After finishing his medical studies in 2021, he started his PhD studies. He has learned how to do systematic reviews, meta-analyses, clinical trials, and registries, among other clinical research approaches. He uses this knowledge in his projects and helps other students as a mentor. In September, Mahmoud Obeidat was named Science Methodology Advisor of the Month.


Mahmoud Obeidat is a medical doctor and third-year PhD student from Jordan. His main field of interest is gastroenterology, with a focus on gastrointestinal bleeding. He assumed the role of a Scientific Methodology Supervisor at the Centre for Translational Medicine in his second year, which marked a significant transition in his academic journey. In this role, he guided four students within the gastroenterology group and five within the pediatrics group. This experience not only enriched his understanding of medicine and research but also fostered his growth in teaching, communication, teamwork, and scientific thinking.


In his third year, he was appointed as the coordinator of the first-year PhD program. “Although this role came with its fair share of challenges and increased responsibilities, our team was determined to excel. Collaboratively, we designed a high-quality training program, ensuring a seamless transfer of knowledge and a rewarding educational experience. In addition, I maintained my prior position but as a Scientific Methodology Advisor, extending my methodological guidance to five more PhD students within the gastroenterology group”.


From the beginning


Dr. Obeidat is grateful to his mentor, Dr. Bálint Erőss, who guided him towards the PhD. His journey began when he crossed paths with him, during his fourth year as a medical student. He was the one who had a profound influence on his decision to pursue a PhD at the Centre for Translational Medicine. In the first year, he learned how to do systematic reviews, meta-analyses, clinical trials, and registries, among other clinical research approaches. Simultaneously, he started working on two major projects centered around gastrointestinal bleeding, with a specific emphasis on hemodynamic instability. In this period, he achieved the milestone of publishing his first study, a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis examining the rates of hemodynamic instability across different sources of gastrointestinal bleeding.


“Our second project involved conducting an international survey to gain deeper insights into the pre-endoscopic assessment and management of these patients. I am now working on a third project that centers on a comparison between early refeeding and delayed refeeding, seeking to answer the critical question of when these patients should be refed. The key inquiry we address is whether earlier refeeding yields superior outcomes. This project is currently under review and will soon be ready for publication.” Dr. Obeidat’s projects aim to enhance the quality of care provided to patients suffering from gastrointestinal bleeding, benefiting healthcare practitioners and patients alike. In addition to his research work, he also enjoys helping his students with their research.


(Emese Szabó)