This year, 18 dentists started their PhD training at the Centre for Translational Medicine, which is an outstanding number. The students collaborate with other university departments and hospitals, which is expanding the faculty’s scientific network...
She was originally interested in gnathology but was attracted by implant prosthetics and chose it as her PhD topic. She has already completed two meta-analyses on this subject, and her clinical research is currently ongoing. In September, Xinyi Qian...
As a statistician, she supports the work of gynecology, urology, cardiology, and intensive therapy groups – still, she hasn't distanced herself from her original field, veterinary medicine. She also plans to apply the meta-analysis used in...
In September, the Dermatology and Immunology Group was named the best group of the month. The group researches melanoma, lupus, and the autoimmune skin disease hidradenitis suppurativa, but also many other topics. We talked to its leader, András...
She researches melanoma and its therapies, while also mentoring six first-year PhD students. Scientific work is very important to her. In September, Anna Sára Lengyel was named the best science methodology supervisor of the month. Anna Sára Lengyel...
For a long time, it was thought that schizophrenia was likely to lead to metabolic syndrome due to drug side effects, but now, this does not seem to be true. The metabolic problem may be present because schizophrenia is not just a mental illness but...
Pancreatitis is often followed by cardiovascular complications, which may be fatal after the patient is discharged from the hospital. Veronika Lillik, who in September was named the best PhD student at the Centre for Translational Medicine, is...
After finishing his medical studies in 2021, he started his PhD studies. He has learned how to do systematic reviews, meta-analyses, clinical trials, and registries, among other clinical research approaches. He uses this knowledge in his projects and...
„Több PhD hallgatóm is van, ami természetes, hiszen ez egy tudományos intézmény, én pedig az életemet arra tettem föl, hogy értéket teremtsek a saját területemen, vagy ott, ahol éppen kell” – vallja dr. Varga Gábor egyetemi tanár, aki nemrég Szent...
A Nők Lapja Egészség 10. lapszámában jelent meg egy inspiráló cikk a Transzlációs Medicináról. Prof. dr. Hegyi Péter vezetésével betekintést nyerhetnek ebbe a forradalmian új orvostudományi területbe, amely gyorsabbá és hatékonyabbá teszi az...
„Sok olyan hallgatóm van, aki a saját területén nálam már sikeresebb, ami nagyon jó dolog. De még ennél is jobb, hogy azok, akik nálam tanultak, rendszeresen felkeresnek a kérdésekkel. Mert bíznak bennem. Számomra ez jelenti a legtöbbet, mert azt...
A Semmelweis Egyetem Transzlációs Medicina Központja büszkén ismeri el PhD-hallgatóinak kivételes teljesítményét. Júliusban Tóth-Mészáros Andrea, júniusban Szalai Eszter lett a hónap PhD-hallgatója. E figyelemre méltó hallgatók példázzák a program...