ERCP Registry
At this moment we are waiting for Hungarian centres to join and to upload data into the registry. We would like to encourage international centres to participate in the registry at a later phase. The registry will allow to monitor continuously the quality indicators for each individual endoscopists and centres. We aim to determine those factors which influence the success and risk of intervention, and to monitor the efficacy of different prophylactic and therapeutic measures. Consequently, those aspects where changes are needed could be identified and acted upon with the help of the registry. Trainee endoscopists could also be monitored during the training phase to follow their learning curve and to determine the number of interventions needed to reach individual competency. At this moment the evidence is limited in this respect and current recommendations are based mostly on expert opinion.
The quality and outcome of ERCP could be continuously improved by the detailed analysis of the above mentioned parameters. We could get reliable prospectively collected data on multiple aspects of biliopancreatic interventions to see our current practice and benchmarking will be also possible at individual, institutional and national level with the implementation of the ERCP Registry. Our patients will hopefully benefit from the identification and correction of weak points in our current practice and the cost effectiveness might be improved parallelly. The register also might aid future prospective observational and interventional clinical trials.
Uploading centres
Endo-Kapszula Magánorvosi Centrum
Fejér Megyei Szent György Kórház
Magyar Honvédség Egészségügyi Központ, Gasztroenterológiai Osztály
Markusovszky Egyetemi Oktatókórház, II.Belgyógyászat - Gasztroenterologiai és Belgyógyászati Osztály
Petz Aladár Megyei Oktató Kórház
PTE Klinikai Központ I sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika
Semmelweis Egyetem, I. Sz. Sebészeti Klinika
SZTE ÁOK I. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika