By qualification, she is an economist and had no particular connection to the healthcare field before joining CTM. In addition to her educational development duties, she contributes to the coordination of the statistical group. In April, Judit Bencze was named Education Developer of the Month.
Judit Bencze joined the education development group of the Centre for Translational Medicine last summer. She is not only working as an education developer, but also supports the work of the statistics group. For example, she and her colleagues created a registry for these two groups. „We can track the status of the statistical analysis of the projects. In this system, statisticians can also report if they have any problems or need help. The team can discuss the issues arising here in later meetings.”
Judit is involved in the preparation of the complex exam and the progress reports, then she summarizes the results, and informs the students about them. “My colleagues and I are also working to improve the registration of the students and projects. We are trying to design a database that supports and accelerates the work of CTM. This is a big challenge because everyone has their own records and spreadsheets in the Centre’s system, and from these, we need to create a common, unified data set.” Judit and her colleagues also try to coordinate and rationalize workflows, whether it's statistical analyses, preparing learning materials or organizing exams so that students receive faster and better services from the institution.
(Emese Szabó)