University of Szeged Medical School
Address: 12 Dóm square H-6721 Szeged, Hungary
E: vviki3@gmail.com
Disorders of epithelial ion transport play an important role in the development of many diseases such as cystic fibrosis or diarrhea. Recent research has shown that altered ion transport may also be responsible for the pathomechanism of pancreatic inflammatory diseases and for the abnormal, metaplastic changes of the esophagus (Barrett's esophagus). The incidence of these diseases is increasing worldwide, placing a huge and costly burden on health-care system. At present, the pathomechanism of pancreatitis or Barrett's esophagus is not completely understood, which makes it difficult to develop effective therapies. The aim of our research work is to examine the role of ion transport processes in the development and progression of these gastrointestinal diseases and to identify therapeutic targets that can be a promising starting point for treating of these diseases.
Preferred techniques
Isolation of primary pancreatic and esophageal epithelial cells, establishment of organoid cultures, cell culture. Confocal and fluorescent microscopy (intracellular pH and Ca2+ measurements), functional and morphological examination of mitochondria, patch clamp technique. Molecular biological methods such as immunofluorescence staining, conventional and RT-PCR, Western blot, different cell assays (proliferation, migration, adhesion, cytotoxicity assay). Induction of acute and chronic pancreatitis in animal models, enzyme activity measurements (amylase, trypsin, myeloperoxidase, lactate dehydrogenase), histological studies.
Members of the research group
Eszter Becskeházi PhD student, Eleonóra Gál PhD student, Attila Ébert PhD student, Margaréta Korsós PhD student
Venglovecz V., Pallagi P., Kemény L., Balázs A., Balla Zs., Becskeházi E., Gál E., Tóth E., Zvara Á., Puskás L., Borka K., Sendler M., Lerch MM., Mayerle J., Kühn JP., Rakonczay Z. Jr., Hegyi P. The importance of Aquaporin 1 in pancreatitis and its relation to the CFTR Cl- channel. Front Physiol. 2018;9:854.
Laczkó D., Rosztóczy A., Birkás K., Katona M., Rakonczay Z. Jr., Tiszlavicz L., Róka R., Wittmann T., Hegyi P., Venglovecz V. Role of ion transporters in the bile acid-induced esophageal injury. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2016; 311(1):G16-31.
Katona M., Hegyi P., Kui B., Balla Zs., Rakonczay Z Jr., Rázga Zs., Tiszlavicz L., Maléth J., Venglovecz V. A novel, protective role of ursodeoxycholate in bile-induced pancreatic ductal injury. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2016;310(3):G193-204.
Venglovecz V, Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z Jr, Tiszlavicz L, Nardi A, Grunnet M, Gray MA. Pathophysiological relevance of apical large-conductance Ca2+-activated potassium channels in pancreatic duct epithelial cells. Gut 2011;60:361-369.
Park HW, Nam JH, Kim JY, Namkung W, Yoon JS, Lee JS, Kim KS, Venglovecz V, Gray MA, Kim KH, and Lee MG: Dynamic regulation of CFTR bicarbonate permeability by [Cl-]i and its role in pancreatic bicarbonate secretion. Gastroenterology 2010;139(2):620-631.