Working as an education developer for a long time, she always aimed to find an educational format that is user-friendly and serves the interests of students. She kept this in mind when she made a remarkable development in CTM’s system. In January, Zsófia Magyar was named Education Developer of the Month.
Before joining CTM, Zsófia Magyar was already involved in education development. After graduating as a teacher, she edited schoolbooks, and worked for the Educational Authority as an educational developer and a proofreader of digital schoolbooks. She has always sought a user-friendly educational format that serves the students' interests. She is also interested in the connections between physical activity and education, leading her to study children's yoga for a long time. At CTM, her responsibilities include system administration and managing the center's online interface, preparing course content, editing courses requested by instructors, and setting up tests.
“We customize the development based on the requests and feedback from teachers and students. To achieve this, we have to find a format that suits the teachers’ requests and helps the students' development. For example, we have created a book format that allows students to access the course material in a well-structured form, and they can quickly search in it. We are also working on gamification, which was a specific request from the management of CTM.” They plan the launch of the new interface in September 2024. It will be ergonomic and user-friendly, and it will follow CTM’s typography and design.
Zsófia Magyar, along with her colleagues, developed the summer school and winter school courses, and they are still working on its further improvements. “It is a challenging task because it has to meet the requirements of the Asian students. For example, we have to support their English communication. There are some good methods for it, such as live captioning in the student's language.” The educator development team is researching AI solutions, studying where they have been used and for what purposes. The next question will be how to integrate these methods into CTM’s system.
(Szabó Emese)