University of Pécs Medical School
Institute for Translational Medicine
Address: 12 Szigeti str. H-7624 Pécs, Hungary
E: margit.solymar@aok.pte.hu
T: +36-72/536-246
The obesity epidemic is one of the most serious public health challenges in the European region: more than one in two adults is overweight or obese. Obesity is associated with inflammatory response and increased oxidative stress leading to vascular and metabolic dysfunction and increased morbidity and mortality. Obesity is the basis for the development of major non-infectious diseases (such as metabolic syndrome, hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, subsequent pathological vascular changes and atherosclerosis). Therefore, obesity reduces life expectancy and reduces quality of life.In the background of cardiovascular complications, endothelial dysfunction develops before the development of atherosclerosis. The chronic inflammatory state of obesity causes poor control of the endocrine and paracrine effects of adipocyte-derived factors, which disrupts vascular homeostasis and contributes to the disruption of endothelial vasodilatory effects and subsequent hypertension. In our experiments, we aim to observe, reverse and prevent abnormal vascular functions after obesity caused by high-fat diet and in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus with a novel therapeutic approach by activating the PAC1, VPAC1 and VPAC2 receptors. We expect that increased vascular resistance and vascular impairment such as endothelium-dependent and -independent responses could be restored. The objective of the research is to identify effective interventions and possible targets for drug development. This would help to avoid the widespread negative effects of different components of the very common obesity and metabolic syndrome, which impairs the quality of life and limits longevity.
Laboratory techniques
DIO (diet-induced obesity) animals, measurement of metabolic rate, heat loss and core temperature, measurement of heart rate, core temperature and physical activity with biotelemetry, measuring endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent vasomotor function with isometric myograph, data analysis.
Members of the research group
Tícia Kocsis, Bálint Molnár, Ivan Ivic, Fulde Erik Bernhard
Solymár, M., Pétervári, E., Balaskó, M. and Szelényi, Z., 2015. The onset of daily torpor is regulated by the same low body mass in lean mice and in mice with diet-induced obesity. Temperature, 2(1), pp.129-134.
Solymár, M., Szelényi, Z. and Pétervári, E., 2011. A fever-like effect of central infusion of CNTF in freely moving mice with diet-induced obesity. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 45(2), pp.212-215.
Solymár, M., Ivic, I., Balaskó, M., Fülöp, B.D., Tóth, G., Tamás, A., Réman, G., Koller, A. and Reglődi, D., 2018. Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide ameliorates vascular dysfunction induced by hyperglycaemia. Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, p.1479164118757922.
Zsiborás, C., Mátics, R., Hegyi, P., Balaskó, M., Pétervári, E.… Solymár, M. 2018. Capsaicin and capsiate could be appropriate agents for treatment of obesity: A meta-analysis of human studies. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 58(9), pp.1419-1427.
Kanizsai, P., Garami, A., Solymár, M., Szolcsányi, J. and Szelényi, Z., 2009. Energetics of fasting heterothermia in TRPV1-KO and wild type mice. Physiology & behavior, 96(1), pp.149-154.
Garami, A., Balaskó, M., Székely, M., Solymár, M. and Pétervári, E., 2010. Fasting hypometabolism and refeeding hyperphagia in rats: Effects of capsaicin desensitization of the abdominal vagus. European journal of pharmacology, 644(1-3), pp.61-66.
Rostás, I., Tenk, J., Mikó, A., Füredi, N., Soos, S., Solymár, M., Lengyel, A., Székely, M., Gaszner, B., Feller, D. and Pétervári, E., 2016. Age-related changes in acute central leptin effects on energy balance are promoted by obesity. Experimental gerontology, 85, pp.118-127.