She is responsible for ensuring that CTM's events run smoothly. To guarantee this, she has to pay attention to every single detail, keep in touch with many people, and be present at events. In November, Fanni Nemethné Nobilis was named Staff Member of the Month at the Centre for Translational Medicine.

Fanni Nemethné Nobilis is a senior event manager at CTM, she is in charge of all events that take place in-house. These include progress reports, complex exams, Ph.D. defenses, and all the events that CTM organizes with external healthcare professionals and scientists. In recent months, such events were the 13th HPSG Conference, and the seminar lecture delivered by Ole Petersen, Shahrokh Shariat and Nobel laureate Martin Chalfie.

“My work related to events is diverse and mostly operational. For example, before the CTM events, I manage the preparation of printed materials and program booklets. To do this, I have to know the details of the planned events, for example, who the committee members will be for progress reports or Ph.D. defenses. To keep everything running smoothly, I have to keep in touch with the education organizers and year coordinators about events and keep track of changes. I am also the one who sends out invitations to the events and orders the catering. I also ensure that the lecture halls are properly equipped for the events. This includes all the little things, even ensuring that the committee members' pens are in the right place on the tables. It is also my job to draw up work schedules and define who is responsible for what at each event. I ensure that our guests have adequate parking spaces and, if necessary, accommodation. I also draw up the budget for events.”

After the events, Fanni helps to ensure that all participants get what they need. For example, if someone requests photos from an event, she can connect them with the photographer. Fanni also handles when the ground floor rooms of the BC22 office building, where CTM is based, are lent out to others for an event.

(Szabó Emese)