Stroke Registry
The purpose of the acute stroke registry is to collect prospective data from patients suffering from acute ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke in order to clarify the pathogenesis and course of the disease. Multicentre, prospective data collection is aimed to investigate the so-called predictive factors affecting the epidemiology of the disease, the course of the disease and the response to the therapy. Along with the course of the disease, we would like to follow the different therapeutic methods used in this illness and any surgical interventions that may be necessary. Our aim is also to investigate the genetic variants associated with stroke. As a result of this study, more detailed, reliable data can be obtained in Hungary, about the clinical features and the practice of acute stroke patients. In the future, it is expected that by selecting patients with an increased risk, the disease prognosis and expected complications can be predicted and individualized, optimal medication for the patient can be selected.
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Debreceni Egyetem KK Neurológiai Klinika
PTE Klinikai Központ I sz. Belgyógyászati Klinika
SZTE ÁOK Szent-Györgyi Albert KK Neurológiai Klinika