A Prospective Evaluation of scoring systems for chronic pancreatitis - PESPA study
International, multicentre, observational study
Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is an inflammatory disease that typically manifests with a variety of symptoms depending on the duration of the disease. This heterogeneous clinical presentation makes it challenging to develop a uniform classification to assess disease severity. However, a uniform quantification of the severity of CP is needed to accurately quantify treatment outcomes in clinical trials and to better compare trial results.
The aim of this study is to conduct an unbiased, unprejudiced and open study comparing the current scoring systems for chronic pancreatitis (COPPS, MANNHEIM severity score, ABC Score, Manchester Score and SPSS) to find which scoring system is the most appropriate for clinicians and researchers.
Local coordinator: Dr. Orsolya Eperjesi (eperjesi.orsolya@semmelweis.hu)