new research topics, which emerged as he and his students delved deeper into academic work.

(Emese Szabó)