The first-year Ph.D. students of the Dermatology-Immunology Group have topics in oncology and immunology, and also deal with novel imaging modalities and sexually transmitted infections. There is a student whose first publication is ready for publication, and others are also making good progress with their research. In May, the Dermatology-Immunology Group (Year 1) was named the Best Group of the Month. We spoke to one of its leaders, Dr. András Bánvölgyi.
The research topics of the first-year Ph.D. students of the Dermatology-Immunology Group are very diverse, covering almost the entire field of dermatology. “When CTM started three years ago, we had only one Ph.D. student, Dr. Fanni Meznerics, who obtained her scientific degree in two years. In the second year, we also had a Ph.D. student who enrolled in the CTM training, Noémi Galajda, who has already published a first-authored article in a D1 journal. Since their success was remarkable, this academic year, eight first-year Ph.D. students enrolled in the program. I have supervised six of them, either alone or with colleagues. Dr. Norbert Kiss, who is the other group leader and supervisor, also contributes a lot to the success of the group. Dr. Meznerics also helps us as a junior supervisor and SMS.”
Six first-year Ph.D. students of the Dermatology-Immunology Group want to become a dermatologist, one is a pharmacist and one is an internist. „Some of our students are working on oncology-related topics, while others are researching immunologic topics. We have some research on sexually transmitted infections and others on novel imaging techniques. Although the first-year students do not yet have published papers, they are all progressing well with their research. An article on sexually transmitted infections is about to be published.
“This research is quite unique. It would be the first meta-analysis in the world focusing on the prevention of bacterial STIs. In this meta-analysis, we are investigating the efficacy and safety of doxycycline in preventing sexually transmitted infections. Our meta-analysis showed that using this antibiotic within 72 hours after sexual intercourse is effective against chlamydia and syphilis, and perhaps it may be effective against gonorrhea.” This preventive method could be used in high-risk groups, such as the MSM (men who have sex with men) group. The researchers do believe that the preventive treatment with doxycycline would not increase the risk of resistance, as this antibiotic has been used for years for syphilis and chlamydia, and no resistant bacteria has been described so far.
“We are optimistic that by this September, more of our students will have their first publications ready to be submitted to reviewers or even accepted. I think it is beneficial that our students support each other in their work, and I think this contributes to the success of the group.”
(Emese Szabó)