Their students have achieved significant progress since September, and all gave excellent speeches at the 3-month Progress Report. Many of them are Md-Ph.D students or medical doctors, but there are also residents and an experienced specialist among the members. In December, the Gynecology and Urology Group (Year 1) was named the best group of the month.

The Gynecology & Urology Group (Year-1), led by Prof. Dr. Nándor Ács and Prof. Dr. Peter Nyirády, has fourteen Ph.D. students with interesting research topics. “Our topics are wide-ranging, covering many areas within both gynecology and urology. Some are dealing with the treatment of infertility, while others with cancer or endometriosis. An interesting example is the research topic investigating the effect of oral contraceptive use on the risk of hematological cancers and lung cancer. I could also highlight a research topic on assisted reproductive technologies,” says Prof. Dr. Nándor Ács. In this research, the student investigates the effects of gene mutations and antioxidants on fertility outcomes during assisted reproductive technology. There are also group members who are researching nutrition as medical doctors. Several researchers are working on breast surgery in their Ph.D. work. Urology topics are also of interest, for example, comparing the efficacy of different systemic therapies of urachal cancer, and the safety and efficacy of surgery combined with chemotherapy in metastatic urachal cancer. Another interesting topic deals with inflammatory processes of the urinary tract and its association with genitourinary cancers.

“What's new about our first-year students this year is that there are a lot of MD-Ph.D. students among them, which is delightful. The fifth- and sixth-year students have probably realized that doing academic work at CTM is a good thing,” said Professor Ács. The large number of MD-Ph.D. students has required the group to organize activities differently. In the past, they only had to make sure that the workload of the doctors working in the clinics was balanced with the research work - but this year, they also have to keep an eye on the time schedule of the undergraduate students. However, the team could manage this situation, and none of the MD-Ph.D. students had to request an individual study schedule.

(Szabó Emese)