Sudden sensorineural hearing loss registry
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is defined as more than 30 dB deterioration at least 3 consecutive frequencies occurring within 72 hours. The incidence is 5-20 / 100,000 people, and requires immediate treatment. The disease affects both sex equally and can occur at any age. In 70-90 % of the causes no distinct cause can be identified and regarded as idiopathic (idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss, ISSNHL). Hearing loss is mainly unilateral and often occurs with tinnitus or dizziness. Three different etiopathological theories are known. There is a vascular theory, which suggests a cochlear blood supply disorder. The infectious hypothesis explains the hearing loss as an effect of a viral infection. The third theory emphasizes the role of an autoimmune response. The most important diagnostic tools are the audiological measurements especially the pure tone audiometry, which is elementary also for the follow-up and therapy effectiveness. As the etiology usually remains unclear, no generally accepted treatment protocol exists. The most commonly used treatment contains the anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive corticosteroids. Besides systemic drug application, even more studies with additional local, intratympanic application are present.
The aim of our study is to obtain prospective data from patients with sudden hearing loss in order for better understanding the etiopathology of the disease. Considering that the pathogenesis, risk and therapy influencing factors are mainly unclear and no unified therapy protocol exists, with a multicenter database reliable information can be obtained to explore the previously unknown factors.
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Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Kórház
PTE Klinikai Központ Fül-Orr-Gégészeti és Fej-Nyaksebészeti Klinika
PTE Klinikai Központ I sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika