CNET Registry
Our knowledge is deficient in the etiology, symptoms and prevalence of chest neuroendocrine tumors. The purpose of the registry is to obtain prospective data collection from patients with newly diagnosed chronic neuroendocrine tumors in order to clarify the pathogenesis and course of the disease. By analyzing the clinical data, we can get detailed, reliable data on symptoms, complications and extrapulmonary manifestations. Prospective data collection is aimed at investigating the so-called predictive factors affecting the epidemiology of the disease, the course of the disease and the response to the therapy. . Along with the course of the disease, we want to follow the different therapeutic methods used in the illness and any surgical interventions or medication that may be necessary. Our aim is also to investigate the genetic variants (predisposed genes, gene polymorphisms) associated with the development of chest neuroendocrine tumors, and to find genotypic and phenotypic differences in each subgroup. Regarding to the treatment strategy, diversity is great in the region. According to the most commonly used assignment, four groups are distinguished by type and atypical carcinoid, small cell carcinoma and large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma. The disease has a bad prognosis, it is often symptomless and it is detected late.
Our aims:
1. To discover and assess incidence, characteristics and symptoms of cancers in Hungarian society.
2. We want to investigate the predictive power of some of the symptoms and laboratory parameters.
3. What kind of prognostic factors characterize the disease?
4. Which treatment strategies are the most effective for survival and which ones improve the quality of life.
5. Detailed mapping and change of pain management, with pain questionnaires.
6. What kind of genetic characteristics are behind the development of the disease.
7. Secondary goal is to make the registry national and international.
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PTE KK I. sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika Endokrinológiai és Anyagcsere Tanszék